We need more easy content

Here's a hot take for you. We need more easy content. Endgame content with champs with millions of health has gotten tiresome, and I'm super burnt out. I think we need more shooting stars style quests, that are easy and fun, while still have good rewards. Knocking through Endgame content isn't fun anymore. 

They should def stagger it with shooting star type and also crucible style quests, also the realm of legends style one with different tiers of enemies was pretty good
act 1,2,3,4,5(somewhat hard)
Back issues-Normal difficulty
EQ-SQ: Uncollected and below
AQ- Map 1-3
C'mon, what else you need. Above one are easy and rewards are in accordance to the easy difficulty.
If you are looking for 7 star gems, 7 star shards, T7BC, T4A, T6CC etc then you might have to work for it in hard content if skill issues are there, otherwise easy-okish content if you have skills.
End game players need everest and hard content.
We've been in this situation before
Now regarding shooting stars. You are missing one crucial point. That is when it was launched there were very less 7 stars and thus gatekeeping made people to either spend more to acquire 7 stars or do some hard content. It was endgame content which focused more on roster than skills. And now it is easy as ROL WS fight due to increase of 7 star pool and acquisition. Surely at that time due to gatekeeping the reward made sense with efforts required which made it appealing. But same doesn't apply now due to roster diversification over time. At one time ROL was hell, now it is punching bag. So designing such content which supposed to be easy and matching with so called DECENT REWARDS is impossible cuz Kabam can't just throw away some mid to end game level rewards in easy content.
Perhaps you can tell me what kind of rewards you mean by doing easy content in today's scenario.
ItsClobberinTime will love 🤓
If it was real I would love for them to do this again this April. Id love to play my favorite champs as big heads
The SQ also used to be a regular source of easy but rewarding content, but has now largely been relegated to a formulaic Mysterium farm. That isn't fun either, as there is nothing exciting about buying weekly groceries.
On the other hand, actually designed easy quests would likely have easy rewards which means players would complain about the rewards. It would likely be 6-star level rewards, or 7-star R1 stuff at best. While that may be fine, the work that Kabam would have to do to design this type of content vs the complaining about the level of rewards, just might not be worth it.
Then what is this guy?
Stop being delusional and read what I wrote again.