QUAKE is Broken after 18.0.1.

Quake is badly broken. I was playing Dungeon and Quests and She is supposed to autoevade first hit while she is charging. But now while holding heavy charge enemy hits us and we donot auto evade.
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
But my quake is fine anyway
I think that we have literally all stated that it was in dungeons.
I’ve also literally stated my quakes 4* and 5* are not bugged...
I fought against Angela. I don't think she could have changed that outcome.
You literally didn’t. You mentioned yours was fine, nothing about which stars or even that you’re talking about multiple quakes. It also doesn’t change the problem someone else has.
Who were you fighting?
I haven't seen any other issues with her, but I also don't do dungeons.
Yeah, I've been noticing this for awhile... Never actually thought to say something about it though 😂
no fix about quake
Me neither. I did think about it for a second, because of the “stuck in heavy” bug that we had for a long time. Those two things combined could be an issue.
You do know that for Quake to autoevade her opponent must first have a concussion? Her #2 special has a 100% chance to give her opponent a concussion while charging her heavy attack only has a small percentage chance of giving a concussion. It is best to use the #2 special first, to induce concussion, then use the heavy attack charge to cause damage and keep the concussion active. As to her aftershock stun it is similar to using "Parry". Some opponents have a higher resistance to being stunned then others and some come out of it faster then others, especially if the summoner has put "Mastery" points into the ability to shorten stun effects. It would be helpful to know what dungon lvl you were on or, if not in dungons, what quest, event, AW, or AQ you were on, as well as what champ you were fighting as well as node you were on if applicable.
Go read her abilities this time.
I don't read that as a recommendation, but more as a "S2 has a 100% chance" because with holding block there are champs that don't get it (although usually for those champs her S2 isn't foolproof either)
I’m a big Quake fan and player, have her at r4 thinking about r5 her but after this I’m having second thoughts. There has been two main issues I’ve seen since 18.01 update:
1) While holding heavy, she is supposed to evade 100% all non-special attacks. This now seems to have been reduced to less than 100% as I’ve seen a few instances where the defender just smacks her and she just stands there instead of evading. This happened in AQ fight without any true strike buff etc. Happened also in EQ non boss fight.
2) I’ve seen at least twice (once in war and once in AQ) where the aftershok just stops working completely. No stun, no damage. Concussion still procs but nothing else. Video link here:
@Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Miike