First 6*... Kingpin???Any good???

Guys so I just opened my first ever 6* crystal ,and it was a featured!Well as you can guess from the title I pulled Kingpin!I am pretty frustrated right now, but since I don't really have him as 4 or 5* I would like to hear some thoughts/info about him!
Anyway i want info on Kingpin,if possible!
He’s fairly impressive as an offensive tool especially
I haven’t read him lately but he’s pretty up there in just berserk-ness
He hits like a monster in overpower mode, no arguement there, but it is getting to overpower that is tricky.
That seems pretty harsh. The OP just asked for opinions. You don't know what he knows or doesn't know about the champions, and to be honest a lot of the things even long term veterans seem to think everyone should know I think are ought-right false. You can have differences of opinions on champs even with tons of experience.
It is also possible there are relatively newer players getting their first 6* through uncollected shards and 5* dups. These days it is possible for a player to get there in much less time than it takes for them to amass a roster large enough to have seen most of the champions at least at some star tier level. In fact, for a player starting today it is possibly easier to get their first rank 1/25 6* than their first 4/55 5*, just because the 6* requires no alpha 2s.
thanks everyone for your answers am pretty sure I will test him in defence,and I will also play with him to see if I can find him any useful!
Depends on war tier. I'm assuming OP isn't in tier 1, tiers lower than that he's absolutely good for 1+ kill on the right node consistently. Tier 3 he absolutely gets a kill, if not 2 or 3 every single war.
I'd say give him a try before disregarding him.
Sp1 does a little Dot but has ability reduction
Sp2 he can go unstopabble
Unstoppable heavy which of you land 3x in quick succession gives him a decent fury.
Also a fairly good health pool for a 4*
He's awesome
Use him to fight a duped classic Spidey
Play normally at first and let Spidey trigger evade
Stack up rage to like 5-6 then hit him with sp1 he almost always doesn't trigger evade while under the effects of black iso 8. And watch the damage
Kingpin was my mvp for uncollected guillotine
His sp1 stopped her from triggering unstoppable and once I almost got hit by her unblockable attack. I parried instinctively and boom I parried an unblockable attack. He's underrated if you ask me.
Use his sp3 to gain more rage
Using sp2 means you'll get hit
Against sentinels that don't cause incinerate he is awesome
Block their specials and get debuffed (heal block, armor break,spectre, and other non damaging debuffs and watch him shrug them off
Bonus is he gets power gain increase from rage . At 5 rage he has 25% increase (+power gain synergies) and dude you can spam specials as long as you want in long fights
For those wondering how good kingpin is
Do a heavy attack to catch a buff and you'll be taking a little over block damage, which you'll regen anyway thanks to adrenaline
Also, since I havent seen much info on Kingpin out there, I decided awhile back to create do a brain dump and do my own writeup -
If only kingpin was as awesome as Netflix Wilson Fisk.
(Not that i didn't like Gamora though but i'd be happy with Kingpin too)
Yeah, he could have thrown tables instead of himself.
Can’t wait for daredevil season 3.
What exactly is he defending?
Netflix Kingpin SP3: