Chapter 4 Is Insane,Impossible and i am lvl55



  • SagnikfurySagnikfury Member Posts: 104
    raffster wrote: »
    If I played this game since the beginning I would probably be in the top 100 players in the world.

    That said; this post is either a joke, you’re extremely unlucky, you’re a really bad player, you’re playing the game wrong, or all of the above.

    Weren't you punished by Kabam for modding?
  • NamelezNamelez Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    Uberstrark wrote: »
    Dear kabam i am a daily player and i play about 4 years
    even now that i am level 55 i cant finish the 4th chapter as the enemies are just as strong as the dungeons

    Many of My champions are over 3000 and my strongest is 4000 that is my howard and luke cage, i have spend over 300 credits for a team revive level3 and still almost a half year stuck on this chapter.. why did you made this chapter almost impossible?

    a summoner like me with level55 should be able to finish this chapter. im getting dissapointed, stressed nd even depressed when i try over and over to finish the 2nd mission and fail and need to bail out.

    Please lower the difficulty.

    dont you want people to make progress at the end? im having difficulties getting past chapter 4 mission 2 for more than 6 months. and i bet many thousand others are stuck as well, Even the ANTMAN3 (wasp) final level is outrageously difficult, My strongest setup is about 19.000 rating and i need 23.000 to make it through the LAST mission of Evangeline Event, which i accepted and realized i wont finish this event too. After spending credits on teamrevive and team health some people are tired of trying. I REALLY hope you change the difficulties in the future or next update patch, making Missions easier Motivates to GROW stronger for others.qdtitrnsetjd.jpg

    Lower players dont even have a chance to get new arena champions,
    the arena is for the best and strongest players and NOT for the weak.
    Making every STRONG player even stronger,

    Weaker players suc as lvl20-40 will never even get close to a 6 star champion, as they dont have enough
    champions to compete with, as the minimum demands are very demanding. and they dont meet the demands for getting even 6 star shards.

    Bro I really hate to tell u but I beat Act 4 chapter 4/40 4*s... It's not that hard... U just A ) Need to fix ur masteries... B ) Need better champs and C ) Not focus on Act 4 if u cant beat it
  • mudmamsmudmams Member Posts: 1
    This is a joke. For a level 55 player and saying Chapter 4 is insane. There is a lot info you can get nowadays from the net regarding the game.
  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    Dude I’m sorry but this has to be a joke. I’ve been playing 6 months and I am uncollected. Act 4 I am going back to 100% with my B squad. Maestro is a joke. If you’ve been playing 4 years and can’t beat it you need to quit.
  • St333lllSt333lll Member Posts: 278
    I'm a level 55, Uncollected player, and I haven't 100% Act 4 or 5. I've only ran a single path for both. I know I can do it. It's difficult I know because of certain nodes. Like the Juggernaut node. But I don't think it's impossible. Plus they already nerfed it from a year ago when there was the Slashed Tires node. Sure it could be easier, but for beginners and low skill players it can be pretty hard.
  • St333lllSt333lll Member Posts: 278
    Sometimes you need better champs for it. Howard probably won't come in handy at all. But if you show us your line up I'm sure we could even help you with telling you who to Rank up for a better chance.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Don't forget guys, the fact that he made it to act 4 without using parry, at the very least shows he has mastered intercepting i hope.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    This has to be a joke. Listen act 4 is a good challenge if you don’t wassa do master or uncollected. If you are having trouble do some events, and saying your level 55 and having trouble does not prove anything. You will have trouble on this and on act 5. Do some events, and rack up some shards and iso to level up. And saying lower the difficulty just shows you just want your way and having this being easier will never happen.
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  • Shaun01Shaun01 Member Posts: 250 ★★
    I beat act 4 with a 3* SW back when it was actually harder.

    Grind arena, don't buy crystals, redo masteries, stop complaining and practice.
  • ThatGuy214ThatGuy214 Member Posts: 312 ★★
    I did this chapter with 3* and 4/40 4*.
  • ThatGuy214ThatGuy214 Member Posts: 312 ★★
    I beat meastro with 3* SL
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  • QbdnfrhuQbdnfrhu Member Posts: 84
    Dude I finished this with my four star arch Angel on rank 4 level 40
  • superspider_66superspider_66 Member Posts: 1
    I cant even do quest 1
    even tho i am good at dogeing hit right timing but how tf do i fight a five star in the first quest with just 4 and 3 star!?!?!?!?
  • GardenerGardener Member Posts: 1,601 ★★★
    but i'm 50% sure u just did this to farm LOLs
  • GardenerGardener Member Posts: 1,601 ★★★

    I cant even do quest 1
    even tho i am good at dogeing hit right timing but how tf do i fight a five star in the first quest with just 4 and 3 star!?!?!?!?

    bruhhhhh i beat people at a power level of over 30K and i'm just using 4*s, its about ranking up the right champs search up some youtube videos on what champs are really good then pick those out of you roster watch a video on how to use them and then practice
  • GardenerGardener Member Posts: 1,601 ★★★

    Don't forget guys, the fact that he made it to act 4 without using parry, at the very least shows he has mastered intercepting i hope.

    TRUE, i'm glad that they made it so that you instantly get parry now, because i remember going through acts without parry it was a pain.
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★

    I cant even do quest 1
    even tho i am good at dogeing hit right timing but how tf do i fight a five star in the first quest with just 4 and 3 star!?!?!?!?

    Don't revive threads from 2018
  • EdeuinkEdeuink Member Posts: 1,263 ★★★★

    I cant even do quest 1
    even tho i am good at dogeing hit right timing but how tf do i fight a five star in the first quest with just 4 and 3 star!?!?!?!?

    Don't revive threads from 2018
    He’s probably a troll.
  • BinkPlayzBinkPlayz Member Posts: 99 ★★

    Dear kabam i am a daily player and i play about 4 years

    even now that i am level 55 i cant finish the 4th chapter as the enemies are just as strong as the dungeons

    Many of My champions are over 3000 and my strongest is 4000 that is my howard and luke cage, i have spend over 300 credits for a team revive level3 and still almost a half year stuck on this chapter.. why did you made this chapter almost impossible?

    a summoner like me with level55 should be able to finish this chapter. im getting dissapointed, stressed nd even depressed when i try over and over to finish the 2nd mission and fail and need to bail out.

    Please lower the difficulty.

    dont you want people to make progress at the end? im having difficulties getting past chapter 4 mission 2 for more than 6 months. and i bet many thousand others are stuck as well, Even the ANTMAN3 (wasp) final level is outrageously difficult, My strongest setup is about 19.000 rating and i need 23.000 to make it through the LAST mission of Evangeline Event, which i accepted and realized i wont finish this event too. After spending credits on teamrevive and team health some people are tired of trying. I REALLY hope you change the difficulties in the future or next update patch, making Missions easier Motivates to GROW stronger for others.qdtitrnsetjd.jpg

    Lower players dont even have a chance to get new arena champions,

    the arena is for the best and strongest players and NOT for the weak.

    Making every STRONG player even stronger,

    Weaker players suc as lvl20-40 will never even get close to a 6 star champion, as they dont have enough

    champions to compete with, as the minimum demands are very demanding. and they dont meet the demands for getting even 6 star shards.

    dude i was into 5.2 on a 7 day lazy F2P rush alt, how tf is this such a massive issue

    maybe take the time to learn your masteries, learn to play the game, and quit whining on the forums with complaints that are borderline sub reddit levels of dumb
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  • Stebo_79Stebo_79 Member Posts: 642 ★★★
    Wonder if the OP ever made it through Act 4.
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