Corvus and proxima villains



  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    The next thing you ppls are going to complain about is why is a certain feature new champ not mystic....
  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    It's called BALANCE. Something kabam hasn't done a great job of the last few years but they're *finally* getting to it.

    If you're someone that's complaining they're not villain tagged I'll assume you don't play any other modern game that DOES have balanced champions.

    This is how it should be.
  • OnmixOnmix Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    Clearly I agree with everyone’s saying they should be villains. Nice to know I’m not the only one out there.

    I find it more than lame outright lazy that this is their solution to THEIR blade problem.

    PaytoPlay wrote: »
    The next thing you ppls are going to complain about is why is a certain feature new champ not mystic....
    If it should be mystic.... well yeah
    The same with tech or any other class. Or any other tag for that matter.

  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    They clearly didn't understand how good Blade would be so this is their way of trying to balance the game. It's incredibly lazy but hey, that's who they are and it totally makes logical sense.
  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    edited April 2018
    Does Blade need to beat every Champ that comes? Lol.

    You mean like your Star Lord. :)
    In all seriousness GW, I would think that even a guy like you would get tired of the "Blade is OP" and "you have no skill if you use Blade" and "it is all about Blade", while SL is everyone's secret tool in the background. So much content would be easier for me if I had a duped 5* Star Lord honestly. Is there anyone who comes out that doesn't get wrecked eventually by a SL? Not many!
    Why does Blade get so much bad press then because he wrecks what? Villains? IF you have the synergy! Ridiculous.

    If the new champs are villains but not tagged villains because of Blade then I agree, it's lame.
    If they were looking for that kind of balance for all powerful champs then there should be a ton of new champs that don't take additional damage after a 20 hit combo meter.

    SL is still very susceptible to enemy abilities which can kill him quickly (Magik limbo).

    Blade shuts all of those down. There's not much blade can't do or sustain, which is why you see 95% war teams including blade but not including SL.

    In fact the only time I bring SL to war attack these days (about 1 in every 8 wars) is if I see a mutant on 42 or bottom left miniboss. Anything else and I say "oh ok, yea I'll bring blade".
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    Does Blade need to beat every Champ that comes? Lol.

    You mean like your Star Lord. :)
    In all seriousness GW, I would think that even a guy like you would get tired of the "Blade is OP" and "you have no skill if you use Blade" and "it is all about Blade", while SL is everyone's secret tool in the background. So much content would be easier for me if I had a duped 5* Star Lord honestly. Is there anyone who comes out that doesn't get wrecked eventually by a SL? Not many!
    Why does Blade get so much bad press then because he wrecks what? Villains? IF you have the synergy! Ridiculous.

    If the new champs are villains but not tagged villains because of Blade then I agree, it's lame.
    If they were looking for that kind of balance for all powerful champs then there should be a ton of new champs that don't take additional damage after a 20 hit combo meter.

    SL is still very susceptible to enemy abilities which can kill him quickly (Magik limbo).

    Blade shuts all of those down. There's not much blade can't do or sustain, which is why you see 95% war teams including blade but not including SL.

    In fact the only time I bring SL to war attack these days (about 1 in every 8 wars) is if I see a mutant on 42 or bottom left miniboss. Anything else and I say "oh ok, yea I'll bring blade".

    Well for one that's assuming everything is about war. Even then I still see ALOT of SL in war attack teams so I don't know about 95%. Just search the forums for "how did you handle xyz new opponent or xyz new challenge" and I think you'll find that SL is the answer wayyyyyyy more than 5%. There are other very viable champs and as someone who has a 4* Blade and knows that he is great, I can also assure you that he has his weaknesses and plenty of areas where another champ outshines him totally. In fact, in using the GR synergy I have found that GR is even more awesome than I thought he was before and I am clearing a lot uncollected quest with him r4 4*. Blade is just backup.

    Overall though, I'd say my r4 5* unduped Magik is pretty much my key attack champ altogether. So Blade is great but I think people give him too much credit when I see other champs like SL still a wrecking ball. Someone even say a MUST have for LOL type stuff.
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    Onmix wrote: »
    Stop with the blade is OP argument.
    We did not design him. We didn’t add him to the game or had any say on what his abilities would be.
    Kabam did. And if it’s causing the game to unbalance it’s their fault. They should’ve spent more time designing him. This tag change is lazy work.
    If they think there’s a problem. They should fix it. Not with a tag but with a new champ, new mechanic, etc

    Btw, there is nothing SL can’t beat. And he’s still a way better option for that hardest content in the game which is LOL.

    I commented something similar earlier but it never showed up. Logic filter maybe. Not sure.
  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    Because the tags have never been accurate :smile: Hyperion is a "Tank" while "King Groot" is "raw damage" :wink:
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    I was wondering the same thing. If they did it for balance, that is a terrible excuse. Maybe they will buff Colossus by giving him incinerate damage next. It is not about making it easy for Blade and GR. We didn’t create the synergy, Kabaam did. If they are going to try to reverse the damage by mis-tagging champions, then they can expect some backlash.

    Some balancing is to be expected. A street-level hero has to be able to fight a god. But a huge selling point of the game is the Marvel line-up. Kabaam will lose a lot of support if they start deviating too much from the character’s identities to make up for bad design decisions.
  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    edited April 2018
    Onmix wrote: »
    They should fix it. Not with a tag but with a new champ, new mechanic, etc

    That's exactly what they're doing. They're called "Corvus Glaive" and "Proxima Midnight" lolol

    You say "with a new champ or mechanic", what can that be? Someone who's not susceptible to massive base attack? Someone who doesn't bleed? Someone who stops his power gain? Someone who stops his regen? Someone that stops his debuff shrugging?

    Be honest with yourself - if they release someone who does any of those things you and every other blade reliant apologist would be screaming that they're "lazily nerfing blade". Let's be real here.

    They're doing exactly what you're asking them to do but don't like the execution through not giving the villain tag. That's all this is. No matter how they balance it out you won't be happy
  • MightylibraMightylibra Member Posts: 185
    Based on what they must be villains? They are Thanos army. Probably they will turn to good side and become heroes. Who know? They can be whatever the designers want and I’m more than fine with it.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,002 ★★★★★
    Does Blade need to beat every Champ that comes? Lol.

    You mean like your Star Lord. :)
    In all seriousness GW, I would think that even a guy like you would get tired of the "Blade is OP" and "you have no skill if you use Blade" and "it is all about Blade", while SL is everyone's secret tool in the background. So much content would be easier for me if I had a duped 5* Star Lord honestly. Is there anyone who comes out that doesn't get wrecked eventually by a SL? Not many!
    Why does Blade get so much bad press then because he wrecks what? Villains? IF you have the synergy! Ridiculous.

    If the new champs are villains but not tagged villains because of Blade then I agree, it's lame.
    If they were looking for that kind of balance for all powerful champs then there should be a ton of new champs that don't take additional damage after a 20 hit combo meter.

    SL has one distinguishing characteristic, has to be Max Sig to get the full benefit, and has to get a Combo high enough to get there. If you're arguing imbalance based on him, it won't stand.
  • OnmixOnmix Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    Onmix wrote: »
    They should fix it. Not with a tag but with a new champ, new mechanic, etc

    That's exactly what they're doing. They're called "Corvus Glaive" and "Proxima Midnight" lolol

    You say "with a new champ or mechanic", what can that be? Someone who's not susceptible to massive base attack? Someone who doesn't bleed? Someone who stops his power gain? Someone who stops his regen? Someone that stops his debuff shrugging?

    Be honest with yourself - if they release someone who does any of those things you and every other blade reliant apologist would be screaming that they're "lazily nerfing blade". Let's be real here.

    They're doing exactly what you're asking them to do but don't like the execution through not giving the villain tag. That's all this is. No matter how they balance it out you won't be happy

    I am being honest with myself. If they release a champion that does those things it will be an honest counter to blade. Not a lazy one. Just as sabertooth just became an honest counter to iceman.
    I don’t have a problem with blade being nerfed or not. I couldn’t care less. My problem is the way they are doing it. Thanos’s army is an acurate tag. So is X-Men. But you still see “hero” under Wolverine don’t you?
    They are villains. Who are you kidding.

    And I’ve said myself over a couple times. My problem IS with the execution. Not with the result.
    It’s lazy. Not bad not good. Lazy. I expect more from the design team.
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    Does Blade need to beat every Champ that comes? Lol.

    You mean like your Star Lord. :)
    In all seriousness GW, I would think that even a guy like you would get tired of the "Blade is OP" and "you have no skill if you use Blade" and "it is all about Blade", while SL is everyone's secret tool in the background. So much content would be easier for me if I had a duped 5* Star Lord honestly. Is there anyone who comes out that doesn't get wrecked eventually by a SL? Not many!
    Why does Blade get so much bad press then because he wrecks what? Villains? IF you have the synergy! Ridiculous.

    If the new champs are villains but not tagged villains because of Blade then I agree, it's lame.
    If they were looking for that kind of balance for all powerful champs then there should be a ton of new champs that don't take additional damage after a 20 hit combo meter.

    SL has one distinguishing characteristic, has to be Max Sig to get the full benefit, and has to get a Combo high enough to get there. If you're arguing imbalance based on him, it won't stand.

    GW, Star Lord being simple to use doesn't negate my argument in the least. He is still pretty much the hardest hitter and most relevant attacker in the entire game. You have to admit this. I mean his ability, as rudimentary as it is, is 99% effective against all champs. Doesn't matter if they are bleed immune, poison immune, healing (he just overpowers it eventually), armor has its limits against him, mystic, dimensional, NON-dimensional, trees, rocks, you name it and he can hit it harder and harder.

    Blade is VERY effective against SOME champs. Blade requires opponent to bleed to get power gain, requires a synergy with other champs to extend danger sense beyond the dimensional beings that ruled AW, Still doesn't 100% ability reduce like BW or even as good as AA, Healing him uses his power (and requires awakening), No power means no shrugging effects. There's a cost and balance that remains just fine in him. He cannot do it all at once.

    You just bring SL alone and plow....
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    Does Blade need to beat every Champ that comes? Lol.

    You mean like your Star Lord. :)
    In all seriousness GW, I would think that even a guy like you would get tired of the "Blade is OP" and "you have no skill if you use Blade" and "it is all about Blade", while SL is everyone's secret tool in the background. So much content would be easier for me if I had a duped 5* Star Lord honestly. Is there anyone who comes out that doesn't get wrecked eventually by a SL? Not many!
    Why does Blade get so much bad press then because he wrecks what? Villains? IF you have the synergy! Ridiculous.

    If the new champs are villains but not tagged villains because of Blade then I agree, it's lame.
    If they were looking for that kind of balance for all powerful champs then there should be a ton of new champs that don't take additional damage after a 20 hit combo meter.

    SL has one distinguishing characteristic, has to be Max Sig to get the full benefit, and has to get a Combo high enough to get there. If you're arguing imbalance based on him, it won't stand.

    Not imbalance on Star Lord, just that he is arguably more effective and more powerful and against more champs, as simple as he is, than Blade and it's worth considering when people think Blade is OP. It's thoughtless.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,002 ★★★★★
    Does Blade need to beat every Champ that comes? Lol.

    You mean like your Star Lord. :)
    In all seriousness GW, I would think that even a guy like you would get tired of the "Blade is OP" and "you have no skill if you use Blade" and "it is all about Blade", while SL is everyone's secret tool in the background. So much content would be easier for me if I had a duped 5* Star Lord honestly. Is there anyone who comes out that doesn't get wrecked eventually by a SL? Not many!
    Why does Blade get so much bad press then because he wrecks what? Villains? IF you have the synergy! Ridiculous.

    If the new champs are villains but not tagged villains because of Blade then I agree, it's lame.
    If they were looking for that kind of balance for all powerful champs then there should be a ton of new champs that don't take additional damage after a 20 hit combo meter.

    SL has one distinguishing characteristic, has to be Max Sig to get the full benefit, and has to get a Combo high enough to get there. If you're arguing imbalance based on him, it won't stand.

    GW, Star Lord being simple to use doesn't negate my argument in the least. He is still pretty much the hardest hitter and most relevant attacker in the entire game. You have to admit this. I mean his ability, as rudimentary as it is, is 99% effective against all champs. Doesn't matter if they are bleed immune, poison immune, healing (he just overpowers it eventually), armor has its limits against him, mystic, dimensional, NON-dimensional, trees, rocks, you name it and he can hit it harder and harder.

    Blade is VERY effective against SOME champs. Blade requires opponent to bleed to get power gain, requires a synergy with other champs to extend danger sense beyond the dimensional beings that ruled AW, Still doesn't 100% ability reduce like BW or even as good as AA, Healing him uses his power (and requires awakening), No power means no shrugging effects. There's a cost and balance that remains just fine in him. He cannot do it all at once.

    You just bring SL alone and plow....

    You do if you're sufficiently skilled with him to maintain a high enough Combo and if he's high enough Sig.
    Blade may be effective in many scenarios, but he has counters as well as SL. All Champs do.
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    Does Blade need to beat every Champ that comes? Lol.

    You mean like your Star Lord. :)
    In all seriousness GW, I would think that even a guy like you would get tired of the "Blade is OP" and "you have no skill if you use Blade" and "it is all about Blade", while SL is everyone's secret tool in the background. So much content would be easier for me if I had a duped 5* Star Lord honestly. Is there anyone who comes out that doesn't get wrecked eventually by a SL? Not many!
    Why does Blade get so much bad press then because he wrecks what? Villains? IF you have the synergy! Ridiculous.

    If the new champs are villains but not tagged villains because of Blade then I agree, it's lame.
    If they were looking for that kind of balance for all powerful champs then there should be a ton of new champs that don't take additional damage after a 20 hit combo meter.

    SL has one distinguishing characteristic, has to be Max Sig to get the full benefit, and has to get a Combo high enough to get there. If you're arguing imbalance based on him, it won't stand.

    GW, Star Lord being simple to use doesn't negate my argument in the least. He is still pretty much the hardest hitter and most relevant attacker in the entire game. You have to admit this. I mean his ability, as rudimentary as it is, is 99% effective against all champs. Doesn't matter if they are bleed immune, poison immune, healing (he just overpowers it eventually), armor has its limits against him, mystic, dimensional, NON-dimensional, trees, rocks, you name it and he can hit it harder and harder.

    Blade is VERY effective against SOME champs. Blade requires opponent to bleed to get power gain, requires a synergy with other champs to extend danger sense beyond the dimensional beings that ruled AW, Still doesn't 100% ability reduce like BW or even as good as AA, Healing him uses his power (and requires awakening), No power means no shrugging effects. There's a cost and balance that remains just fine in him. He cannot do it all at once.

    You just bring SL alone and plow....

    You do if you're sufficiently skilled with him to maintain a high enough Combo and if he's high enough Sig.
    Blade may be effective in many scenarios, but he has counters as well as SL. All Champs do.

    That I agree with. Same high combo with Blade against Colossus and it is not effective by far. I guess that my point. He has his limits and the more I used him the more he is niche.
  • colbyscipio987colbyscipio987 Member Posts: 1,027 ★★
    If a villain is villain, then they should have the tag. If a hero is a hero they should have the tag. Kabam in my opinion ruins Marvel and leads Marvel fans to below what is lies. Like say for instances IP he is a alternate version of Tony Stark and he had the time stone. But in his Bio it says he's Norman Osborn Like WTF!!!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,002 ★★★★★
    Does Blade need to beat every Champ that comes? Lol.

    You mean like your Star Lord. :)
    In all seriousness GW, I would think that even a guy like you would get tired of the "Blade is OP" and "you have no skill if you use Blade" and "it is all about Blade", while SL is everyone's secret tool in the background. So much content would be easier for me if I had a duped 5* Star Lord honestly. Is there anyone who comes out that doesn't get wrecked eventually by a SL? Not many!
    Why does Blade get so much bad press then because he wrecks what? Villains? IF you have the synergy! Ridiculous.

    If the new champs are villains but not tagged villains because of Blade then I agree, it's lame.
    If they were looking for that kind of balance for all powerful champs then there should be a ton of new champs that don't take additional damage after a 20 hit combo meter.

    SL has one distinguishing characteristic, has to be Max Sig to get the full benefit, and has to get a Combo high enough to get there. If you're arguing imbalance based on him, it won't stand.

    GW, Star Lord being simple to use doesn't negate my argument in the least. He is still pretty much the hardest hitter and most relevant attacker in the entire game. You have to admit this. I mean his ability, as rudimentary as it is, is 99% effective against all champs. Doesn't matter if they are bleed immune, poison immune, healing (he just overpowers it eventually), armor has its limits against him, mystic, dimensional, NON-dimensional, trees, rocks, you name it and he can hit it harder and harder.

    Blade is VERY effective against SOME champs. Blade requires opponent to bleed to get power gain, requires a synergy with other champs to extend danger sense beyond the dimensional beings that ruled AW, Still doesn't 100% ability reduce like BW or even as good as AA, Healing him uses his power (and requires awakening), No power means no shrugging effects. There's a cost and balance that remains just fine in him. He cannot do it all at once.

    You just bring SL alone and plow....

    You do if you're sufficiently skilled with him to maintain a high enough Combo and if he's high enough Sig.
    Blade may be effective in many scenarios, but he has counters as well as SL. All Champs do.

    That I agree with. Same high combo with Blade against Colossus and it is not effective by far. I guess that my point. He has his limits and the more I used him the more he is niche.

    Specifically, since he can be used in War, but he has many other uses. I was just making the point that the hype is a bit overrun, and it's not an injustice if new Champs aren't labeled Villains. Lol
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight were introduced in 2013 during Marvel's Infinity crossover event. Both were minions of Thanos, which is why they both (along with Thanos) helped Earth 616 during Marvel's Time Runs Out crossover event that came out in 2014/2015. In Time Runs Out Thanos and his minions helped protect Earth 616 from annihilation by fighting off incursions. Therefore, Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight serve Thanos.

    Heroes and villains are often lacking when it comes to labeling new champions. Know your comics before you start conspiracies about champions being silently nerfed.
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    I just find it funny that people want more balanced to the game so when they suggested nerfing blade all people would viciously rip apart anyone that said that so instead of nerfing blade they took this alternative of making counters for him and everyone still complains u wonder why kabam stopped listening because they realize no matter how much they do to try and make people happy they are still going to complain so let me ask u guys this would u rather have corvus and proxima not tagged villains or a huge Nerf on blade?
  • NarcuulNarcuul Member Posts: 115
    To me it just seems that the game team did not anticipate the huge impact the Blade/GR synergy would have on every aspect of the game, and are now scrambling to try to blunt the impact.

    At times it seems that they cannot see further than 5 ft down the road, and don't consider long term impact very often.
  • SSofLimboSSofLimbo Member Posts: 148
    Blade's danger sense should work differently, instead of preventing abilities to activate (how would Blade sensing that eg Juggs is going to be unstoppable stop Juggs from being unstoppable? It makes no sense) it could help him evade damage from those abilities or reduce the damage taken by those abilities eg Magik still goes into Limbo but Blade takes reduced or no damage from that. I think that would make more sense and be better
  • IanMoone89IanMoone89 Member Posts: 590
    whats concerning me is when i was fighting heroic proxima i got my ass kicked on auto so word of advice dont auto fight her but GR does a good job heck even gully can bleed their ass to death or voodoo poison lol
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Narcuul wrote: »
    To me it just seems that the game team did not anticipate the huge impact the Blade/GR synergy would have on every aspect of the game, and are now scrambling to try to blunt the impact.

    At times it seems that they cannot see further than 5 ft down the road, and don't consider long term impact very often.

    100% this

    I don’t care that blade isn’t the OP Swiss Army knife. I was advocating a balance long ago on the forum (which was poorly received) I have a 4/55 Blade so I’m trying to be impartial. The way they have to bandaid every mistake is the frustration. A precedent was set on tagging champs a certain way and they deviated from that because they created another short sighted problem with the synergies.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,219 ★★★★★
    Clearly the lack of a 'Villains' tag for these two (and Sabretooth before them) either means that (1) being a genocidal anarchist or a homicidal nutjob doesn't necessarily make you a bad person, or (2) Being a villain is suddenly a weakness that they didn't want these characters to share.

    Leaving the villains thing to one side - why are these guys members of "Thanos' army", and not the Black Order?
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    It’s Kabams game and they can tag champs however they want. Not having the villain tag doesn’t make them not a villain. They could have an ability called immune to danger sense or vampire abilities. People will complain regardless
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