QUAKE is Broken after 18.0.1.



  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    My 4/55 still seems to be ok but I hope they figure out the bug. That sounds pretty bad.
  • crimson_kaiokencrimson_kaioken Member Posts: 16
    im having the same issues with my 5/65 quake,i hope you guys fix this soon
    she is my MVP for AW and now i have to replace her cause of bugs
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    I'm having some the issues with my quake. (4/40) but only in AQ am i having this issue
  • DJSergyDJSergy Member Posts: 170 ★★
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit can we at least get some kind of acknowledgement that at least the team is deficating some resources for investigating this? Thanks. This is extremely important for all Quake users
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    I'm seeing a lot of hits that should be auto evaded in arena as well and the timing for heavy hold seems screwy after an auto evade.
  • LaylicLaylic Member Posts: 88
    So far from what I can tell, is there seems to be a cutoff for the amount of charges. Once you hit that amount, it no longer does damage when charging a heavy and no longer stuns or does damage during aftershock. I’ve had it stop working only 3 times but all three were when I was able to get the charges really high. Like up to around 17-19. I’ve been messing with it for a while and it’s never failed at charge levels around 15 or less.

    This has only started happening since they fixed her exploitable loop.
  • DhruvgajjarDhruvgajjar Member Posts: 46
    Laylic wrote: »
    So far from what I can tell, is there seems to be a cutoff for the amount of charges. Once you hit that amount, it no longer does damage when charging a heavy and no longer stuns or does damage during aftershock. I’ve had it stop working only 3 times but all three were when I was able to get the charges really high. Like up to around 17-19. I’ve been messing with it for a while and it’s never failed at charge levels around 15 or less.

    This has only started happening since they fixed her exploitable loop.

    But they would need to let us know about that so we know how we can change the way we play her. I've been following this thread since the moment it started nd I hope kabam takes these complaints constructively nd help us by answering our queries.
  • Wenrene_RVWenrene_RV Member Posts: 8
    Laylic wrote: »
    So far from what I can tell, is there seems to be a cutoff for the amount of charges. Once you hit that amount, it no longer does damage when charging a heavy and no longer stuns or does damage during aftershock. I’ve had it stop working only 3 times but all three were when I was able to get the charges really high. Like up to around 17-19. I’ve been messing with it for a while and it’s never failed at charge levels around 15 or less.

    This has only started happening since they fixed her exploitable loop.

    But they would need to let us know about that so we know how we can change the way we play her. I've been following this thread since the moment it started nd I hope kabam takes these complaints constructively nd help us by answering our queries.

    Don't think they are going to reply us lol, they are too shady.
  • DJSergyDJSergy Member Posts: 170 ★★
    Laylic wrote: »
    So far from what I can tell, is there seems to be a cutoff for the amount of charges. Once you hit that amount, it no longer does damage when charging a heavy and no longer stuns or does damage during aftershock. I’ve had it stop working only 3 times but all three were when I was able to get the charges really high. Like up to around 17-19. I’ve been messing with it for a while and it’s never failed at charge levels around 15 or less.

    This has only started happening since they fixed her exploitable loop.

    Thats very nice feedback bro. In the video @MetaphorUranium posted, it started happening once he hit 18 charges. So it seems that is what is triggering the bug. Seems to be happening on all platforms i.e android and ios. Your welcome kabam, seems the community figured out whats going on and given you guys enough information so you can start working on it. Now, can we please get some acknowledgement that it will get fixed in next update or at the very least that you guys are working on it? @Kabam Zibiit
  • MetaphorUraniumMetaphorUranium Member Posts: 83
    @Kabam Zibiit I would point out that it's not just the Aftershock dealing no damage, but also Quake sometimes doesn't charge her heavy when you hold the heavy, and sometimes her auto evade fails. It's harder to post a video of her not charging heavy when I tap/hold the right side of my screen, because you can't see that in game... All you see is her standing there getting hit. But the auto evade failure is present in my video at 0:33.
  • MetaphorUraniumMetaphorUranium Member Posts: 83
    edited May 2018
    @Kabam Zibiit - I tested this for you, see below video please. Reached 17 charges at 1:30 and 1:50, reached 18 charges at 2:10, did not trigger the error with the Aftershock and stun. However, at the beginning of the fight, first minute, when I get hit, the game is not registering that I had pressed and held heavy, so Quake just stands there and gets hit. This did not trigger the other glitches, so I am left to assume when the game glitches and makes Quake fail to auto evade when charging heavy, THAT'S when the other glitches occur (no Aftershock/stun). I'll keep testing for you.

  • MetaphorUraniumMetaphorUranium Member Posts: 83
    @Kabam Zibiit -- further testing. Please see first short video of the heavy charging properly, followed by the second short video of the heavy failing to charge, Quake just standing there getting hit. I'm using the same technique both times, and I promise I did not mess up despite Quake getting pounded. These short videos were from Uncollected Infinity Event, first tile, no buffs on the nodes.


  • SvainSvain Member Posts: 453 ★★
    @Kabam Zibiit I would point out that it's not just the Aftershock dealing no damage, but also Quake sometimes doesn't charge her heavy when you hold the heavy, and sometimes her auto evade fails. It's harder to post a video of her not charging heavy when I tap/hold the right side of my screen, because you can't see that in game... All you see is her standing there getting hit. But the auto evade failure is present in my video at 0:33.

    I made a post about her evade failing over a month so but got ignored, glad this is finally getting noticed by the rest of the community. Here is the post.

  • MetaphorUraniumMetaphorUranium Member Posts: 83
    Svain wrote: »
    @Kabam Zibiit I would point out that it's not just the Aftershock dealing no damage, but also Quake sometimes doesn't charge her heavy when you hold the heavy, and sometimes her auto evade fails. It's harder to post a video of her not charging heavy when I tap/hold the right side of my screen, because you can't see that in game... All you see is her standing there getting hit. But the auto evade failure is present in my video at 0:33.

    I made a post about her evade failing over a month so but got ignored, glad this is finally getting noticed by the rest of the community. Here is the post.


    I didn't see this post, good catch! I also thought for the past month it was just me letting off the heavy a split second too early with the Sentinels specifically so I adjusted my game, but it's clearly not human error. It's a repeatable e-glitch.
  • NakedNinjaNakedNinja Member Posts: 1
    I'm not one to post on here, but recently this has gotten out of control. Quake is now extremely unreliable. Firstly, throughout some fights my heavy and aftershock end up doing no damage. Now I am getting hit while charging my heavy. This has caused me to lose attack bonus in war and caused me to die in dungeons. Would like a reply to see Kabam working to fix this ASAP.
  • Ayushk12Ayushk12 Member Posts: 153
    It depends on what nodes were you facing, what champs, etc. For example if its true strike then she won't evade after charging her heavy attack. Also she will not evade any special attacks while charging her heavy attack. The damage that she deals is when the aftershock charge end their times. Not while charhing. While charging she does a minimal damage only. Hope that clears up your doubts as she is an amazing champ and very reliable in my opinion.
  • DJSergyDJSergy Member Posts: 170 ★★
    Ayushk12 wrote: »
    It depends on what nodes were you facing, what champs, etc. For example if its true strike then she won't evade after charging her heavy attack. Also she will not evade any special attacks while charging her heavy attack. The damage that she deals is when the aftershock charge end their times. Not while charhing. While charging she does a minimal damage only. Hope that clears up your doubts as she is an amazing champ and very reliable in my opinion.

    Thats great advice, thanks. Keep helping the community on how to use Quake. But apparently you responded to his comment without reading any of this thread or looking at any of the videos posted. Plenty of experience Quake users have posted here.

    Quake is buggy after 18.01. The details of the bug are up there, read up...

  • ChickenChicken Member Posts: 160
    ISHLORD wrote: »
    Quake is badly broken. I was playing Dungeon and Quests and She is supposed to autoevade first hit while she is charging. But now while holding heavy charge enemy hits us and we donot auto evade.

    You do know that for Quake to autoevade her opponent must first have a concussion? Her #2 special has a 100% chance to give her opponent a concussion while charging her heavy attack only has a small percentage chance of giving a concussion. It is best to use the #2 special first, to induce concussion, then use the heavy attack charge to cause damage and keep the concussion active. As to her aftershock stun it is similar to using "Parry". Some opponents have a higher resistance to being stunned then others and some come out of it faster then others, especially if the summoner has put "Mastery" points into the ability to shorten stun effects. It would be helpful to know what dungon lvl you were on or, if not in dungons, what quest, event, AW, or AQ you were on, as well as what champ you were fighting as well as node you were on if applicable.

    She doesn’t have to have concussion on the opponent to evade when charging a heavy. She is supposed to evade the first hit when charging heavy. It doesn’t matter if the opponent has a concussion on them or not

  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey everyone, just wanted to let you all know that we are still working on getting all of these issues resolved.

    Chicken wrote: »
    ISHLORD wrote: »
    Quake is badly broken. I was playing Dungeon and Quests and She is supposed to autoevade first hit while she is charging. But now while holding heavy charge enemy hits us and we donot auto evade.

    You do know that for Quake to autoevade her opponent must first have a concussion? Her #2 special has a 100% chance to give her opponent a concussion while charging her heavy attack only has a small percentage chance of giving a concussion. It is best to use the #2 special first, to induce concussion, then use the heavy attack charge to cause damage and keep the concussion active. As to her aftershock stun it is similar to using "Parry". Some opponents have a higher resistance to being stunned then others and some come out of it faster then others, especially if the summoner has put "Mastery" points into the ability to shorten stun effects. It would be helpful to know what dungon lvl you were on or, if not in dungons, what quest, event, AW, or AQ you were on, as well as what champ you were fighting as well as node you were on if applicable.

    She doesn’t have to have concussion on the opponent to evade when charging a heavy. She is supposed to evade the first hit when charging heavy. It doesn’t matter if the opponent has a concussion on them or not

    I also wanted to provide some clarification on this. Quake does need to have a Concussion on the opponent in order to evade their basic attacks.

    If you look at the description of her abilities, charging her heavy does not innately allow her to evade the next attack. However, it does inflict a Concussion debuff on her opponent while she is charging her heavy. One of her other abilities is that she evades basic attacks against opponents with a Concussion.

    In most cases, this doesn't really make much of a difference but certain circumstances (like an opponent being debuff immune or Quake's ability accuracy being reduced) could prevent her from placing a Concussion on the opponent, which would prevent her from being able to evade basic attacks, even while charging her heavy. Just something for everyone to keep in mind while using and fighting Quake.

    Situations like this are also part of the reason why we try to ask for as many details as we can about where an issue occured, what champions were involved, and what nodes were at play. An opponent like Agent Venom or a node that gives debuff immunity could keep Quake from inflicting the Concussions she needs to evade, but being able to confirm which nodes/opponents were involved lets us rule out other possibilities and get to the root of an issue faster.
  • AlankritAlankrit Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2018
    So I’m having issues with my unduped Quake too. Recently when I was charging the heavy attack, we get the first evade. Now, when I tried to block the second hit, instead of blocking, she tried to throw a heavy attack thus making me open for attack. This happened to me in EQ with Gamora. No immune debuffs.
    She just throws a heavy while a try to BLOCK the second attack(evaded first) after charging heavy. This problem with heavy attack is there for a while. Plz look into the matter.
  • DJSergyDJSergy Member Posts: 170 ★★
    @Kabam Zibiit -- further testing. Please see first short video of the heavy charging properly, followed by the second short video of the heavy failing to charge, Quake just standing there getting hit. I'm using the same technique both times, and I promise I did not mess up despite Quake getting pounded. These short videos were from Uncollected Infinity Event, first tile, no buffs on the nodes.



    @MetaphorUranium nice work like always on this topic. I’ve noticed the “miss” heavy input as well while using Quake. However I’ve also noticed it with Hyperion a couple times, which could indicate the bug you are describing in these two videos is due to some kind of unresponsive heavy bug and applies to more than just Quake. Using Quake might just make you notice it more. Like I also noticed it with both Quake and Hyperion as they both rely on using heavy constantly.

    Keep it up bro and thanks for your insight on this. Hopefully kabam will fix both bugs you are describing in this thread soon.

  • MetaphorUraniumMetaphorUranium Member Posts: 83
    Hey everyone, just wanted to let you all know that we are still working on getting all of these issues resolved.

    Chicken wrote: »
    ISHLORD wrote: »
    Quake is badly broken. I was playing Dungeon and Quests and She is supposed to autoevade first hit while she is charging. But now while holding heavy charge enemy hits us and we donot auto evade.

    You do know that for Quake to autoevade her opponent must first have a concussion? Her #2 special has a 100% chance to give her opponent a concussion while charging her heavy attack only has a small percentage chance of giving a concussion. It is best to use the #2 special first, to induce concussion, then use the heavy attack charge to cause damage and keep the concussion active. As to her aftershock stun it is similar to using "Parry". Some opponents have a higher resistance to being stunned then others and some come out of it faster then others, especially if the summoner has put "Mastery" points into the ability to shorten stun effects. It would be helpful to know what dungon lvl you were on or, if not in dungons, what quest, event, AW, or AQ you were on, as well as what champ you were fighting as well as node you were on if applicable.

    She doesn’t have to have concussion on the opponent to evade when charging a heavy. She is supposed to evade the first hit when charging heavy. It doesn’t matter if the opponent has a concussion on them or not

    I also wanted to provide some clarification on this. Quake does need to have a Concussion on the opponent in order to evade their basic attacks.

    If you look at the description of her abilities, charging her heavy does not innately allow her to evade the next attack. However, it does inflict a Concussion debuff on her opponent while she is charging her heavy. One of her other abilities is that she evades basic attacks against opponents with a Concussion.

    In most cases, this doesn't really make much of a difference but certain circumstances (like an opponent being debuff immune or Quake's ability accuracy being reduced) could prevent her from placing a Concussion on the opponent, which would prevent her from being able to evade basic attacks, even while charging her heavy. Just something for everyone to keep in mind while using and fighting Quake.

    Situations like this are also part of the reason why we try to ask for as many details as we can about where an issue occured, what champions were involved, and what nodes were at play. An opponent like Agent Venom or a node that gives debuff immunity could keep Quake from inflicting the Concussions she needs to evade, but being able to confirm which nodes/opponents were involved lets us rule out other possibilities and get to the root of an issue faster.

    Absolutely understood, ability accuracy reduction will affect the evade, and concussion IS necessary for the passive evade. I always make a point of showing the node buffs in my videos just for clarity. Thank you for looking into it.

    You may have luck going back to the patch that introduced the Sentinels. That is when I first started noticing Quake getting hit while failing to evade despite no node buffs, analysis counters, or any ability that would cause such an effect. That's also when I started noticing Quake failing to charge her heavy when I pressed heavy, but intermittently. I think the failure to charge heavy always occurs when she has a dexterity buff from a manual evade, but it's only happening some of the time. I'll keep testing.
  • MetaphorUraniumMetaphorUranium Member Posts: 83
    Agreed @GbSarkar - Quake has passively evaded debuff immune champs while charging heavy since she came out. Her Aftershock damage acts like a passive effect, and it happens regardless of whether a concussion debuff is present or whether the other champs is debuff immune.

    @Kabam Zibiit I will just mention this: if Kabam is tweaking Quake is further reduce her viability, it would be better for Kabam to just tell the community. I just barely got my 5* Quake to 4/55, and I would never have used that gear on her if I knew this bug was coming. It would be even more difficult for Quake lovers like myself to realize that Kabam intentionally changed something about Quake without telling us. I fully believe that the failure to auto evade is a bug. I'm still trying to test Quake's failure to charge her heavy after using dexterity. It would be difficult to keep playing if Quake gets nerfed though. She's my favorite champ, and there are quite a few of us out there who love playing Quake style.

    Lastly, Quake is not overpowered. Sure, she's great against any champ relying on abilities, like Magik, Sentinels, or Mephisto. But many effects counter her quite effectively. True strike completely **** down charging Quake's heavy. Limber, debuff immune, and stun immune make it a real challenge to play with her without being able to parry after each auto evade. Mystic dispersion forces you to parry rather than manually evade/dexterity. Kinetic reactor forces you to not block as often, as it acts as a different kind of MD. Energy resistance makes the fights longer. Also, many champs have different timings with how fast they swing the second punch, so I find Hulk Ragnarok, Thor Ragnarok, and others to be extremely difficult with Quake. Iceman's coldsnap makes him a pain.

    In total, she's really good against some champs/nodes, and bad against others. She's an excellent addition to the MCOC universe of playable champs. The community is gently begging you, Kabam: please do not nerf Quake. She was great pre-February. Please.
  • Blitzkilla420Blitzkilla420 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    so are you saying i shouldnt rank up my quake till this is fixed? :(
  • MetaphorUraniumMetaphorUranium Member Posts: 83
    so are you saying i shouldnt rank up my quake till this is fixed? :(

    I wouldn't. She's meh tier or good tier and has only limited usage until they fix these bugs.
  • UC439UC439 Member Posts: 261
    They've been tweaking her since the aftershock correction update. Quake is my top champ, and I confidently used her in all viable fights perfectly. But recently her moves are going haywire. I refuse to believe that I've become a complete noob quake player from being almost perfect one, over the course a couse of a month or two.

    Dexterity interrupting chain heavy bug, concussion bug, throwing heavy insted of dash back bug all are real. Even recently you've been making champions that does throw only one attack at once (if evaded), thereby pushing quake back to wall easily and there has also been slight change in throwing back to back attacks, which miscues quake's timing.

    These are straight away cheating on your part. Just when a lot of the community started getting better at quake skills, you start tweaking her.
  • MetaphorUraniumMetaphorUranium Member Posts: 83
    edited May 2018
    @UC439 well, most of what you say is accurate. Dexterity interrupting chain heavy charging is a bug needing immediate attention. That bug ruins Quake. The bug that causes Quake to fail to evade while charging heavy is equally problematic. Her failure to proc Aftershock and damage is ridiculous. I haven't seen her throw a heavy instead of evading while heavy is charging, but if that's also a bug then it needs to be fixed ASAP with these others.

    But Kabam making champs who hit twice on the first swing isn't new (like Drax), nor is making champs who hit at different intervals (like both Magnetos, The Collector, Doc Oc, Venom, Venompool, both Cyclopses, Thor Ragnarok, and Hulk Ragnarok). That just makes Quake a challenge, and I actually enjoy trying to figure out the timing of each opponent with my Quake. Also, don't be afraid of Quake's back being against the left wall. That's all I'll say.
  • UC439UC439 Member Posts: 261
    @UC439 well, most of what you say is accurate. Dexterity interrupting chain heavy charging is a bug needing immediate attention. That bug ruins Quake. The bug that causes Quake to fail to evade while charging heavy is equally problematic. Her failure to proc Aftershock and damage is ridiculous. I haven't seen her throw a heavy instead of evading while heavy is charging, but if that's also a bug then it needs to be fixed ASAP with these others.

    But Kabam making champs who hit twice on the first swing isn't new (like Drax), nor is making champs who hit at different intervals (like both Magnetos, The Collector, Doc Oc, Venom, Venompool, both Cyclopses, Thor Ragnarok, and Hulk Ragnarok). That just makes Quake a challenge, and I actually enjoy trying to figure out the timing of each opponent with my Quake. Also, don't be afraid of Quake's back being against the left wall. That's all I'll say.

    You misinterpreted me. I know the different intervals of champs hitting, quake is my crazy boss killer, so I'm used to the back to wall stuff.
    To include to your list rocket, bb, electro all has different timing, still whatever timing they had was fixed. But now-a-days they are tweaking with the attack timings of both old and new champs (like in every match they are on a different timing, one match antman plays along the rhythm, in next it completely changes its timing). Adding a slight delay in second attack, which makes it a block instead of parry and allowing opponent a full combo chaining to heavy on my block.

    I'm also aware Drax, bw cases. But ^thats what I wanted to say.
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