Lag again....this is what I noticed. [Under Investigation]



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  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    I have consistently strong WiFi and internet connections.
    iPad 2017 with latest iOS, plenty of available memory.
    MCOC is the only app that I ever have any issues with. The game ran perfectly for a couple of days between AQ cycles then as soon as AQ started again, lag and glitches reappeared.
    Today in AQ it is ridiculously poor.

  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey everyone, so we can help to make this discussion as productive as possible, if you have not already done so, please provide us with as many of the following details as possible:

    - Device make and model
    - Device Operating System (OS) and version number
    - Carrier name/ Service Provider (if applicable)
    - Are you are attempting to play the game over a WiFi or a cellular network connection?
    - Have you have tried playing through WiFi as opposed to a cellular connection or vice versa, and if so, what happens?
    - Have you tried playing the game on an alternative device, and if so, were you able to play without experiencing any performance issues? ...Also, what were the specifics of the alternative device (make, model, OS and version)?
    - Where did you notice lag in the game? For example, were you playing in an Event Quest, Alliance Quest, Arena, etc (please provide the exact Event name, including any relevant Act/Chapter/Difficulty level names, if appropriate)
    - Which Champion were you using and who was your opponent? (please provide the name, star-rating, rank and level)

    I understand it can be frustrating when the game doesn't perform in the way you expect, and if possible, we want to get these issues resolved as quickly as possible. We sincerely thank you for your input, the additional details you provide will greatly assist our QA Team with investigating this further.
  • SKOutsiderSKOutsider Member Posts: 117 ★★
    iPhone 7 Plus
    Current IOS
    SMC HK
    Both WiFi and data seems to be a huge issue.

    I haven’t attempted to play on other devices.

    The lag is far worse in AQ than other areas of the game.

    Lag spikes to insane levels EVERY SINGLE time that maintenance is done or after a patch. This is an ongoing joke within alliances and if you’d care to watch YouTube videos or talk to those in the content creators program then they’d also happily explain why nobody tries legends runs after you patch the game.

    Lag, block and parry issues are happening with every single champion in my roster but it happens to be terrible for an hour or so and then stop only to happen again later. I don’t know if the issue relates to your servers and busy times, yet the problems seem to be far less extreme whilst my alliance mates are sleeping (US time zones). I’m on a Hong King based time zone and so I’m awake whilst most of them are sleeping.

    It is frustrating when these issues arise....especially when it’s ongoing and almost every week. I am concerned that either

    A) your ‘bug’ team cannot handle these issues and therefore you may need to hire people that can do the job


    B) conspiracy theorists are right and you guys add in these bugs on purpose.

    Just look at it from a players point of view and you will start to see why people are walking away.

    People might return if you start giving credible reasons as to why these issues haven’t been dealt with after a prolonged period of time, yet I fear that this distinct lack of transparency will be an issue which may be a game killer.
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  • SKOutsiderSKOutsider Member Posts: 117 ★★
    Tried other places as I have WiFi at work as well with a different provider.

    I have a friend that plays here on ge iPhone 8 and another on a Samsung (can’t remember the model as I’m not a huge fan) but both experience issues.

    Alliance mates in the States experience issues and today we’ve had quite a few people kicked in AQ due to connection issues (same time others posted about issues on the boards).

    The issues seem to go beyond providers and phone models. We’ve been attempting to test spenders vs non-spenders to truly test conspiracy theories out, yet issues happen in spats to both spenders and non spenders. It’s not constant but it does feel to be in hour long increments or so...usually.

    Parry bugs have been worse this patch than previous patches.

    Cable has been able to hit with his heavy whilst players dash back in AQ and the evade message came up. This happened on AQ map 5.

    Arena has has issues with parry and dashing back but it’s been fine for the past 4 or so hours now.
  • MorgothMelkorMorgothMelkor Member Posts: 95
    -Sony Xperia XA
    -Android 7.0
    -HT Eronet
    -I tried both Wi-Fi and data, it's pretty much the same
    -I haven't tried playing on a different device
    -Aq, arena, event quest, story mode.... you name it... most recent one was losing wolverine to bw in aq, cause he wouldn't dash back and I got caught with her unblockable sp1.... arena is actually not that big of an issue, a few times my champs wouldn't activate specials, but I guess it's tolerable.... in event quests block is a huge issue, or the lack of it, different variations of it actually, sometimes it just wouldn't happen and sometimes my champ would dash back/forward... it's extremely frustrating
    -It's kinda random I guess, can't specifically say which champs cause it's happening quite often recently, but like I said the most recent one was 4* wolverine r5/50, against map3 mini boss bw.
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    I am noticing that Energy help requests seem to cause micro-lag. I thought it was only arena help requests. That has been an outstanding issue for a long time. It should be something that should be a lot easier to fix since it is a specific area of the game that is not device dependent, but it has still not been remedied.

    I will post my specs later. I think I have posted them several times before.
  • StrikezorStrikezor Member Posts: 26
    Come on kabam if fixing lag issues is not possible then atleast fix block and parry. It is highly irritating in aq and aw.
  • edited February 2018
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  • XstasisXstasis Member Posts: 50
    Currently lag is so stupid that I have to be extremely careful in every fight or I get clobbered. Aq, quests, and arena are unbearably painful to do this way. Aw is beyond dumb how we lose fights due to these things. My champ sitting there after the third hit in a combo and then getting destroyed is a very common thing. This has nothing to do with device, os, or anything you ppl keep asking for only to cover your butts. Every forum I've read and every group on line that I'm in, is experiencing this and we all have different devices with many different os. Sad to say that the problem is YOU KABAM. Fix the damn game!!
  • Eugene_VirtuosoEugene_Virtuoso Member Posts: 378
    Xstasis wrote: »
    Currently lag is so stupid that I have to be extremely careful in every fight or I get clobbered. Aq, quests, and arena are unbearably painful to do this way. Aw is beyond dumb how we lose fights due to these things. My champ sitting there after the third hit in a combo and then getting destroyed is a very common thing. This has nothing to do with device, os, or anything you ppl keep asking for only to cover your butts. Every forum I've read and every group on line that I'm in, is experiencing this and we all have different devices with many different os. Sad to say that the problem is YOU KABAM. Fix the damn game!!

    Spot on!
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  • SnaggleSnaggle Member Posts: 226 ★★
    Hey everyone, so we can help to make this discussion as productive as possible, if you have not already done so, please provide us with as many of the following details as possible:

    - Device make and model
    - Device Operating System (OS) and version number
    - Carrier name/ Service Provider (if applicable)
    - Are you are attempting to play the game over a WiFi or a cellular network connection?
    - Have you have tried playing through WiFi as opposed to a cellular connection or vice versa, and if so, what happens?
    - Have you tried playing the game on an alternative device, and if so, were you able to play without experiencing any performance issues? ...Also, what were the specifics of the alternative device (make, model, OS and version)?
    - Where did you notice lag in the game? For example, were you playing in an Event Quest, Alliance Quest, Arena, etc (please provide the exact Event name, including any relevant Act/Chapter/Difficulty level names, if appropriate)
    - Which Champion were you using and who was your opponent? (please provide the name, star-rating, rank and level)

    I understand it can be frustrating when the game doesn't perform in the way you expect, and if possible, we want to get these issues resolved as quickly as possible. We sincerely thank you for your input, the additional details you provide will greatly assist our QA Team with investigating this further.

    The problem isn't with our devices, it's your game.
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  • HeyheyheyHeyheyhey Member Posts: 84
    Lol all these questions about device and one answer - YOUR SERVERS ARE ****!
  • SKOutsiderSKOutsider Member Posts: 117 ★★
    This seems like a good time for a drink, and a cold calculated speech with sinister overtones. A speech about Kabam, about order, brotherhood, power. But speeches are for campaigning. Now is the time for action.

    Your move Kabam!
  • edited February 2018
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  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    TheBlet wrote: »
    Round 4 of aq map 5 today. I was up against AV in the last section. He worked up his sp2, and when he triggered it, had about a 1 second lag. Wolvie never dashed back but luckily he kept his block up while I reset my finger.

    Another instance was the ai still doing specials after I obviously already hit them. Similar to this video from our other thread which was wrongfully closed

    Have we been given an answer if that is a bug or ‘working as intended’?
  • XstasisXstasis Member Posts: 50

    Have we been given an answer if that is a bug or ‘working as intended’?

    Everything you see is working as intended...... by which we mean intended to make you, the user, spend on potions and revives as much as possible.
  • AKTEKAKTEK Member Posts: 316 ★★
    Yeah true we want smooth experience rather than new machanics lag is sometime terrible in andreno 510 too. None other games lags except this even asphalt 8 is running smoothly.
  • Zeke_the_XbotZeke_the_Xbot Member Posts: 456 ★★★
    Device: Ipad Mini 4
    OS: iOS 11.2.6
    Act 5.3.2 quest fight after requesting help for champ refreshes (These need to be pushed while not in a fight or the feature should be removed until the issue is fine tuned / fixed whatever way you prefer to call it). This happens almost all the time I notice it. Ruins my fights regularly. DO SOMETHING PLEASE ITS SO ANNOYING. Quality of Life over new mechanics and content would go a long way in the long term.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    I’m getting sick of the asking “what make and model” every time.

    I’m going to make it easy: both iPhone and android users report insane lag which costs items/units.

    One great fix would be to get rid of the half health penalty for force closing since 90% in aq it’s donr bc of lag or disconnection (at least for me)
  • colbyscipio987colbyscipio987 Member Posts: 1,027 ★★
    I completely lost control of wolverine and almost lost the fight. FIX THE GAME ASAP
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  • Vaidelis93Vaidelis93 Member Posts: 2
    Samsung A5 (2016)
    Android version 7.0
    I mostly play on WiFi but same issue on cellular network.
    Game runs on WiFi better but in the end there isn't much of a difference.
    No I haven't tried to play on another device.
    Arena lags most, especially Ultron map. But game mostly lags in long fights so Act 5, Aq, Aw bosses and mini bosses, and champs like Dormammu, Ghost Rider, Champs with fire and sparkles cause the lag most, doesn't matter if I play with or against them.
  • RobinfifthRobinfifth Member Posts: 56
    A lot of people are saying in response to this is "update your device" "get better wifi" i'm currently using:
    samsung galaxy s8
    Android 7.0
    1080mbps wifi internet connection

    I still experience these problems. They are really ruining the game. I sometimes lose fights against opponents half my PI because I am completely stuck there basically watching them rip me apart because my blocks don't react fast enough or they are able to parry my attack mid combo. My old phone had the same issues a Samsung galaxy s5 and my girlfriend experiences them as well on her galaxy s7.
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