This quest is a big ol’ revive dump for 90% of players who don’t have endless units and revives… endgame or not. Why would Kabam make Ares main challenge be to dex, parry, light attack or swipe up on each hit of his special attacks when the game has the worst lagging, freezing & input issues that it’s ever had?… This, along with his special attacks alternating randomly between special 1 and special 2, no matter if he has 1 or 2 bars of power, and the fact that they alternate in speed aswell… this makes it damn near impossible to ‘learn’ or even get used to because even if you play decently… the screen will freeze or lag, and it will cut to you being combo’d and hit because you can’t time your actions with these bugs completely throwing off the timing, or just preventing the game from registering your actions / input at all.
The entire quest is challenging enough paired with these bugs… but the final phase of the Ares fight is the longest and clearest revive dump yet… when you revive dump his down to 1% HP, you have to intercept him like 50 times with TERRIBLE AI to finally defeat him. Somehow this is the safer option because trying to dodge Ares’ random special attacks whilst lagging is impossible. Nobody but spenders or people who spend hours everyday in arena can revive dump through this reliably…
Yet another piece of content that feels like a chore and lacks any possible enjoyment or satisfaction for anyone who want a challenging, but fair quest for some nice rewards. When will Kabam learn that it isn’t fun for players to waste time out of their lives, waiting and grinding for 50-100 revives for each path of an unenjoyable price of content… I don’t even understand why whales spend so much on a game that disregards gameplay bugs to this extent. I don’t remember the last time a legit fun piece of content was made. All content is just for whales, and MSD level sweats now 💀 super tired of this.
What did you expect, Eq level difficulty. I always supported pro player moves but seeing lot of cries for this quest made me realise that lot of players just afraid to put up some work for best rewards
Only thing which is making any fight unbearable im game atm are the bugs. Kabam need to sort out that tho
At last these rewards are better
Where else are you going to use the revives lately? I went in with an F it attitude thinking oh well nothing else to use revs on.
Then don't do it 🎉
Why unnecessary yap?
Rewards are 7r4, Titan Nexus, 7* class crystals, 7* sigs, two 7* Awaken gems, lots of T6CC, unbelievable gold and much more,
But main attraction I saw, I had to double check it, there is 7* Nexus with 5 choices, that's right, 5.
KABAM back in form with rewards,
All kinds of revives, 24h crystals, 4h crystals and units waste is worth it.
I didn’t say:
‘i’m speaking TO the 99% of players’…
I said:
‘i’m speaking FOR the 99% of players’.
Read it again lol
This is Everest Content, which is a lil bit higher than end game content. F2P players have the same sources to get revives not sure what the problem is. Even if its a revive fiesta, now if its their choice to not use the units they grind because they want to wait for sales, that's their choice. Not sure what spenders and whales have anything to do on this rant.
GM used to be called a 2K unit boss, now you see TBs willing to spend a lot more on Banquet instead of progressing. Spenders and whales got nothing to do with this. Which means being F2P has nothing to do with it.
Anyway, it’s clear how whales and spenders have relevance to what I said… I explained it. No need to me to explain it again g respectfully.
Whales spend money.
I am not a comedian, I wouldn't dare to speak for a group of people, I try to talk for me and show my own point of view on most posts. I used to make the mistake of thinking I could speak for a group of people, boy was I wrong.
Plus, don’t start with the ‘attacking others’ cope. Every reply from you ever is a cheeky, smart-a55, know-it-all comment. It gets real lame after a while. Don’t be mad because I match your energy and then some…