Alliance Wars Season 3 Discussion Thread



  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Let's see. We had a system where alliances were incentivized to 100% the map every single war for an extended period. This started creating burnout but many could do it without excessive item use. So lets amp up the map and the defenders such that those who weren't using lots of items will have to start, every war, if they want to stay competitive, and those who were using a lot of items already will have to find a new alliance. That should keep it fun...
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★
    Why is it so taboo to give rank down tickets when what people paid for changes drastically like this? Kabam made defender diversity a priority to score more points....then remove it after players rank champs they normally wouldn't have. I feel like kabam is saying its our fault for believing what they told us.
  • benshbbenshb Member Posts: 893 ★★★★★
    way back you guys forced us to rank up champions that weren't even meant for alliance wars, because they were more of an attacker then defender. We used rare materials to make them harder to fight, and now you are saying "yeah well you dont have to use them ever again"? Thats not fair. Not fair that you won't give us a chance to rank them down and have more reliable defenders instead of them.


    There is a solution: in wars nobody really wants to, and also, it's nonsense to fight against all mystics or dominos. So instead, only allow one champion per class per player to be put in as defenders. So one player cant bring 5* Dormammu, 4* Dormammu, 5* Domino, 4* Domino and 5* Magik into war.

  • SchapenkopSchapenkop Member Posts: 89
    I'm done spending on this game. I just feel disgusted.

    You don't go demand LeBron James to do Baseball from now on instead of Basketball? He's gonna be pissed as well that he didn't spent his valuable resources in training for Baseball instead of Basketball.

    I slept a night on it to let these changes sink in, woke up and I'm even more disgusted.
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  • AvicariAvicari Member Posts: 25
    The changes are understandable. Kabam needs to cater to their highest paying alliance. Having all the champs in the game, and being first in AQ every week isn't enough, (not to mention getting away with possible cheating) so now they need to stack the deck against the rest of us in AW as well. I thought this game mode was supposed to be about skill and competitiveness, not about who pays the most money for new defenders. Such bs
  • Dark_King888Dark_King888 Member Posts: 227
    You mentioned that Levels Expert and Challenger are becoming more difficult and Easy and Normal becoming easy. In the game we only see Tier no 1 to 22. Which ones fall under what level?
  • _Kill_Switch__Kill_Switch_ Member Posts: 275 ★★
    Rockon wrote: »
    and what about awakening gems for us that awakened champs used strictly for war?

    You can still use those Champions on Defense if you please, and might want to use them again in the future. This was a choice based on the Meta of the game at the time. The Meta will always change, and what might be a great Champion on Defense now, might not be in a few weeks, or a month, and then could end up as the top defender again in another 4 months.

    There will be no Rank Down Tickets, or anything of the like, for this Change.

    EDIT: For Clarity

    Why in the world would I want to use the She-Hulk and Civil Warrior that I ranked up solely for the purpose of defender diversity?? They are terrible champs to defend with. I'd rather use my NightCrawler, Mephisto or Mordo... oh but wait...

    I can't right now because I still have to rank them up first and awaken some of them and increase their sig levels for them to be effective... oh but wait...

    I can't right now because I used those resources to rank up pathetic champs like She-Hulk and Civil Warrior and we all know obtaining end-game resources in this game is about as easy as mining vibranium! I mean I need to rank up a 5* NightCrawler lol WITH WHAT???!

    It's ridiculous to think rank down tickets aren't necessary. And not some watered down version of them either like you did the last time. Proper tickets where you get all you gold, cats, ISO & gems back. This kind of change absolutely deserves it.
  • Dark_King888Dark_King888 Member Posts: 227
    Also, as casually as ypu may have passed it hoping people think its the same rewards but split into 2, I am not happy that you kept minimum wars to 5 when duration is halved. Also, the 2 week downtime between season makes the rewards 1 month delayed with same amount. Hope this is taken into consideration during adjustment and we are given 1.5 times the rewards in total.
  • Neroa65Neroa65 Member Posts: 302 ★★
    Huge change - Deserves 5-Star RDTs.

    There you go. Short and simple. It's not like if diversity didn't come that we'd rank those meh champs. I'm sure some even took the likes of Ant-Man to R4, all for the sake of diversity. Ranking a 5* champ is ridiculous. T2As are the second rarest rank up items in the game right after t5bs, you can't just make some take the plunge and then later on tell them - hey there's no need for that plunge anymore, your "risk" (if you can put it like that) was not worth it. It's essentially a big middle finger to the face.

    So please consider 5-Star RDTs or bring back diversity so those meh champs will be worth having been ranked.
  • tsek_kabamx10tsek_kabamx10 Member Posts: 7
  • MightylibraMightylibra Member Posts: 185
    Who said that they don’t want to hurt people feeling when diversity was first introduced? And now they say it’s not for everyone to 100% map. Well, it’s going to hurt my feeling very badly. Fact is you only choose the narrative to fit your story, you don’t care about anyone feeling but your own wallet. Kabam is such a joke, spouting BS week in week out, up to the point that even their own lies collide.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian
    You mentioned that Levels Expert and Challenger are becoming more difficult and Easy and Normal becoming easy. In the game we only see Tier no 1 to 22. Which ones fall under what level?


  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian
    DNA3000 wrote: »

    This is a brain storm idea, and there are many details I haven't addressed. There's also some complex adjustments I'm mulling over, like decaying attack bonus exponentially rather than linearly. But I'm curious what people think about it in its simplified form, though.

    It's a neat suggestion but a bit over-engineered for the purposes of this thread. Probably better off as a completely new game mode or dungeon-type special event. Removing alliance potions completely would a no-go from Kabam, can't see any way they would remove that income source without replacing it with something else. I would think they want money/unit spending players to have a slight edge over non-spenders with nothing too drastic, which the system actually does pretty well now with boosts and potions.

    I would imagine that combat regeneration boosts would suddenly become a lot more valuable, and there is still a lot of opportunities to sell players other kinds of boosts. In fact, in a potionless AW, boosts become way more valuable. A cynic would even be able to convince themselves the idea is a money grab in disguise. Also: at the moment there's no limit to the number of boosts you can use. Interesting, that.
  • Dark_King888Dark_King888 Member Posts: 227
    It's ridiculous to think rank down tickets aren't necessary. And not some watered down version of them either like you did the last time. Proper tickets where you get all you gold, cats, ISO & gems back. This kind of change absolutely deserves it.

    I dont think they ever gave us awakening gems or sig stones back. ISO and Gold and Cats, thats it
  • Dark_King888Dark_King888 Member Posts: 227
    Does it mean, except diversity being scrapped, which the whole community informed you from Day 1 of AW 15.0, there are no changes for Intermediate and Hard?
  • ThePotatoJohnThePotatoJohn Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2018
    Why isn't the Off season period reduced to 1 week? If the rewards are being almost cut in half, shouldn't the off season time be cut too? It doesn't take long to find a new alliance, at max a 5 to 6 days. We were getting, based on the 4-week seasonal rewards, almost 10 seasons of rewards per year (9.6 to be exact), which is now being reduced to 8 seasons per year. Either buff the rewards per season to compensate almost 2 whole seasons loss, or reduce the 2 week off season period to 1 week.
  • Dark_King888Dark_King888 Member Posts: 227


    I would imagine that combat regeneration boosts would suddenly become a lot more valuable, and there is still a lot of opportunities to sell players other kinds of boosts. In fact, in a potionless AW, boosts become way more valuable. A cynic would even be able to convince themselves the idea is a money grab in disguise. Also: at the moment there's no limit to the number of boosts you can use. Interesting, that.[/quote]

    I would imagine add a master which regens a lot more than willpower and salve. Also, regens unconditionally except heal block.

  • RJ03RJ03 Member Posts: 67
    Removing diversity, even not satisfied with that.. map/nodes harder, rewards the same, new champions bs's (IM iw, Domino) that you can only kill with like 3/90 champions available... hmmmm... nice move kabam...
    Of course season will be shorter, cause the wallet will not hold this... i think you really should think about this changes...
  • WalshyBWalshyB Member Posts: 14
    Isn't it strange how every announcement you make is met with overwhelmingly negative feedback? Yet you don't learn do you?

    it really does surprise me how consistently against your player base you are. Unless you're in that cheating scumbag alliance that are filling your pockets.
  • The_Real_C0r0nerThe_Real_C0r0ner Member Posts: 18
    Rockon wrote: »
    and what about awakening gems for us that awakened champs used strictly for war?

    You can still use those Champions on Defense if you please, and might want to use them again in the future. This was a choice based on the Meta of the game at the time. The Meta will always change, and what might be a great Champion on Defense now, might not be in a few weeks, or a month, and then could end up as the top defender again in another 4 months.

    There will be no Rank Down Tickets, or anything of the like, for this Change.

    EDIT: For Clarity

    Why in the world would I want to use the She-Hulk and Civil Warrior that I ranked up solely for the purpose of defender diversity?? They are terrible champs to defend with. I'd rather use my NightCrawler, Mephisto or Mordo... oh but wait...

    I can't right now because I still have to rank them up first and awaken some of them and increase their sig levels for them to be effective... oh but wait...

    I can't right now because I used those resources to rank up pathetic champs like She-Hulk and Civil Warrior and we all know obtaining end-game resources in this game is about as easy as mining vibranium! I mean I need to rank up a 5* NightCrawler lol WITH WHAT???!

    It's ridiculous to think rank down tickets aren't necessary. And not some watered down version of them either like you did the last time. Proper tickets where you get all you gold, cats, ISO & gems back. This kind of change absolutely deserves it.

    This made me laugh... nicely said
  • Deadly58Deadly58 Member Posts: 2
    This game is nothing more than a product. Like all other products, quality tends to dissipate over time. At this point you must ask yourself is the product worth the price? In my opinion the answer is NO.
  • SuperFarzSuperFarz Member Posts: 166
    AW version 1: Most fun and skill based wars. Not always 100% cleared but each kill was important. Most of the community was happy with this. Kabam suddenly goes 180 in direction and starts with AW version 2.0 when the players ALREADY told before start that is was wrong. Empty map wars / spreadsheet wars the result. Took months to fix. Finally reached a point where skill and your own introduced diversity was well balanced and most of the community was satisfied with. AW season 3 another 180 and you made the community as frustrated as version 2.0 start. Well done Kabam. Whoever is in charge of in game development is not playing this game and so out of touch with reality.
  • sbb75sbb75 Member Posts: 208
    Rockon wrote: »
    and what about awakening gems for us that awakened champs used strictly for war?

    You can still use those Champions on Defense if you please, and might want to use them again in the future. This was a choice based on the Meta of the game at the time. The Meta will always change, and what might be a great Champion on Defense now, might not be in a few weeks, or a month, and then could end up as the top defender again in another 4 months.

    There will be no Rank Down Tickets, or anything of the like, for this Change.

    EDIT: For Clarity

    I wish you would clarify all of your comments since the initial AW changes up until this point.

    To clarify.... The only thing that seems consistent in your justifications are constant contradictions from earlier posts explaining why the changes.

    Saying “The Meta” is not an excuses. How does that Adress anything people are asking for or improves game play? In the end you are removing a scoring category to a capped scorIng system. That increases the chance for a tie.

    Maybe the Meta Is 100% based on maximizing $?
    Considering.. we were encouraged to rank up for diversity. Kabam sold items geared around people ranking up for it. And now it’s being undone.
    that is bait and switch sales tactics in my mind.

    When diversity was introduced we were given rank down tickets in limited form. So don’t make it sound like it’s not a rationale response.

    BOTTOM LINE: @Kabam Miike you constantly are posting statements that turn out to be not truthful. Then delete posts that call this out (and call that other person childish). Maybe it’s your job to just relay the information. Either way that doesn’t give you the right to have selective memory and cherry picking questions in the forum.

    A good example... tell us again about defense synergy’s?

    Tell us how Kabam doesn’t design champs do be used as defenders? You know the group of champs that have abilities designed around them gettIng hit.

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