Rank down ticket for Wolverine?

Really just need one rank down ticket for a 4*. He’s useless now. Could use those mutant T4CCs for a 5* at least. Congrats on getting sneakier with your “Nerfs” though.
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You win the prize for the worst post today. If you were only using Wolverine for AQ then you need to get better at the game. He is still useful. Plus hes not the only mutant out there. So are you going to ask for RDT's for every mutant champ? Maybe you should just stop playing the game.
You have an interesting definition of "sneaky" as what you're talking about is something every MMO game does, all the time, out in the open, since the dawn of multiplayer games, constantly and obviously and in a generally accepted way. In fact, most MMO players explicitly state that they *prefer* new content to be released that increases difficulty than direct nerfs of existing player resources. If you believe releasing bleed immune content is a "sneaky nerf" on Wolverine, I'm being dead serious when I say you should limit yourself to single player games.
I was mostly being sarcastic but thanks! Where do I collect my prize? Do you send it to me in game or is it like an actual trophy you’ll need to mail me?
Super stoked either way.
Any useful tips on how to get better now too? I mean I’m in a 14 mill ally and I’m over 500K but obviously you can teach me a lot.
I’m being dead serious when I say thanks for your input.
Amy good recommendations? Still being dead serious of course.
Like forever? Or just for today?
And do you mean from just this forum or should I like abandon my family?
I hear Marvel Ultimate Alliance is decent, and probably cheap given its vintage. And 100% immune from developer balancing changes.
Ur clearly not that great if u wanna rank down wolvie and only use him for aq, whilst nagging for rank down tickets.
Thought I made it clear I was being sarcastic but thank “u” for the feed back. Curious. How do you have time to use words like whilst but not enough time to add the Y and O to you?
You should go back to candy crush. Also learn to sarcasm better. You are about as good at that as you are at posting.
Nope. Above your IQ level
It's embarrassing to watch you do this to yourself.
Nonsense. It is quite entertaining. Being dead serious.
To add to this only one not 2
2 was bad
So u have no one else to use?
I wouldn’t rank him down just like I never ranked down SW. It has been fun watching all you MCOC tough guys get worked up though. Y’all are the real heroes. Keep doing God’s work here boys.