Blade, when y’all going to nerf his overpowered ass?

Y’all nerfed all these “god tier” champs with your bs 11.1 update over a year ago. They all needed to be equal champs, remember that bs y’all feed us kabam? So when y’all going to nerf Blade? My guess is not until your top tier players get a better “god tier” champ that will replace blade so they’ll be okay with him being nerfed.
You know you don't have to let him regen? Thats your fault. Also, 12.0 not 11.1.
You mad?
I think the majority of people who want him nerfed don't have him, which is understandable. I personally don't have him, and while I don't really want him nerfed (I have a 5* gem waiting for him) I think the community needs to acknowledge that he is a bit too powerful.
Ok, if duped you have to deal with its regen but while he regen he is loosing power. I heard nobody complained about Wolverine which doesn't need to spend power or sit back waiting to regen !
Blade, by itself is terrible only against a handful of champions : dimensional beings only
The only way he becomes a really god tier champion is when he is associated with Ghost and Stark Spidy !
There you really do have a god tier team. But it is not an invincible one ! Stark spidy is relatively easy to beat and Ghost easier.
So stop whining about how awful is Blade, because you don't have it, and begin to train against him or farm 5 shards crystals to try to get him.
By the way if you think people en AW will mainly get Blade on attack, try to put champions that are bleed immune and/or cannot give Blade it's danger sense (good champions, neutral champions, even a duped OG Spidy can be a pain in the ass for Blade)
Don't agree with that at all. I have a 4/55 high sig blade, bring him to every war and use him for max 1 fight per war. I bring him mostly for the synergy he gives starky (who's also 4/55). He's also at best my 3rd choice for my 2nd 5/65
When he can power steal, power lock, stun lock, has better regen, does more damage like she did then we can talk. Till then....ya he's still **** compared to the true god
So nerf them both?
Thats your defense for nerfing? All champs are equal? Come on, you don't have him and you are butthurt about it. They aren't going to nerf him, they are bringing champs like Glaive, Proximity and sabertooth to counteract him. Get over it and stop trolling.
@danielmath Elaborate? Why do you only use him for 1 fight? And i'm not just talking about war. In the more difficult quests such as act 5, having a champ like blade, who is super sustainable, is way more advantageous than using sparky, who will need potions to keep going after a certain point. If I had blade, even a 5/50, i'd probably use him over my 4/55 sparky for average fights, just because I won't have to waste my other champs' hp.
Cause i have a 5/65 iceman who's just way better for almost every single fight. Blade needs all the synergies and there's a lot of champs he sucks against. He's fine for act 5, but really no different then just using a 4* wolvie who would just take longer
Stop crying. No one cares about your problems.
I think you are confusing desirable for OP. With synergies he is a very good champ but so are others out there. Medusa is 100x better with the royal family synergy but you aren't asking for a nerf there.
He has 1 powerful ability which is danger sense. It helps with a lot of things but isn't the answer to everything. SW can nullify pretty much any debuff without being 3 bars of power. (non passives, i know she can't). Is she OP?
He regen is "Ok". You have to hold block to regen, that means you are getting hit while blocked. Blades block prof is garbage. You'll lose the ground you made while taking block damage. SW can heal back to 100%, Wolvie/X-23 can heal 100% but blade can only go to 70% if you can get in good regen. Are those 3 OP?
With danger sense and class advantage he does get a huge attack increase but it's not any different that Stark Spidey at 10 poise charges or Starlord building a combo. Are those 2 also OP?
His ability reduction caps at roughly 56%. Thats way less than a bunch of 100% ability accuracy champs already in the game. Are they OP?
Stand alone, blade is good. with synergies, he is very good. He has limitations like every other champ in the game.