SHIELD Tournament Round 4

Good morning, soldiers
We've wrapped up Round 4 and @Merek has a great breakdown of this round's unique challenge. Huge congrats to @A7007 , @Irked, THEDOCTOR, @PandamanPete , @DJSergy , @hwood1287 , @Merek , @Adzomatic , Evocool, BOSS, Paddy, and Son Goku. These summoners have done a great job at conquering each of the insane challenges we've set up for them. It's been a fun 4 rounds so far. We started with 64 players and are now down to just these 12. We feel their accomplishments deserve as many accolades as we can give them. We definitely don't make it easy on them haha.
This round was "no hits landed, survive as long as you can" using only certain 2* Champions versus beastly 5* aggressive Champs. I was very impressed with all of the submitted entries.
Give Merek a view if you don't mind. He's a great player with very informative videos and we greatly appreciate him both participating and reviewing our SHIELD Events. And try out the challenge for yourself if you think you can manage it. We're always open to new player joins, but it's a lot tougher than it sounds in the rules haha. And in the end, the goal is both fun and honing your battle skills. Merek's channel has his reviews of our other rounds as well... including a fight that will show that Punisher's L1 can be fully evaded (there was a post here yesterday about this exact special).
Also, @Ad0ra_ ... This is what I was describing. Round 5 is up and running now. We'll be finishing out this tournament before too long. In March, we'll be returning to our normal schedule of 3 weekly events with winners gaining entry to our March Monthly Champions Event. This will give us time to plan out a big April.
(salty people flagging a fun, extremely unique community based project that players really, really enjoy and that has tons of work and organization put into it in 3... 2... 1....)
We've wrapped up Round 4 and @Merek has a great breakdown of this round's unique challenge. Huge congrats to @A7007 , @Irked, THEDOCTOR, @PandamanPete , @DJSergy , @hwood1287 , @Merek , @Adzomatic , Evocool, BOSS, Paddy, and Son Goku. These summoners have done a great job at conquering each of the insane challenges we've set up for them. It's been a fun 4 rounds so far. We started with 64 players and are now down to just these 12. We feel their accomplishments deserve as many accolades as we can give them. We definitely don't make it easy on them haha.
This round was "no hits landed, survive as long as you can" using only certain 2* Champions versus beastly 5* aggressive Champs. I was very impressed with all of the submitted entries.

Give Merek a view if you don't mind. He's a great player with very informative videos and we greatly appreciate him both participating and reviewing our SHIELD Events. And try out the challenge for yourself if you think you can manage it. We're always open to new player joins, but it's a lot tougher than it sounds in the rules haha. And in the end, the goal is both fun and honing your battle skills. Merek's channel has his reviews of our other rounds as well... including a fight that will show that Punisher's L1 can be fully evaded (there was a post here yesterday about this exact special).
Also, @Ad0ra_ ... This is what I was describing. Round 5 is up and running now. We'll be finishing out this tournament before too long. In March, we'll be returning to our normal schedule of 3 weekly events with winners gaining entry to our March Monthly Champions Event. This will give us time to plan out a big April.
(salty people flagging a fun, extremely unique community based project that players really, really enjoy and that has tons of work and organization put into it in 3... 2... 1....)
You'd be better off hosting this through Youtube as a content creator or through a separate site. Aside from those that will flag the post, it will also inevitably get buried which will defeat the purpose of these challenges. Nice vid though.
Merek is kind enough to do some videos covering our events, but we've been doing this for quite a while before he started participating. We do use a certain site for our tourney bracket, it's very helpful. But for the most part, Line albums and notes gets the job done efficiently. We (SHIELD) have a large group of mcoc related rooms from general info to recruiting and more.
These events are just an expansion of the games many players do from time to time in their alliances. We organized it and took it up many, many notches.
I don't know that it'd qualify for content creators as the YouTube side is mainly to highlight our players. I'd say it's more of a value add thing to the game in general. When we started, there was a lack of skill based challenges in game. Most of it felt like doing your chores. We decided to fix that. The game has changed for the better, definitely... But we've upped the stakes on our end as well... And ofc, there's in game prizes to be won haha
This is what's extremely cool to me.. When players that are far above my skill level and ripping thru LoL say they're learning things and improving because of these events.. And when lower ranked players are getting the same benefit.. It warms this cold, black heart. Now have fun with that Iceman lmao
And if anyone wants to join and see a little more of what it's about, add me on Line.. chunkybudz
New events start in March