Are we gonna recieve the Compensation ??

Well the summoner appreciation 4 weeks are done and we havnt received the Compensation we were promised and no updates on when we will be seeing them or if the issues have or will be fixed.An update would be appreciated Kabam instead of offering us more ways to spend money
Don't think Kabam will be giving out any more "compensation" in a hurry, although the game still feels broken to an extent.
and a decent chunk of bugs have been fixed in the update this week.... yes there is more to go but gotta start somewhere......
If there were fewer bugs and better communication then people wouldn't be as frustrated. Implying and generalisations leave to much room for interpretation
Working to receive stuff doesn't sound like compensation to me. Sounds like a way to not lose players while the game runs like garbage.
They said once they sorted out issues we would be receiving something. It was in talks or something of that nature. Bugs and issues will never be fixed 100% so we will never see a thing.
Yup. They definitely made it sound like all would be fixed and compensation would come down the pipe. And they also made it sound like they hoped appreciation would be seen as compensation by most... And then they kinda just left it all up in the air to see what people did about it. Which is why this thread is needed. Because they were never straightforward about it and kept preaching patience bc it was all being "looked at". The least they could do is lay it all out. Waiting for it to go away or for people to forget about it is ridiculous... But seems to be a good tactic
Yeah...getting a free t4cc crystal just by logging in the game daily and getting expensive potions for free by doing 5-10 minutes of duels were really cumbersome and tough grinding lol.
I agree though that Kabam designed to get the rewards by playing often and using lots of energy, requiring players to buy energy refills if they also wanted to do other quests. I'd rather Kabam just fix the bugs than having to worry about giving players "compensation" when the game gets broken.