I’m so sorry Kabam, I’ll never bad mouth you guys again

I was very very unlucky with my crystal pull up to the point that I thought it was Kabam conspiracy against me. Until today I pull this sweet baby from my featured crystal

He’s the one I want and RNG God has answered my prayer.
And Kabam, I’m so sorry for doubting your fairness regarding crystal pulls.

He’s the one I want and RNG God has answered my prayer.
And Kabam, I’m so sorry for doubting your fairness regarding crystal pulls.
*doubted fairness regarding crystal pulls*
Man I can barely pull a decent 4*
Quoting for truth
Nah, I have opened 8 featured crystals for Blade and got all junkies. Almost quit after.
Let’s look a little deeper, the other 4 on his profile are (all duped 5* 4/55) medusa, Hyperion and NC....
Yeah man that crystal luck must really suck
You must be joking, right?
Am I joking about him having bad crystal luck? Obviously...
Some terrible champs there.
I don’t even think KM is that good though lol
How do I delete my forum account to avoid this kind of stuff 😂😂😂
You need to look at your peer when comparing and judging something. If you still struggle pulling a 4* champ, it’s irrelevant to judge a 5* roster. If you are not at unchallenged level, you don’t know how hard it is to collect 6* shards.
And if you don’t know how awesome KM is, you don’t know this game well enough.
I just want to share a great pull and have some fun but kind of stunning about your reaction. So my last post in here and good luck.
" what !?! again "
He's just on a different progression level than most of you and his luck could be really bad. He could be 2 for 30 on 5* feature pulls for all we know.
Couldnt agree more with you, tired of seeing ppl with duped magik.medusa.iceman.dormammu....3 yrs of playing and getting older champs way before more 5* were being added
I’ve opened close to 40 5*s and have 2, 3 at a push worth taking to R4. The best part is that I am on the verge of having T2a go into overflow again! So yes I will point out your top 4.
Ofc players points fingers when u sitting with
if ur profile only had 1 good/godtie champs no1 wud say anyway. or if u wrote in ur Title YES AWESOMEPULL
So state from just seeing this.. all wud points fingers..
Cuz many players still sittin with 1-2 greater champs..
and open 1-2 5 star crys each month maybe more.. en fact that also just showing those 3 above and havent seen rest of the roaster.. well doubt ur luck is bad.. but great pull.
Had that 2 weeks ago, then 5* beast yesterday
Just a reminder to please be kind to one another when responding to threads. Passing judgement onto one another due to prior hero pulls is not okay and rather rude. If someone isn't happy with their pulls, then that is their choice. You can disagree, but please do so in a manner that isn't finger pointing or being straight out disrespectful.
I belive it's a bad thing to say anyway. They can nerf all your champs, add 7* and new champs, wich would be much srtonger, and it would kinda break the game, and then the community should judge them for doing such bad things IMHO