AW defense synergies need to be fixed

Okay so I recently acquired a five-star Sentinel. He's got great Synergy bonus with all the great Defenders of WAR. Someone in my Lions had said yep great synergies too bad they don't work in war defense? If this is the case is it or will it ever be fixed?
They’ve commented many times, it I’ll be a while before they can work on it.
Honestly they need to leave it as is with the state of war currently.
Then they shouldn't have been put in the game. Any defensive minded synergy is a waste at this point, which makes it unfair that they let people rank them up without being very clear that these synergies are moot on defense. They realized it with Void and changed the synergy with Avengers. They never should have put stuff like random bars of power at low health or letting people turn boss nodes into thorns.
I get the feeling that the Antman quest this month was in part to collect data and let us get experience fighting vs that synergy. Or maybe they will eliminate that synergy and make it a basic feature for antman with the size classifications staying as counters.
yup, all you'll hear about is how allowing defensive synergies is just a money grab blah blah blah
True, however even Kabam can't seem to make up their mind, as they recently openly stated their intent was that no one was finishing the maps 100% easily. If that is the goal, and people in all tiers aren't supposed to be just breezing through until the mini bosses, then actually having synergies function as intended would make sense. But what decision actually makes sense over there lately? Lol. My problem, like another person stated, is that they didn't tell us these weren't functioning and it took the player base bringing it up and discovering it for them to admit they not only don't work but haven't for a while. It was dishonest and shady and kind of got swept under the rug, with the almost weekly issues this year. I can guarantee you before this was confirmed, people ranked up champions on their defense not for their kill ratio but the synergies they brought to other, better champions. You wanna tell me anyone truly ranked up a Karnak thinking it would get any kills on their defense at all? Absolutely not. They did it to go with their 5 star duped Medusa on stun immune node for the permanent armor breaks. Then they have the audacity to pretend like we're being unreasonable when we ask for rank down tickets. I specifically ranked up my Taskmaster because I had a 5 star MODOK we used as boss and he had a great synergy with him. Do I use taskmaster in literally any other game mode besides arena? Nope. It was specifically for war. They have spent the last year nerfing champions left and right, and all of them have synergies designed for defense in some capacity or another, yet we get **** for suggesting we deserve some way to change our roster due to jumping through Kabam's hoops? Ok.
Don't even get me started on asking people to concentrate on diversity to win a war, introducing it with no warning and changing the entire map and set up, ramping up the difficulty every update it seemed, and then suddenly deciding recently they were gonna drop diversity again. It doesn't matter that they went back on it after considerable blowback, it was the fact that they thought it was a good idea IN THE FIRST PLACE to do. It shows me yet again they have no care for us as players or the resources, time and money we have invested in this game and these characters. If they were actually following through on their promises after 12.0, they would be transparent and give people time and ways to adjust. They have done the opposite at every single chance since then. Drax? Oh you ranked him up to fight mordo specifically in war and quest when he was mini boss? Sorry, that is now a bug and needs to go. Archangel is stunning stun immune nodes? And we confirmed it was working as intended and a great feature of him? Nah, that's now a bug too. Rank down ticket? What are those? Did we say meta enough times to justify this guys? lol. It's just so ridiculous and gross as a company and it set the precedent for it to happen at any time in the future. And here we are.
So no, any decision they make on synergies isn't gonna be great. If they put them back and make them work, it will make war harder and even more of a giant cash grab. If they keep them out, they lied to the player base and designed characters with features we can never use, and ranked up for uses we cannot execute. I see threads pop every few days or so asking about these and not a ton of comments, but it honestly should be a bigger deal and I'm still not satisfied with the answers we got from Kabam on it. But with everything else going on right now, in this giant dumpster fire that is the game this year, at this point we should just add it to the giant list of problems that may or may not be solved. And definitely plan on being disappointed and it not going the way of benefiting the player, no matter what. That's my mindset from now on.
It's not broken. They're intentionally left out of defense as there is no mechanism for attackers to see what synergies are active on a defender.
I'm fine with that wording, but they need to specify this in game that synergies are for attacking only. Some of these synergies are clearly defensive minded and telling me that they are turned off for my benefit does nothing to get me the resources back on Karnak, Black Bolt, Ant-Man, Doc Ock, or other champs that could have possibly been ranked up for defensive synergies that no one ever told me wouldn't work on defense.
A simple disclaimer stating that synergies don’t work for AW defense would be a suitable “fix,” similar to the you can’t use these champs in other modes of gameplay after placing these champs disclaimer. See, I won’t even complain about rank-down tickets.
Let's remove signature abilities from defense because that makes it hard too.
Or maybe just don't add absurd defensive synergies that no one would ever want for offense and then tell me that I can't use them for defense either.
I want to let you all know that we're still working on getting Synergies working in Alliance Wars Defense, but this is not a quick or easy fix. They're not just deactivated, but while we work on getting them fixed, we also want to work on a way for us to be able to display what synergies are active, as some of them could be pretty devastating if they catch you off guard.
Also, as you can see, there are many differing opinions on how/if they should be activated. We want to ensure that we give due diligence to all of your concerns as well.
Unfortunately, I don't have a status update on this at this time, but can assure you that the team is aware of your concerns, and are still working on it.
Kabam also realizes that many of them will be devastating even if you know what's coming. But, given the new nodes, I am guessing that is the point and they are frantically trying to make sure synergies do, in fact, work on defense.
Of course they are and that’s the whole point, they even openly admitted it this week which is why I find the whole thing funny. They initially said it was because it would make war too hard and no one would know the synergy going into the fight...but then came out and said war maps aren’t supposed to be 100% complete. Meaning they should be difficult to pass through fully. So the champs are hidden, a skilled player would probably be able to remember when the fight starts and they see a Medusa that she has certain added attributes through a synergy if that member used another champ on their team, and they would fight/adjust accordingly. And the fight would be harder. Hence making it harder to complete the map 100%. Just like kabam said.
I think they knew synergies weren’t working and didn’t think anyone would realize this, so they allowed people to believe it was working and rank up champs to bring on their team. When they got exposed and people realized it was messed up, they’ve been trying to save face ever since and come up with excuses for it. Now the excuses themselves don’t even make sense with previous statements. This seems to be status quo with kabam lately though. Quite a few previous clarifications are later changed or revised and it always will Be to a negative effect on our end. People should be demanding and screaming for rank down tickets in this case as they would actually be justified for something they believed worked on a champ that hasn’t for a long time. Why continue to make champs have defense synergies if the only game mode you can use them on doesn’t work? Would love to finally have a clear answer on all of this but I’m not holding my breath.
You are stating incorrect information. I'm sure Kabam knows better than either of us, but you'll still see plenty of defenses chosen for synergies (whether new extreme ones, or older ones) because it still changes the ratings on everyone listed in the synergy, which makes them look like they work. Why would any casual player that doesn't visit the forum ever even consider that they might not be working? Everyone heard about it from someone else that looks here. If no one ever told you about the obscure posts here, or if you didn't ask the other team, there are 0 ways for you to have known about this issue. Check your bgs and your opponents, and I'd bet you see a black bolt or karnak with medusa, or a mordo/hood with Dorm somewhere. Maybe these were really just their best defenders, but the more likely answer is they think these synergies work because they have no reason to think otherwise.
Just to be clear, I agree that these synergies would suck, but then they should just bite the bullet and change these to things like crit, power gain, etc that have been around for years with no problem. At least I'd get something out of having 10 basic synergies on my team compared to the nothing I get now just because you tried making Antman relevant without Thorn node.