I believe this was your first r3 as well , major props, hes super slept on in defense. I would tell everyone how he would end up a W when people were upset he was in the Titan. Look at him now.
Everyone is ranking 4 their favourite champ but I will wait till og guillotine comes as 7 star and yes I am serious I can wait for years to r4 her unless my t7 basic is in overflow
And people say the traders outpost is outdated....
Deathless Gully from Ordeal.
Next up
Gentle or Deathless She hulk
I only calculated 2 so far (epoch and ordeal)
Once I get that T4A
Big brain time.
Scary scary defender right there and probably can actually dish out some damage at r4
My favourite new champ in a hell of a long time. Absurdly busted and I am shocked he wasn’t tuned down