In general, regardless of other champs and classes you have, would you R4 a 5* Vision or Dormammu?

New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
Just wondering what you guys think...Who would you R4?


  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    Dormammu for sure. Don't get me wrong, vision is one of my favorite champs to play, but dorm has everything vision has and more- bleed immunity, poison immunity, and power control. Both don't hit very hard, so that isn't an issue. Dormammu has additional abilities including power lock, nullification, hard-hitting heavy, regen (pretty difficult to use tho, so I'll overlook it), and of course his degen. This makes him arguably the best defender in game (plus he's big, aggressive, and mystic, perfect for md). Really the only advantage that vision has over him is heal block and power steal- quite negligible.
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Agreed. I love OG Vision, but Dormammu is a more useful character in the meta of the game
  • Cryptic_CobraCryptic_Cobra Member Posts: 532 ★★★
    I would r4 the OG vision if I was planning to use him. If not and I was just looking for a defender I would rank dorm. both have advantages and disadvantages, but i personally find vision better. (plus you get bragging rights that your one of the people willing to put down $500 for a video game :D (this is assuming both dorm and vision are awakened)
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Dormammu for double immunity, best power control champion in the game, regeneration, and good AW defender unduped (god tier duped at 5* with mystic dispersion).
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    If you weren’t planning on taking vision to rank 4 then why did ou buy him. I bought him because I knew he was going to rank 4 and then most likely to rank 5
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    Vision no doubt
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    Wait-why are some people touting double immunity and power control as a Dormammu sell? Vision does all that, and more efficiently-less block damage, less reliant on heavy baiting to deal damage, and he can generate power out of nowhere (assuming you duped him).

    And Vision's no slouch defensively-the right nodes can make him an absolute pain to deal with in AW. Vision has so much more viability in quest though-Dormammu's block proficiency is horrible, and Vision's actually got one of the highest base attacks in the game.
  • edited April 2018
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    those who choose dormamu are those who do not have or can't afford vision
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  • AlexanderpspAlexanderpsp Member Posts: 150
    Simple opinion : If you spent 500-600 $ to get him , get him to rank 4 , just because of the Money spent
  • Bear3Bear3 Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    Dormamu actuslly isn’t that dominant a defender anymore with the prevalence of blades now. Still great but isn’t what he used to be... same as magik. Like dormamu and all but don’t like the “slow” champs much and visions abillty synthesis creating power for nothing is insane. Best power control champ no question if duped. I’ll be taking vision to r5 along with blade.
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  • edited April 2018
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  • ZENZEN Member Posts: 156
    If you have 5* OG Vision, It's a no brainer not to R4 him.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    I'd have to agree with OG.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    Great sounds like Original Vision R4 sounds better. And, I think people have had too much practice with Dorm.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    YoMoves wrote: »
    Wait-why are some people touting double immunity and power control as a Dormammu sell? Vision does all that, and more efficiently-less block damage, less reliant on heavy baiting to deal damage, and he can generate power out of nowhere (assuming you duped him).

    And Vision's no slouch defensively-the right nodes can make him an absolute pain to deal with in AW. Vision has so much more viability in quest though-Dormammu's block proficiency is horrible, and Vision's actually got one of the highest base attacks in the game.

    Because Dormammu is the game's best power control champion, power drain on 2nd medium attack and sometimes sp2 and power lock on sp2. He's the only champion able to prevent all opponents except duped Vision OG from reaching 1 bar of power, and his regeneration makes up for the difference in block damage between him and Vision OG. He also benefits from the willpower mastery because he's not a robot.

    Dormmamu is still a top AW defender. For people saying that Blade counters Dormammmu I have yet to see someone solo a 4/55 duped Dormammu AW boss with anyone besides Magik and Gladiator Hulk. Not saying no one has ever soloed a 4/55 duped Dormammu boss with Blade in tier 1-3 AW, just that I haven't seen a video of someone showing it can be done.

    Both Dormammu and Vision OG have great utility but only Dormmamu makes a solid AW defender in upper AW tiers because Vision OG's specials are easy to bait. IMO Vision OG's best use outside of quests is the middle tier of paths 4-6 in AW, which makes him a great option to take to 4/55 or even 5/65. Both champions are worth r4 when duped, deciding which one is more deserving of r4 depends on the needs of the OP.
  • whaler213whaler213 Member Posts: 151
    OG Vision those base stats are insane at r4 and synthesis is the best power gain in the game (also he cant be danger sensed if put on D)
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