My first MAX R5 5* should be...?!?!
Some things to consider:
- I've already 100% Labyrinth of Legends
- I'm at 12K 6* shards, and 6* FEATURED pool is approaching...
- I'm very scared of Blade getting nerfed...
- I've already 100% Labyrinth of Legends
- I'm at 12K 6* shards, and 6* FEATURED pool is approaching...
- I'm very scared of Blade getting nerfed...
My first MAX R5 5* should be...?!?! 132 votes
Duped Modok
My 2nd place is iceman. I don't think I would consider anyone else.
Blade>Sparky>Ghost RIder>Medusa>Hyperion> Angela
He doesn't have a GR, Hyperion, or Angela. And stark spidey has pretty low prestige
I concur. I think the same advice applies to the very bottom players and the very top. I understand you might feel pressure to rank up for prestige, but if not you've done everything and can probably do everything that comes out with the teams you have. Those rank up resources are hard to get, and in my opinion you should save them until you specifically have a need to rank something up. At that moment, it will likely be more clear which thing to rank up to help you out the most. But other than for prestige, I wouldn't rank up something with my rarest rank up materials when my current team can already do everything.
The real question should be who benefits more at 5/65 from a 4/55.
Blade, medusa,SL, magik are all awesome at 4/55 and I would leave them there.
I would look closer at champs who benefit from increased damage or health more and ultimately scales better.
This means you should consider champs that lack in base attack/health/damage that scales better @5/65 like AA, iceman, spark, GR. Utility is utility and is there no matter the rank. For example, does blades bleeds last longer at higher ranks for longer power gain? No. Does danger sense ability reduction potency increase? No. The attack boost might, but that is just because it is a set percentage of his base attack (even though we see values of course).
A little story. I chose spark so I will use him. What is his greatest setback? Block prof + health. Having 3/45 blade + medusa + spark at one point deciding on my first 4/55 i chose spark. I feel it was the right choice as his health goes up significantly and is actually greater than my 3/45 medusa and blade, and lets you play spark more recklessly as he should be played.
Now AA, while comparable dps in ideal situations as most god tier damage dealers, his base damage is awefully low, like GR, like Iceman. Iceman stilll has decent dps like GR, but that would be their biggest downfall. Having a 5/65 GR and Iceman virtually eliminates their biggest drawback.
Thus unless you plan on exploring LOL with AA (easier exteneded enrage timer) I would now cut him out of the race and one is left with three options.
1. Spark
2. Iceman
3. GR
CONSIDERING PRESTIGE back into the equation, both iceman and spark at sig 200 have relatively low prestige. Leaving us with GR
Save for Ghost Rider, he should be everyones first 5/65 in my logical opinion broken down. The one champ that does a bit of everything and has little to no counter (maybe blade, but how often do you run into a blade on the other side of the screen).
Remember I am not saying GR is the best, just the best at being 1 rank higher than your top rankes champs. (When you have a roster of 4/40s, but a 5/50 GR you do not notice the lack of dps, so apply the same basis to 5*s now, GR was my first 5/50 for prestige/better scaling).
Anyone who chose to rank blade over GR I really feel for, but to each their own, however if exploring LOL it is not a bad choice, you will save a ton of units with a 5/65 blade and support that decision 100%. Although its not like he would be needed for much else; for example if you cannot solo a 4/55 or even 5/65 AW boss with a 4/55 blade, then taking him to rank 5 probably wont help, and the least of your worries.
Or this ^.
Ya exactly pretty much what Jaded said is the way to go at the moment with how scarce the t5b are and we do not know what the real next "challenge" would be. I just do not see a point to having a r5 atm only really for prestige use and maybe in war/aq (which a r5 is most likely not needed) if everything challenging where a r5 champ might make your gameplay more efficient (such as 100%-ing LOL which you have done).
Unless you are being absolutely forced by an alliance for prestige purposes the safest play is to hold out at this point.