Unit store price increases?!?!

Why did the price of Peter Parker's Wallet go up a dollar? Also the price of the daily crystal went up. What is the purpose of this? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit
If you don't mind sharing, where are you located? While we do set the initial price of items in game, the prices are subject to change dependent on currency exchange rates, as well as if there are any tax rate/regulation changes in your region.
Peter Parker's wallet
Daily Crystal
3* awakening bundle
Went up by up from $4.99-$6.00
So the prices make no sense based on currency values
Also what platform? Apple or android?
I would like an answer for this as well. I live in the US and the price is clearly $6. It is also $6 on my Google play receipt. If I was incorrectly charged, I would like a refund.
I see the $6 also. It is definitely not from exchange rates.
At this point it really doesn't matter if Kabam intentionally raised the priced or if its a 'bug'.
Either way Kabam hasn't communicated the change, is not responsive in forums or support, and takes too long to fix anything.
The receipt is proof that its not a visual glitch.
Plus my this post is more likely to ve deleted before they update this post with an answer...
IMO this is much bigger than $1. Its about etihics and customer support when any amount of money is involved.
We will post more updates here as we have them: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/66430/regarding-price-discrepancy-for-android-users-on-select-purchases#latest
Thank you for your patience!
Happening in more than 1 state. I have US Alliance members in California, Florida, Virginia & Illinois. I live in indiana. It is $6.00 for all of us ATM.
Also why would a tax increase only effect the $4.99 price and no others?
New Jersey here and again it's only some deals, not sure what they're playing at but they're starting to get on my nerves.
It's only the 4.99 deals that are now suddenly 6.00.