Is 5* Hawkeye worth R4?
Is Hawkeye unawakened (I know he doesn't need it) worth R4 as a 5*?
The question should be: Should I R4 him or should I be patient and wait for a better Skill champ to come around like Gwenpool or Blade? I do find Hawkeye super useful however. Ugh, decisions... help!
The question should be: Should I R4 him or should I be patient and wait for a better Skill champ to come around like Gwenpool or Blade? I do find Hawkeye super useful however. Ugh, decisions... help!
Is 5* Hawkeye worth R4? 177 votes
Yeah, I'm someone who couldn't care less about prestige honestly. Just want to have fun and rank up who is worth it in terms of usefulness as a champ! OH and I do have Deep Wounds maxed
Rank up HE. Blade is overrated
Right now, he's the best I got. Other option would be Winter Soldier dupe...
The situation is more that I have a Tier 2 Alpha expiring in 11 days
@Dingalo, although I seldom use Winter Soldier (WS) myself, nor I have him as 5* dupped, however, one of my ex-alliance-mate, which is currently now with one 6* and plenty of 5*s and at 550k hero rating and is a good player, said he R4 his dupped 5* WS, bcos based on his usage, the WS's power drain does kick in regularly enough to be really useful. Just to share with you, since I did ask him similar question - why R4 your 5* WS?
On the other hand, I also watched Seatin and few folks showing how HE can be really useful esp with his SP1 (although I still prefer Vision AoU's SP2 and Magik with MD for power control) in various Uncollected quest fights. HE is definitely somrthing.
In my case, I do have a few decent 5* champs in other class, but no such luck for Skills. Both my 5* skill champs are Falcon and Daredevil Netflix. I on'y R1 them max, and that's all they will get, just for arena and nothing more. I'll save my skills T4cc for someone better. However, if I'm in your shoes with 5* HE and 5* WS, I will at least R3 both of them, and wait for the rest. Since I don't get resources like T2a that fast, I have to save the T2a for someone else.
Hope you will come to your decision (can you afford to wait). I do hope tomorrow your crystal drop you a 5* GP, or a 5* Blade to make your decision much simplier! Good luck and cheers!!
Thanks man! I appreciate it @shchong2
I also feel as though i truly lack power control, and although WS is fairly consistent with his power control mechanics, i do feel Hawkeye is more consistent with his (although i agree, Vision or Magik are better lol). The problem is... i have Hawkeye already at R3 and my WS is at R2. In order to bring my WS to R3, i would need to use some T4CC skill catalysts. In doing so, i would delay the process of R4ing a champ resulting in an expired T2A - in 11 days (which is something i would greatly want to avoid). That being said, if I don’t manage to get enough T4CC skill fragments to form my 4th T4CC skill catalyst (ideally for Hawkeye) before my T2A expires, i would probably hold from R4ing anyone haha and wait for a better champ at that point!
Thanks for the tips and suggestions again guys!
Such as?
Imo he has one of the most useful L1's in the game. To be honest, there's not much more consistent than that in terms or power-control... right up there with Magik and vision respectively.
Lethal imo if champ can bleed.
+ I was actually in need of desperate power control to clear Rttl.
+ I realized I had a t2a expiring in 3 days... soo yeah i don't see why i would have "saved resources" all in all tbh. And honestly, even if I didn't have one expiring, I probably would have R4'd him anyway.
Edit: Oh and to say I "wasted" resources on a Hawkeye... you must really not know him that well.
Thanks buddy
Thank you @xNig I appreciate it!