Alliance Wars Season 3 Discussion Thread



  • GrubGrub Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    Hey Summoners,

    We’re getting a lot of feedback in regards to the changes that we have announced for Alliance Wars Season 3. We want to let you all know that we are talking through your thoughts, concerns, and feedback with the team.

    It’s really not that hard. You INCREASED AW difficulty two fold basically by removing diversity and adding 5 new mini bosses. This will lead to much more spending across the board.

    Now if I go to a car dealership and want to trade in my car for a newer, more expensive model, should they just give it to me for free? No right? Well then why are you expecting the community to do AW for the same rewards. Not to mention you MADE the community use those same rewards to rank up champs for a previous version that is now obsolete.

    Restitution must be made and rewards need to be increased if you want to make this right.

  • TheRealApocTheRealApoc Member Posts: 320 ★★
    @Kabam Miike where is the form to send in a message to the game team? Maybe this would help with the people like myself who do enjoy playing the game and can offer some insight into possible map tweaks that would possibly be taken into consideration. Thanks in advance for your continuing service to the community even though you get lambasted on a daily basis.
  • Sirnoob2Sirnoob2 Member Posts: 289 ★★
    u guys ever thought about getting a dev in the forum post everyone u guys decide u want to change the meta? when diversity was first introduced many came here and told u it was a piss poor attempt at handling mystic wars we tried to explain it for months to u mods but all we got was a bunch of generic responses took u guys over a year to admit u were wrong

    maby having the devs come on here and actually communicate with us can help them gather data better
  • thanks4playingthanks4playing Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    So below is the quote to defend why defender diversity must go away:
    "Third, we will be removing points for Defender Diversity. While this scoring method was originally meant to act as a Tie Breaker, and we have moved closer and closer with every iteration of Defender Diversity, it is still determining the winner in many Wars."

    Can someone, preferably Kabam, provide an example of a competitive AW (expert, so p3 and above?) where diversity pre-determined the war in season 2? I think this was a complaint when defender diversity was introduced because they miscalculated how many points it should affect. But in season 2 and in competitive AW, I don't believe this was an issue at all.

    Is this another example of a red herring? Kabam saying that something is a problem, when that something isn't really a problem, in order to present a change/solution that only benefits Kabam?

    Kabam, I'd love to hear any evidence of this being a problem in season 2 and in competitive AW to clarify any misunderstanding. Because at this point, many people are viewing these changes as a money grab.
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    Losspik wrote: »
    So just to clarify you guys have removed diversity points so we free to place as many duplicates of Champs with no penalty?

    This is correct, but keep in mind that the Meta of the Game has changed a lot since we introduced Defender Diversity, and players have become pretty accustomed to many of the "top defenders" and have counters at the ready! This also does not mean that Diversity won't return in a future season.

    The Meta that has changed is you released champs like IMIW, Domino, Medusa, Modified auto-evaders, and changed Blade's DangerSense....
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  • RafikiiRafikii Member Posts: 239
    i love how they dont respond to legit questions. This is getting pretty sad.
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    Several of the new nodes need to come with tombstones. No way they have ever been tested.

    This is a blatant cash grab. Tell me what hero to use on 27 and 30 for example.

    @Kabam Miike so management is upset we aren’t dying enough? We buy enough boosts. Tell management to consider making a game that is great, fun to play, and not an overt cash grab. Most good businesses try and focus on their customers and employees and make money as a side effect...and they make more as an outcome.
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  • DarkChyld14DarkChyld14 Member Posts: 37
    I think at this point it makes no sense to complain or fight for something, they dont have even the basic economic/ business sense, trying to make short term profits at the cost of ruining the game and losing player base. We have all invested a lot of time/ money into this game but there is a end to everything. This is the beginning of the end for MCOC. RIP
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    Hey Summoners,

    We’re getting a lot of feedback in regards to the changes that we have announced for Alliance Wars Season 3. We want to let you all know that we are talking through your thoughts, concerns, and feedback with the team.

    You been getting feedback all month and then some since 18.1 release....

    Sounds like things are "Working as intended"
  • thanks4playingthanks4playing Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    I'm really trying not to agree with you @rwhack but it's hard not to. I hope that Kabam can provide ample evidence to demonstrate that defender diversity was indeed a problem because it pre determined the winner in season 2 among the competitive alliances.
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  • TitaniumKanikasTitaniumKanikas Member Posts: 18
    If you want to make wars more difficult, why not just fix synergies?
  • battleonebattleone Member Posts: 286 ★★
    Lilbeargrr wrote: »
    Boycott and to stop spending $$ is the only only way they will listen like 12.0 ... as long as people spend they will bend us over again and again... get out your wallets and get ready to fight 12 modoks and and Medusas infinity iron mans and domino with your crappy useless champs u ranked up for diversity... I’m never spending $$ again on this game even on a good deal.... This is flat out a fraudulent company that steals money from its customer base with promises of one thing and then they deliver another...

    Definitely dont have c.o.w.'s support lol
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  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    It will aliviate at little bit
  • Starkiller_KE2_0Starkiller_KE2_0 Member Posts: 154
    I have been playing this game for a long time (2-3 years) and I have seen a lot of changes in the game, including the first introduction of alliance wars, but I have to say the route that kabam has been going on the past couple of months regarding changes, fixes, or communication with players has been even more divisive than usual. This most recent change regarding season 3 of alliance war is just a continuation of what kabam have been doing for a while. There seemed to have been no feedback given that was requesting the discontinuation of diversity in alliance war (in my opinion it greatly increased the experience of alliance war), and yet they take it away to once again give us a top defender fiesta in wars that encourages extremely repetitive and boring gameplay. Not only that, but things that the community has given feedback on regarding alliance wars (synergies, to my knowledge, are still not working the way they should) are still not being fixed. And much like other "fixes" they have made recently (archangel's stun "nerfed" and magik's powerlock "nerfed") they seem to only focus their efforts on making fixes or changes that benefit them the most rather than the player. Don't get me wrong imo any bug, whether benficial or not to the player, should be fixed, but the fact that the bugs that are a detriment are take much longer to fix than those that benefit the player seems like they care more about the money they make off of revives and potions than they care about enhancing the player's experience (which would more than likely increase their revenue in the long run with higher retention rate).

    I don't only want to say what I think is wrong with kabam in this thread though because that is counter productive, so here are some changes I think would enhance the experience of alliance war and you can comment below on what you think.

    1: Fix the stinking synergies bug, I know you say you are working on it but we'd rather this change the meta of alliance war than getting rid of defender diveristy.
    2: Either get rid of, or prevent people from BUYing alliance war revives and potions. If Kabam was TRULY focused on trying to prevent 100% exploration in every alliance war, as they stated, this would be the simplest way to do it. Plus the fact it immediately takes away the "pay to win" aspect of alliance wars (on a smaller scale obviously people can still buy better champions if they so choose). This levels the playing field for all alliances and encourages player's skill rather than their spending habits.
    3: Please do NOT get rid of defender diversity. As I stated before defender diversity makes alliance wars fun, unpredictable, and strategic. Rather than having to face 5 magiks in a row, I would love to see the creativity employed by alliances by finding just the right node to place a normally bad defender.

    Again these are just things that I would love to see as a player of marvel contest of champions and I will look forward to supporting whatever changes are made to help level the playing field of alliance wars rather than make it harder for those that do not simply buy their wins.
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  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    Speak with your wallets and time.

    Don't pay or play!
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    This was an interesting little piece I found quite odd no had mentioned.(or I missed if earlier, if so I apologize for the repost)

    So its been said that 100% completion is not supposed to happen consistently and they are trying to prevent it from happening, yet the info regarding lower tier maps they clearly announce, "we still suggest bringing more to reach 100% exploration, and doubling up on paths".

    So.......... I'm confused more than usual, because my time in this forum has gotten me starting to think my understanding of contradiction is backwards.
    Has to be right, because everytime statements like these are made, its never acknowledged as such, which would mean that nothing is wrong with it?

    I gotta go back to school
  • NinjAlanNinjAlan Member Posts: 358 ★★★
    cAncAmO wrote: »
    Hey Summoners,

    We’re getting a lot of feedback in regards to the changes that we have announced for Alliance Wars Season 3. We want to let you all know that we are talking through your thoughts, concerns, and feedback with the team.

    Don’t assume issuing rank down tickets will fix this abomination.

    Totally agree, rank down ticket don´t solve anything

    Their aim is to get people to buy rank up materials and fgmc, there needs to be a limit to how many of the same defender you can lay, period. Rank down tickets will exacerbate the issue at hand. We will only face MORE of the same defenders
  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    NinjAlan wrote: »
    cAncAmO wrote: »
    Hey Summoners,

    We’re getting a lot of feedback in regards to the changes that we have announced for Alliance Wars Season 3. We want to let you all know that we are talking through your thoughts, concerns, and feedback with the team.

    Don’t assume issuing rank down tickets will fix this abomination.

    Totally agree, rank down ticket don´t solve anything

    Their aim is to get people to buy rank up materials and fgmc, there needs to be a limit to how many of the same defender you can lay, period. Rank down tickets will exacerbate the issue at hand. We will only face MORE of the same defenders

    We will anyway. i already have most of the annoying defenders at r3 or higher. I use some of them on quests though so it's okay

    The rank downs are so we can rank who we want, instead of wasting resources on **** champs for diversity.

  • jdyke23jdyke23 Member Posts: 215
    People are going to rage after you make us rank up poor champions just for diversity, and now you take it away. Any comment? I'm excited for the increased difficulty.

    Right now, there is no guarantee that Defender Diversity is gone for good. We're going to continue to monitor Wars, and may find that we need to bring it back. These shorter Seasons are going to allow us to iterate on Alliance Wars much more often than before, and if we find that Defender Diversity needs to make a return, we'll be able to do that sooner rather than later.

    so your saying that it may come back or may not ? what on earth of a decision is this really ? i’m sure i’m not the only one but for example i used my 5* science rank up gem from Act 5 completion on my 5* yellowjacket for diversity and also other defgenders i’ve ranked for the good of my allaince even though i worked an grinded my ass off i put my allaince and defence first before my own personal gain which i’m sure A LOt OF PEOPLE have also done, to then no more than a day after season 2 is over you then say diversity is gone which means all these alliances higher than Gold 1 who spend an absolute fortune on crystals and all that fun stuff are still getting ahead of all the actual skilled players who don’t spend on this game but your now placing us in a position in which to win we HAVE to buy potions and revives and they expire and also only 15 items to be used and then you said teams aren’t going to want to place 10 dorms in defence but guess what! yes they are ! on top of that we have IMIW, Domino who just kills you without touching you, medusa etc the list goes on! and yes you keep saying that the main changes are the central lanes and they are visible but again guess what .... doesn’t stop all the other nodes does it ? doesn’t stop them placing multiple champs just not on them nodes. this needs to stop and as a community it’s fair to say we’ve had eneough. don’t even get me started on the season rewards being less overall with the cool down times between seasons. this game has done nothing but decline in recent months and i’ve never been less bothered with playing the game than i have recently with the way it’s gone. i know me ranting about this isn’t going to change a thing but surely all of you at kebam and as a “support team” must see the general consensus of the community and that we are seriously mugged off

  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    edited June 2018
    1776 wrote: »
    They sould say: we've decided issue a final group of rank down tickets. Understand in the future the game will change in was you like and also in ways you might not like. We as a company need to have the right to experiment with the game in ways of finding new and exciting ways for our players to enjoy the experience. We understand some times player will get disappointed and we want you to know its not our intent. Please keep this in mind for all future rank ups as RDTs we not intended to be a game fix everytime we want to try something new. Thank you for you continued support of MCOC.

    Thats what I want to see

    Exactly this. When kabam throw 2+ new champs out every month game balance is guaranteed to be an issue. New champs will need to be OP enough or have the ability to counter existing champions to attract sales while old champs will be obsolete by these new champs as part of the by product. Why can't they just do a final big RDT awakening package and then introduce monthly game balance update to stuff like champion bug fix, attack rating, mastery, etc. When everyone is on the same page, nerf / buff of champions are just part of the game life cycle, and ppls will still rank champions based on meta but at least they are informed.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian
    Hey Summoners,

    We’re getting a lot of feedback in regards to the changes that we have announced for Alliance Wars Season 3. We want to let you all know that we are talking through your thoughts, concerns, and feedback with the team.

    Don’t assume issuing rank down tickets will fix this abomination.

    It is not that easy. I even predicted this problem back in 14.0. The problem is that when Kabam introduced diversity points, they *added* a new option for defense placement. Adding new choices is something players should always expect, and they don't deserve perfect information about the future or a way to change their decisions from the best today to the best tomorrow. But removing diversity points is different: instead of adding new better options they are directly *removing* an option. By removing the points diverse defenders can score, they eliminated the justification for ranking them up. That's different: you're now making a change that destroys the usefulness of many players rank up decisions.

    If you don't issue RDTs, removing diversity points will cost many players a lot of rank up resources that take a huge amount of time to acquire in a way that I think is unjustifiable. But if you do issue RDTs, you will solve that problem and create a potentially worse one. Everyone will now use those RDTs to rank up much stronger defenders which players will now have to face, and that defensive change will happen practically overnight. Especially for alliances in the expert or challenger tiers, they are getting their maps cranked up harder on top of suddenly facing a much stronger complement of defenders. But this will also trickle down to lower alliances that might have an even harder time facing ten Nightcrawlers than a top alliance will have facing ten IMIWs.

    The problem is that not only are some of these changes bad in my opinion, but they combine together in ways that make no sense to me from a game design perspective. You wouldn't want to inflict these things in combination, even if they were all good ideas separately. Which they are not.
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