Anyone else get screwed on punisher crystal???
I spent the almost the equivalent of approximately 200$ of units to get new punisher 2099 and not gotten a single 4* anyone else have the same luck? Is this normal because this is awful.
200$ of units is around 6000 units, which are 40 crystals. I've seen bigger opening not finding the featured, so i'd say its normal. Awful, but normal
I haven't got one single 4* from the next 40 featured crystals I've bought (6,000 units worth). So I stopped buying them ages ago. You'll learn that the units are better spent in the arenas grinding for the champ lol.
Screenshot, otherwise it's all lies lol
welcome to mcoc, you get a chance only and sad you where milked next time be smarter
Easy for you to say, when I have 0% success outcome with multiple tries and you had your success! You would be damn salty too if you were in my shoes!!! And I damn gonna vent about this until I get what I want! Deal with it
Have fun with that
i got lucky back in the day with BPCW, Loki and GR opening 2 crystals for each. but i stopped then because spending units for a 2* is stupid when you can use these on Masteries on or LOL
The Keywords here are " I Spent " not " They Made Me Spend " It's a Gamble that you agreed to when you chose to purchase the crystals. Lessons learned in life are not always easy & one big lesson a lot of people fail to learn is that " Life Is Not Fair " Get over it, deal with it, do what you gotta do to live with it. It is what it is & what's done is done.
I think the real lesson that some players need to learn,is not to spend real money on a hero crystal when Kabam refuses to post the odds of getting the Featured champ. They also state that they may reduce the "rate chance"'of getting the featured champ in order to preserve the rarity of a champ.
You have much better odds of getting the 5* Version of the featured champ by avoiding 4* offers and holding out for the 5* offers. The last one was at the beginning of June. For 10k units you got 10k 5* shards a 5* awakening gem, signature stones and other game items.
If the player base significantly reduces their purchases of these ripoff crystals, Kabam will be forced to make their offers more reasonable and more useful for future game play.
So don't spend $200! On 4* featured crystals with unknown odds that can be reduced to close to zero play smart!