
No compensation ??? Hasn't even been mentioned as far as I've seen... Whether it's Kabam's fault or not, the game; THEIR game, went down. We deserve compensation for unexpected outages. The game goes down at least 4 times a month. 8 if u count scheduled maintenance. So why is it no matter what happens, we never get anything in return. Last compensation was complete trash. Did they even consider expiring iso, expiring catalysts, Legend Run, expiring items ? No. So no not every problem was solved with that "compensation".
So what compensation have we gotten for the game going down just now ? I haven't received any. U saying u have ? I said the LAST compensation sucked. We don't get ANY this time.
Are you joking? How long was the game down for? 30 mins? 1 Hour? What compensation do you need for that? I mean seriously. Do you ask for free stuff from everyone in life that messes up? Is that really your expectation? This is why they stopped doing it for every little issue. You expect something when something happens to the game. Why does everyone think Kabam makes the servers go down on purpose? What do they have to gain? They have to listen to a greedy community asking for free stuff for something that is out of their control.
Not "expect"....deserve.
What happens if the power goes out in your home? Do you get free electricity packages? No. What happens if the internet goes out in your home? Do you get free internet? No. If you count up the amount of hours the game goes down compared to when it's not, it would probably be less than 1% if that. So I stick with "Expect". We don't deserve it.
I'm quoting the OP. I agree with you.
This server outage doesn’t even look like it was Kabam’s fault. Many apps went down at the same time you really can’t expect compensation for everything. It even says in their TOS they’re not entitled to give us compensation so when they do they’re actually being generous.
My bad.
"Logic" will be like: I made a decision that I reconsider right after the server went down, and that's why Kabam must give me a RDT.
P.D. The only ones I would agree with to a sort of compensation are the ones who where on Micro realm
The two don't really compare.
Electricity and internet are essentially utilities and our choice of service providers is very limited. Where I live, there is only one internet service provider and only one power company, so no matter how bad the service is or how poorly they treat customers, I'm stuck with them. Electricity bills are generally based on consumption, so you're not billed for power you're not able to use during an outage, but they also don't comp you for any damages caused by the lack of power. Internet is usually a flat rate per month, but unless an outage is very long (significant portion of the billing period), demanding compensation would be several hours of effort to get a few cents credited to you. Doable but generally not worth the effort.
Games, on the other hand, are completely optional. You don't have to play and if you do choose to play, you have a ton of games from which to choose. Because of that, games are more reliant on customer goodwill. Make the wrong people angry and your game dies. Because of this, many games choose to give compensation, even for scheduled maintenance. Its become kind of an industry standard, so yes, players do "expect" compensation for downtime, even when its brief.
I would not go as far as to say "deserve" compensation. If people got exactly what they deserved, the majority of us would not be happy XD.
I don't in general ask for compensation for downtime, and I'm not asking for it here. But Kabam is actually running remarkably close to 1% unplanned downtime for the year by my estimation, and that's actually horrible. I think collectively we are probably over twenty four hours of accumulated downtime for the year. Forty four hours of downtime at this point in the year would be 99% uptime.
99% uptime outside of planned maintenance for a game like this would be nothing to be proud of. This particular outage was the result of a Google App Engine failure that affected more than just this game, so Kabam gets a bit of a pass there. But you can only blame vendors up to a point; beyond that point it becomes your responsibility to either work around the failings of your vendors or pick better vendors.
So you are asking for perfection and nothing less would be acceptable? Good to know.
Still kind of a newbie and I know it's not always their fault, so I'm trying to be patient, but despite the feedback we get in these forums sometimes, it doesn't feel like things are going to get any better. Sounds like you guys have been having these problems for a really long time now. Makes me hesitant to invest too much in this game moving forward.
100% would be perfection. You said 1% down time is horrible. Either you have way to high of standards or you spoke wrong
When you buy Amazon storage, there's two SLA tiers you can get. The first one, aka the normal one, promises 99.9% uptime below which the customer is entitled to a service credit. Below 99.9% the customer is entitled to a 10% credit. Below 99% they are entitled to a 25% credit. The second one, aka the **** one, requires 99% uptime before the customer is entitled to a 10% service credit, and at 98% they are entitled to a 25% credit.
If you are a paying customer, Google's SLA promises 99.9% uptime for things like Gmail. The Google App Engine, the thing that caused our ~1 hr downtime, has an SLA requirement of 99.95% uptime per month before the customer is entitled to service credits for the interruption. That's 36 minutes per month, and the downtime this morning was already higher than that. Kabam is already entitled to a service credit for that 50 minute outage.
In the realm of service level agreements and downtime thresholds, particularly for real time customer facing services, 99% is horrible. The vast majority of the uptime world lives between 98% and 99.999%. From 98% to 99%, you aren't really serious about uptime. From 99% to 99.9% you are moderately serious about uptime, and from 99.9% to 99.999% you are in the realm of genuinely serious uptime. What you call "my standards" are actually the world's standards when it comes to uptime.
Pretty sure the compensation comparisons can be endless, but considering people’s phones are overheating from using this game, 30 minute down-time is the equivalent to a bathroom break.
That's true enough but still u can't take breaks during Legend Run bro every minute counts
Are you gonna cry??