Hulk Ragnarok, Master Mode
I am having a tough time with Hulk Rag once he gets to the unblockable finale part. What are some champs/strategies that people used to bring him down without using a ton of potions/revives? I have seen chain stun champs work well to take him down but are there any others ways to efficiently get the job done?
Other options: Ultron (awakened) 4* 4/40, Guillotine (awakened) 4* 4/40, Hulk 4* 4/40, Rogue 4* 4/40
Then it goes back to the intercept, bash and evade routine again.
You're right. My bad. I still used my AA to stack a ton of bleeds which also took him down. No heal block, but 8 bleeds ticking off at the same time seems to counteract most of the regen.
Against a poison immune Champion!
Against a poison immune champion!
Weren't those red water droplets icons neurotoxins?My brother told me that they were neurotoxins
from left to right:
Neurotoxin, Poison, Bleed
There can't be Neurotoxin if there was no bleed and then poison. The opponent has to bleed and has to be poisoned first.