~300K player looking for a semi-retired alliance

Hey guys!
As the title states I’m looking for a semi-retired alliance. I’m used to AQ 5x5 and have experience in AW up until tier 4. I’m at a 285K rating at the moment, and will have 300K soon as I’ll be opening my first six star crystal, and will also be leveling up my second five star to rank 4.
I’m looking for an alliance that runs AQ map 2 or 3, and runs AW with two BG’s. I’m not able to join at all times, depends on my schedule, however I do try to be as active as I can. All and all together I’m a fun player, so if you meet my requirements, please leave your line ID below!
As the title states I’m looking for a semi-retired alliance. I’m used to AQ 5x5 and have experience in AW up until tier 4. I’m at a 285K rating at the moment, and will have 300K soon as I’ll be opening my first six star crystal, and will also be leveling up my second five star to rank 4.
I’m looking for an alliance that runs AQ map 2 or 3, and runs AW with two BG’s. I’m not able to join at all times, depends on my schedule, however I do try to be as active as I can. All and all together I’m a fun player, so if you meet my requirements, please leave your line ID below!
Humanity's Last Stand. AQ - 55422 (this week) - maybe 55333 next. AW - Silver (working on that - moving up!).
I wouldn't call us a retirement alliance, we just merged top players from two alliances to make an active but casual alliance of adults who have jobs and kids and lives.
We are look full but have 3 alts we would kick for like minded players. We use Line for communication.
Shroud1969 (In Game: Blade / Line: Spawn)
Anyone else? Ping me!
Let’s talk
I’m currently in the market for someone such as yourself. If you are amenable, I would love an opportunity to chat with you further regarding this. I hope you have a great day.
My InGameName & LINE ID are: MyleHy7
Seems we may fit well
We run 22222 AQ. 2 Battle groups AW.
We are GOLD 2 AW alliance with Chinese speaking players. thanks.
officer spot available.
Just want to build a pressure less team.
I used to be an recruiting guy from a 1bil ally.
If players who can't play daily and just want to play map 3 once the team is build join.
My line id- 007md92
In game id- same as above.
U can join. It will take some time
To build the group.
U r expirinced enough. So u can be an officer easily.
Help recruiting.
Mainly gonna run 2bg map3.
And war in future.
No pressure no donation.
U can take it easy with this team
Allianace name : Republic of Gamers
My in game id : 007md92