Now I see why everyone is pissed about the adaptoid....

Finally got around to running the event quest, and got to the adaptoid everyone is screaming about, and......yup, they're right. Quite the money-grabbing , Kabam.
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You can do it with a 2* ....
Only takes about 350 hits...
kabam great work on this months event quest. the last few months have been to easy. thank you for taking the time to develope hard fun challenging content. keep upong the difficulty every month as well. until the point you have add a epic chapter. and maybe you can add t5b, t2a, 6* shards and more sig stones to the rewards. maybe even a 6* awakening stone. if it takes long enough. thats what this game needs. not bs complaints of “oh poor me its to hard”. instead of just xoming on here complainig, amd blamig kabam why dont yall make a well constructed suggestion post. or heres an idea spend that time practicing and learnig amd getting better. man so done with the bs.
The latter is even easier, because he ends up with more buffs, so longer stuns and more attack bonus. Plus the 10 stacks of armor are ignored by ronin's specials. Also, no regen.
Adaptoid avg'd 275ish hits, skull avg'd 175 hits
With the right champs you could literally do it with your eyes closed.
Irony strikes and leaves it’s mark once more.
More like 5-10 mins not 30 mins
If you don't have a 2* or a 3* Ronan you truly have mastered the art of rng
Then use him...
Don't remember what time it took me with 2* Ronan but it did not come close to 30 mins
It should never be a situation where only specific champions can stand a chance. With the random nature of champion acquisition, that's a b.s. game model.
So you don't have a 2 star Ronan either? Damn you are unlucky