Dungeons: Hit or Miss

ItempasItempas Member Posts: 57

Dungeons: Hit or Miss 108 votes

GroundedWisdomVdh2008Alex_sc11LeNoirFaineantDrOctavius2_2KeonexErza_ScarletRednick69TheManMythLegendAxeCopFirebuffajrTrimbobheruheru511StrikerCTonyStarkGruftySac123_Username1583SKOutsiderAlCapone2727 51 votes
RagamugginGunnerbecauseicantlm2mutamattGolden_GuardianJaffacakedPalanthraxHaji_SaabDarkstar4387RaganatorJRock808GriffoplaySpity68mum_m2DukeBK_AVENGERVossler77djmindblazerSomeoneElseJank39 57 votes


  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    The gameplay itself is alright. The rewards system isn’t. If they at least told us why some really good players don’t have 5* chaos crystals and some less experienced do, it would probably be fine. The milestones make sense at the very least, even if they don’t allow for getting the 5* awakening gem...
  • Malgus86Malgus86 Member Posts: 16
    I like the concept of it and it is fun to play, however the ridiculously long cool downs for champs along with the fiasco with rewards makes it not enjoyable. If the cool downs were more in line with arenas and the reward caps weren't based on prestige I would enjoy it alot more.
  • GruftyGrufty Member Posts: 187
    I'm enjoying it at the moment, definitely nice to have new modes in the game and it was fun to team up with someone.

    My concern though is that reaching the final milestone each day seems a bit of a chore and having to do this every day I think will eventually become annoying.

    I realise this is currently just limited time so to do this every day for 1 month isn't too bad, but people have asked for this to be permanent (also people want an alternative to arenas) and I don't think this is a good format if it was to be made permanent.

    The good thing with arenas is that you can log in for 5 minutes and do a couple of fights. This content though you have to arrange for someone else to be available (at least until they've enabled the "find a friend" button) which can take time to prepare and the early rooms don't give much points so you have to play multiple rooms for the points to make a difference.

    Every other game mode (and that includes AW & AQ) you can log in, do a couple of fights and then log off again. With this mode you have to play multiple rooms to increase the points and make the effort worth it which increases the time you have to be online for.

    Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying it at the moment but just worry that the event could become stale and feel like a chore towards the end of the month.
    Nope. The game mode itself isn’t bad, but kabam needs to add in a penalty system for players leaving the game halfway through a dungeon. That is a big fundamental of global co op makes.
  • Jman2182Jman2182 Member Posts: 101
    I wish the mode had a solo option, also your teammates can choose a node like bane for you to fight against and its annoying when they choose something like heal block over limber. Wasted potential.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    I feel like they’re trying to use this to distract us from all the problems with the game (lag, unresponsive controls, gold shortage, etc.) by releasing this. Get rid of it for now, and bring it back when you’ve fixed the game.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    It's the best content they have in the game right now. But they took all the joy out of it because of the ridiculously high prestige cap to obtain all of the rewards. KEEP IT SIMPLE
  • IanMoone89IanMoone89 Member Posts: 590
    edited April 2018
    Been playing dungeon and still cant get reach 2nd milestone playing 5 rooms and i die but got lucky and concluded a room lol....idk whats going on but i cant seem to reach all the milestones in time as i would have to grind all day and i actually have a damn life out the game
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    I hate this more every day. I got been screwed by may partner 4 times last night.
    1-Didn't know Abomb poisoned on bleeds and is poison immune thought my AA would be the best option and took the Tech path.
    2 - KOd in room 3 and had to take out linked boss and end it early.
    3 - KOd on the first node using our A team in room 5 to a GD Yellow Jacket. Had to take out the mini double noded, and died on the boss.
    4 - Selected Dungeon 6 instead of 5 when we had our C teams.

    2 F'n hours to get to 7.5k because of my partner being terrible.
  • mutamattmutamatt Member, Content Creators Posts: 232 Content Creator
    edited April 2018
    the gameplay is great (really great), and it is strong enough to stand on its own as a fun low key way to grind bc or gold with friends.

    tying the rewards to the monthly currency makes it more of a chore though. its just another item on my daily MCOC todo list.

    if the may monthly is as long as the april monthly, lost of people will be stretched pretty thin.

    bring it back with good gold rewards and an arena style milestone (weekly, 3-day, etc) and give good gold/bc/alpha awards, and it will be a hit.

    also the prestige based system was poorly communicated, but i really consider that a flaw of the monthly event not the dungeons themselves.

    solid game mode, poorly applied awards/monthly event tie in.
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    I like the concept. The time suck is real.
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    I enjoy it. It is fun and challenging. Only down side is cool down timers, and how time consuming it is. Yesterday i started playing, then looked up and 2 hours had gone by lol
  • GriffoplayGriffoplay Member Posts: 270
    The concept is ok, the gameplay end rwards are not.
    There is a lot of tech problems (chat not working, lag, connection problems in general) but above all, the uninterrupted time you need to put into dungeons are a bit changing the game I war playing before. I was used to play it 6/10 min uninterrupted but more times in a day. If I want something more I can do it for rewards.
    With dungeons you have to play AT LAST 40 uninterrupted mins 2 times a day if you want something in returns.the enormous omounts of time you have to invest every single day is just the minimum to reach the tops rewards.
  • BK_AVENGERBK_AVENGER Member Posts: 60
    The biggest problem is with the milestones.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    I hate this more every day. I got been screwed by may partner 4 times last night.
    1-Didn't know Abomb poisoned on bleeds and is poison immune thought my AA would be the best option and took the Tech path.
    2 - KOd in room 3 and had to take out linked boss and end it early.
    3 - KOd on the first node using our A team in room 5 to a GD Yellow Jacket. Had to take out the mini double noded, and died on the boss.
    4 - Selected Dungeon 6 instead of 5 when we had our C teams.

    2 F'n hours to get to 7.5k because of my partner being terrible.
    I think the first one is your own fault tbh. Playing the blame game is not sportive. Anyway, the whole point of the game is to strategise, but the time clock makes it impossible to chat things through with your partner. Kabam basically killed their own game.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    @RagamugginGunner how are you at the 7.5k milestone and not know abom poisons on bleed. you sound like someone who bought another's account and just dove right in at the top tier or you're a hacker.

    and thank you for proving my point that you being much less skilled than the majority and are getting more and better rewards than people who are more deserving - proving yet again that prestige is a garbage metric.
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  • KeonexKeonex Member Posts: 332 ★★★
    This is actually one of the BEST new things Kabam has done for the game.

    I really enjoy this.

    But it does need some tweaking.

    I am rated over 7k prestige so I have all rewards and milestones unlocked. So keep that in mind.

    one thing that Kabam needs to do is remove prestige requirements from this event. Getting the shards to get a 5* takes a considerable amount of time and talent for a newbie to do if they do work hard and are able to get enough for one 5* then thats great. Its exactly what the game is meant to do be rewarding for hard work. NOT just cuz of your prestige, that was BAD BAD.

    another thing is they should change the milestones to be more in line with other things in the game to allow players to work on this on their availbale time if they cannot do this monthly, so my suggestion for this would be to make it a weekly event not a daily one.
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    great gameplay but the reward drops are lacking
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  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    Its a hit and miss with me. Was exciting when it came out but its starting to wear down.

    I like that there is a co-op feature now, and the potential rewards are ideal. Not a fan of the timer or a set time frame to hit milestones, see some players struggling to find other players with equal availability to play with them and help them hit all milestones. For me, the timer is annoying just cause you really have to shut out any real life distractions in order to commit or enjoy it and not upset your partner, but I guess thats the whole point of it. The champ refresh is the biggest buzzkill, and the unit cost to refresh is disgusting.
  • BUZZdog3000BUZZdog3000 Member Posts: 457 ★★
    They are good. Those who complain about your partner being bad then I'm assuming you are finding people in global chat. It's fun to play with friends and alliance members.
  • PrimeSaviour_27PrimeSaviour_27 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    Amazing concept, however very poorly executed.

    All champs should have a daily refresh, 2 days and a day and a half are pointless and benifits no one. All it achieves is, more time in the dungeons. With a daily refresh you still will have to use champs you normally won't, so that excuse is mute in my eyes..

    They need to take the time limit off. What's the point of having a team event yet not being able to discuss strategy! It just makes it rushed and could lead to mistakes.

    The chat is amazing, when it's working 😔

    Due to those points they have failed massively. To improve it just:-

    Take timers off, daily refresh for all your champs and fix the chat. Then it will be a winner 😁
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    I hate this more every day. I got been screwed by may partner 4 times last night.
    1-Didn't know Abomb poisoned on bleeds and is poison immune thought my AA would be the best option and took the Tech path.
    2 - KOd in room 3 and had to take out linked boss and end it early.
    3 - KOd on the first node using our A team in room 5 to a GD Yellow Jacket. Had to take out the mini double noded, and died on the boss.
    4 - Selected Dungeon 6 instead of 5 when we had our C teams.

    2 F'n hours to get to 7.5k because of my partner being terrible.
    I think the first one is your own fault tbh. Playing the blame game is not sportive. Anyway, the whole point of the game is to strategise, but the time clock makes it impossible to chat things through with your partner. Kabam basically killed their own game.

    How the hell is him saying, "You had AA so I took to tech path" my fault? Was it you I played with? That makes sense now.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    @RagamugginGunner how are you at the 7.5k milestone and not know abom poisons on bleed. you sound like someone who bought another's account and just dove right in at the top tier or you're a hacker.

    and thank you for proving my point that you being much less skilled than the majority and are getting more and better rewards than people who are more deserving - proving yet again that prestige is a garbage metric.

    You need to re-read my post chief.
  • KingsamKingsam Member Posts: 109
    The whole idea of this dungeon is creepy. There's a review on the Apple App Store talking about it. It is strange they won't let us do it solo and force us to work and communicate with someone else. I hope to never see the dungeons again. Or at least make it so parents can disable it.
  • lm2lm2 Member Posts: 24
    The premise of the dungeons are cool and it is a mode worth keeping, but it needs a solo mode or way to deal with 1 person having a bad room.

    Also, 2 days in and it already feels like a chore because it takes so long to hit all the milestones.

    I would say focus it as a place for casual play to get gold and other random stuff from time to time, but it is too much effort at the moment.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I like it a lot. I think it needs a tweak here and there. I'd like to see the chat fixed. I'd like to see a pause progress option. I think the prestige cutoff should be removed or at least lowered (doesn't affect me. 7200+ prestige). I think they hit a home run with the concept but not so much with the execution.
  • VimesVonlipVimesVonlip Member Posts: 177 ★★
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    @RagamugginGunner how are you at the 7.5k milestone and not know abom poisons on bleed. you sound like someone who bought another's account and just dove right in at the top tier or you're a hacker.

    and thank you for proving my point that you being much less skilled than the majority and are getting more and better rewards than people who are more deserving - proving yet again that prestige is a garbage metric.

    Your reading comprehension is garbage. He was talking about the issues his partners were having. As in those are the 4 things different partners did to screw him over.
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