Chapter 4 Is Insane,Impossible and i am lvl55

Dear kabam i am a daily player and i play about 4 years
even now that i am level 55 i cant finish the 4th chapter as the enemies are just as strong as the dungeons
Many of My champions are over 3000 and my strongest is 4000 that is my howard and luke cage, i have spend over 300 credits for a team revive level3 and still almost a half year stuck on this chapter.. why did you made this chapter almost impossible?
a summoner like me with level55 should be able to finish this chapter. im getting dissapointed, stressed nd even depressed when i try over and over to finish the 2nd mission and fail and need to bail out.
Please lower the difficulty.
dont you want people to make progress at the end? im having difficulties getting past chapter 4 mission 2 for more than 6 months. and i bet many thousand others are stuck as well, Even the ANTMAN3 (wasp) final level is outrageously difficult, My strongest setup is about 19.000 rating and i need 23.000 to make it through the LAST mission of Evangeline Event, which i accepted and realized i wont finish this event too. After spending credits on teamrevive and team health some people are tired of trying. I REALLY hope you change the difficulties in the future or next update patch, making Missions easier Motivates to GROW stronger for others.
Lower players dont even have a chance to get new arena champions,
the arena is for the best and strongest players and NOT for the weak.
Making every STRONG player even stronger,
Weaker players suc as lvl20-40 will never even get close to a 6 star champion, as they dont have enough
champions to compete with, as the minimum demands are very demanding. and they dont meet the demands for getting even 6 star shards.
even now that i am level 55 i cant finish the 4th chapter as the enemies are just as strong as the dungeons
Many of My champions are over 3000 and my strongest is 4000 that is my howard and luke cage, i have spend over 300 credits for a team revive level3 and still almost a half year stuck on this chapter.. why did you made this chapter almost impossible?
a summoner like me with level55 should be able to finish this chapter. im getting dissapointed, stressed nd even depressed when i try over and over to finish the 2nd mission and fail and need to bail out.
Please lower the difficulty.
dont you want people to make progress at the end? im having difficulties getting past chapter 4 mission 2 for more than 6 months. and i bet many thousand others are stuck as well, Even the ANTMAN3 (wasp) final level is outrageously difficult, My strongest setup is about 19.000 rating and i need 23.000 to make it through the LAST mission of Evangeline Event, which i accepted and realized i wont finish this event too. After spending credits on teamrevive and team health some people are tired of trying. I REALLY hope you change the difficulties in the future or next update patch, making Missions easier Motivates to GROW stronger for others.

Lower players dont even have a chance to get new arena champions,
the arena is for the best and strongest players and NOT for the weak.
Making every STRONG player even stronger,
Weaker players suc as lvl20-40 will never even get close to a 6 star champion, as they dont have enough
champions to compete with, as the minimum demands are very demanding. and they dont meet the demands for getting even 6 star shards.
im trying for over 6 months. and i have 2 champions of 4000
and many between 2000-3000+
maybe you are all legendary and have enough money to buy credits and stuff
but others dont!
Dont you have sympathy for the other players stuck in quests they cannot finish?
Not everyone is a perfect summoner. and the Screenshot does NOT lie.!
Act 4 is ridiculously easy. I thought this was going to be a complaint about that final ultron
My fauklt was tarting with the special venets and quest, instead of the story mode finish,
i might have chosen the WRONG skills when i ranked up, we are all people
and we make mistakes.
1 year 9 months here
That said; this post is either a joke, you’re extremely unlucky, you’re a really bad player, you’re playing the game wrong, or all of the above.
I was reading your post and thinking that you were having troubles on act 5 chapter 4, but you actually only are on act 4 ...
Level is irrelevant. You don't seem to play daily, and not that many time per day. You need skill to beat the content, and good champions ranked up (which isn't your case as far as I can see).
You don't seem to have acknowledgment of the game too. Perhaps its better for you just to watch some videos on youtube, and discover who are the best champions and how to play effectively with them
- Review yous masteries. Im level 51 and Im half way through... exploration. Unlock Parry, Dexterity, and if you save enough, as I did, unlock Salve, Recovery and Willpower. I also unlocked glass cannon to speed up a bit the attack process.
- Save your units for useful items, like cores to unlock masteries. Dont even dare to spend those in Crystals, champions will come along the way. Those units may also help you with revives... if needed, or energy refills.
- I had barely used any revive, mainly because I watch TV and do some other stuff, but if you need revives open the 4hrs crystals.
- Review your team. Dr Voodoo is a really good option due his regen to counter any debuff you may get along the way. Starlord will help you once you get Magneto on 4.2.6... or a Guillotine
- Be patient. Usually, with the right masteries unlocked, it will take for you a combo of 30 to 35 or less to take down a defender (that's why you need parry), dont get desperate if you get a debuff, it will least less than a 30 seconds.
- If you still feel something is missing, watch a few Youtube videos that explain how to intercept, how to bait, and how to use certain champion that you are using, sometimes there abilities on your champs that you may be unaware of, and those could be game changers.
u need blade
The parry mode is 5 STONE cores away from me,
Those cores cost 135 credits EACH