REALLY, have all champs become Indestructible or Endure ???

What is with this constant 1% health remaning on champs.
I start getting this "bug" more and more often, on all game zones (pvp, quests, aq)..
If you put a bleed/poison/shock/incinerate/ whatever on him it "magicaly" ends when health reaches 1%, at wich moment it becomes more active and gives you a 5 combo or at least few punches.
It works also with SP 1/ sp2/sp3. I had a Rhino, gave him sp2 with gwenpool (had around 30% health), guess what? It remained with 1% health after the sp2.
Also works with simple hits. 4% health, 2 punches and it remained with 1%.
Is starting to be really frustrating,
P.S. is not just my account, many memebers of my ally have same problem.

I start getting this "bug" more and more often, on all game zones (pvp, quests, aq)..
If you put a bleed/poison/shock/incinerate/ whatever on him it "magicaly" ends when health reaches 1%, at wich moment it becomes more active and gives you a 5 combo or at least few punches.
It works also with SP 1/ sp2/sp3. I had a Rhino, gave him sp2 with gwenpool (had around 30% health), guess what? It remained with 1% health after the sp2.
Also works with simple hits. 4% health, 2 punches and it remained with 1%.
Is starting to be really frustrating,
P.S. is not just my account, many memebers of my ally have same problem.

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The 5 above are the ones that i managed to screen shot them...
Can't be this unlucky...
Kabam "worked" the rules behind the fights.
This is from another "unlucky" member of my ally:
Well you're right about that part anyway, because it's not your account, it's your imagination.
My theory has been that it's in the code. Not special ability status but more like the Outlast buff.
I call it the "saved by the bell" phenomenon.
Btw, what is your deal telling me is in my imagination after i bring proves? You work for kabam or what?
Is not like the first time they make a "small mistake". You telling me the block in the middle of a sp2 is also in my imagination and not happened to any of you...
And if is a cap roundup...why my champ dosent stop bleeding at 1%?...
It's getting decreased little, I have also noticed that regen with willpower also getting decreased, the opponent loose health by 3 to 5 hp gradually compared to start off. apply debuff in arena and see.
Oh, look i got "unlucky" again.
The best was a racoon sp3 ( not managed to capture it). Had about 50% health, i gave racoon sp3 and let oponent again with 1% health. He died right after movie end from sp3 after bleed...but the idee is the same...
It's merely a set of 'coincidences' he's trying to play off as a conspiracy theory. I'm not buying it. When attacks regularly do 2-3% of damage a hit, you'll find a lot of endings in 1%.
You REALLY want to prove to me it's being altered? Do this for me.
Use that special on the enemy at 100% health or at a high amount. Then recreate the same circumstances, but this time use it at 50% health. If they do the same amount of damage, your theory is completely debunked.
I'm trying my best not to come off as a jerk, but this really bothers me. This just doesn't seem anything like a bug, a programming error, or an intentional effect-this seems like normal gameplay and a string of unrelated screenshots that showcase the opponent at 1% health. It really isn't hard to get them to that point and then back off.
This is why i posted here, hoping to get an answer...
But we have Kabam lovers or employees like @yomoves that are trying to make it look like a continous series of bad luck and concidences.
What have i got to win if i lie about this?
I just try to announce a problem with the hope that gamplay will become more fairplay for us, the players.
Happened again. How good of a player or crazy you think i am to take so many openents to exactly 1% health...
it's happened a couple times when I was using scarlet witch. the attack would have destroyed the opponent but did not and the AI killed me as I stopped played as I knew there would be no way that they would survive that attack. anyways, went back in and sure enough they had one hp. It was an L2 and the enemy around my same PI, maybe a tad more, had about 5% health remaining. This was a few months back, it didn't cause me that much distress. and it hasn't happened since.
Also since before this thread I've always watched how much % I take with each hit or bleed per tick. So in a fight where your even strength I noticed my guys generally do 3-4% without crits and eaxh crit 7-10% is it possible they have rigged it sure. But is it also mathematically possible that it's just bad luck. Absolutely seeing as your talking 1% of numbers that don't divide by 100 without using decimals. Thus the exact % isn't always correct due to rounding. Best example of this is you can take a couple hits through a block and it still says you have a 100% despite losing around 100 damage.
So unless you can take a video or 2 and show that the damage you deal is being reduced to cause this it's just a conspiracy theory. With no actually backing besides a bunch of pictures that can easily be faked
I don’t think it’s unlucky, I have noticed the same thing in the last month or two also. It happens 100% of the time a debut ends. 100% of the time is not bad luck. And I also get the combo right after also