is todays Trial of infinite a little too hard?

So today I did masters trial, the regeneration one. I bought Ultron,blade,GR,gully(duped), and Hood. First champ i fought was easy, then I fought Iron man. He started to regen every 7 seconds, which I suppose can get heal blocked. but NO. it didn't block the regen and iron man kept regening. Its kinda unfair how you get him down to like 5% then he just regens back to 30% and kills you. Kinda a cash grab? I mean he killed all of my champs and hes still at 20% after 5 revives. A few of my ally members got the same feeling as me. what do you guys think?
is todays Trial of infinite a little too hard? 135 votes
You didn’t “literally” state who, specifically, you used against Iron Man, unless you used them all, then you just need to practice fighting without parry and other debuffs more.
He was my first node and I one shot him with a 4* 4/40 Red Hulk. Then I also had X-23 and Old Man Logan as my next 2 nodes. X-23 took out my Red Hulk and Stark Spidey. Finished her with 4* 4/40 Hyperion, but lost him on OML. Then finished off OML with 4* 4/40 Corvus.
This is the most difficult day of Trials in expert mode.
With the masochism node in expert every 5 seconds the next debuff you place is removed and the opponent heals for 5% of max health. That includes a heal block debuff, which is probably why it seemed as if your heal block wasn’t working.
They also regen for 150% normal, so that 5% may end up at 12.5%, but not 100% on that.
With those champs, you should have walked through that quest. Hood can stagger the regen. Guilly can reverse it. Blade can out damage it.
Also his odd combo reduces the chance for the debuff trigger to happen, just noticed this today.
I also used a R4 5* LC and absolutely smashed (I think it was “...) superior Ironman. Just outdamaged him by a lot. I’m sure a R3 5* or a high ranked 4* would be effective too.
AA's neurotoxin blocks that too, and found quake also to be really helpful. But as @taojay1 said, use the boost to reverse all healing if you don't have the needed champs.
I get the regen back to 30% part. Don't get the kills you part lol.
You “literally” did not. You stated the team you brought, no where did you say who you used on IM. Even if you used all 5, it doesn’t say so. I mean, I can deduce you used them all, but who did you use the revives on?
I had that fight too. He regened twice back to full health cause he didn’t want to do his specials. Took me over a 100 hits.
I go for the opposite strategy. Keep laying on the debuffs. So many debuffs that you can parry normally and that my bleeds outdamage the healing.
Same here , I used x-23 and stacked those bleeds . It took awhile ( just over 100 hits) but it got the job done .
I’m just glad King Groot is not in the pool of champs this time . I hated fighting him on the regen day on the previous trails event.
I use X23 for that too! And GP and AA.
I didn't look at my team and hit fight. D'oh!
Mordo, Angela, Rulk, X23 and Witch.
AA and Guilly on the bench, double D'oh.
The only proper regen champ I faced was wolvy, 4/40 Rulk punched through all of them.