Kabam if you think a 7* champion is worth 9500 units, then I'll sell you my 7* for 9500 units

These 9500 offers are actually confusing to me but if you think a 7 star is worth that much, I'd love to sell you my unused ones for 9500 units apiece. Let me know.
- no confirmation button on selling a champ
- Can't contact support in case of a accidental sell
Best I can give you is
500Units. That one has a dent right there, 50 units.On a more serious note, you can’t sell the champ back for units because you literally cannot sell the champ back. You aren’t buying the champ. In this game, champion acquisition is about unlocking the right to use the champ, and moreover if you play long enough you will eventually get (almost) every champ. When you pay units for a champ, you’re paying for time. You’re paying to get access to something sooner than later. Time is something the game can sell to you, but you cannot in any meaningful way give back. That’s like trying to get a refund on an early access ticket to a movie once you’ve already seen it. You can get a refund for a DVD because you can theoretically physically give it back. But you cannot return early access, because you cannot return time.
The 9500 unit offers are for people who want the champ now and willing to spend units on it. You cannot offer Kabam the reverse of that transaction, because there is no reverse of that transaction.
Worth it
the cost isn't mainly on convenience but on how much profit they can pull from the sale
but man alot of older champs just needs a number balance. 7* iceman is still showing his age.
i have a feeling omega red will be in basics soon. what you guys think?
Only champions that are middle of the road
If players choose to sell and then find out they need them in the future, that's on them.
It’s great that they fixed it for you but that’s not a fix.