Ranking 4* Hyperion or 4* Medusa for 5/50

Both are not duped, and it will be my first 5/50 champion. Hyperion's Signature ability is nice, but not completely necessary. Medusa gains incredible advantage and I'm eagerly waiting another 4* Medusa to dupe her. The thing is I use my Medusa in AQ for the Sentinels (And questing) , but I don't know what purpose does Hyperion have in the endgame. I know they are both really good in AW defense, Hyperion in power gain nodes and Medusa awakened with that autoblock, but I'm searching to improve my offense team first.
I'm not against buying an awakening gem from the unit store if I have money to spare at the moment.
I don't know if she benefits from Deep Wounds that I have ranked 2.
I'm not against buying an awakening gem from the unit store if I have money to spare at the moment.
I don't know if she benefits from Deep Wounds that I have ranked 2.
Ranking 4* Hyperion or 4* Medusa for 5/50 52 votes
Basically parry, heavy, sp2 repeat for big damage.
He is also a viable option for sentinels with this tactic.
When you sit on sp3 you gain cosmic charges, these increase hyperions attack.
You will use him in endgame content for sure.
Agreed, now if only I had one better than a 3*
-free power gain
-deadly s2
-parry then heavy for furies and increased damage
-do a s3 and that does heavy damage (if furies are stacked plus his cosmic overcharges) and will give you another s3 (gives you 3 power gains basically)
-poison immune
-gains passive cosmic overcharges that increase attack,physical res up to 3
hyperion is so much better in my opinion. i mean medusa is amazing but she needs to be duped to really be amazing but i still love her. i have both 5* r3 hype and medusa so i know what im talking about
and for end game hype got me through so much
Hyperion is useful for defense, just put him on kinetic reactor
Medusa unawakened≤Hyperion unawakened<Hyperion awakened≤Medusa Awakened.
If both not duped, Hyperion.
Overall I think Medusa is a better champion.