Why the hate for Civil Warrior?

I wish he had perfect block proficiency but his power drain on Sp. 2 has really saved me a lot when I’m fighting a higher ranked champion in arena and his reach with his strong attack is great. Am I missing something here?
Why the hate for Civil Warrior? 274 votes
The only cool ability he has is heal block on heavy attacks.
Do love his design and animations though
Dr. Zola
I have a 3* Civil Warrior MAXED OUT + DUPED, unfortunately he still losing fights.
No keep him selling champs is a bad idea
No offense here... but isn’t that more the player than the character?
If duping is a criterium for winning something is off in your playstyle..
I like him. He does well, the only problem is that his overall damage output could be higher. It’s not bad, it’s not good yet either though. Powercontrol and healblock make up some of what he’s lacking in damage, but now t enough.
Um. Because you don't have Vision?
You play the champs you have, not the ones you want.
Civil Warrior is a very good defender; with better block proficiency and armour than Vision.
Also, CW's specials actually deal damage (which Vision's SP1/2 don't - they inflict a Power Burn); so if you get blocked there's at least some effect; or if there's a Flare or Power Shield node active, CW's Special damage is boosted, but Visions Power Burn damage (which is all that his SP1 and SP2 inflict) aren't affected.
I'm not arguing with the fact that Vision is a better champ overall (and there are others), but that doesn't make CW useless by any means. Would you rather have Hulkbuster? Vulture? Punisher 2099? Original Iron Man? There's far worse tech champs than Civil Warrior. Definitely mid-level.
I keep him to wait for another DUPING
Maybe someone create a video tutorial "How to make full use of CIVIL WARRIOR ", but anyway i will keep him to earn DUPING ISO.
I'm sorry to tell you but Punisher 2099 Is Actually Good
By your logic carnage is good if he's the only champ you have. We don't play this game in a vacuum. The only way to determine how good a champ may, or may not be is to compare them to other champs.
When literally every redeeming quality CW has is surpassed by vision... It's hard to say he's an average champ.
Let's not get into an unnecessary argument when actually I'm mostly agreeing with you: Vision is definitely better than Civil Warrior.
But Vision is not average - he's always been a high-end tech champ because of his awesome power control ability. I'm just arguing that not being as good as someone who's really good doesn't make you "pretty much a turd".
Civil Warrior is stronger defensively than Vision; it's as simple as that. That's what he does better. Don't forget his Armour stacks give him protection against all offensive abilities; not just bleed and poison. Four stacks from an SP1 gives him 60% resistance to being affected by Power Burn, Incinerate, Frostbite, Degeneration, Armour Break - everything.
Situations and opponents matter, too. Like I said, if your opponent is on a Flare node or Power Shield, you'd be way better off with Civil Warrior. If your opponent is a big overpowered Sentinel, you'll be better off with CW in what will be a long fight (neither does great damage); as Vision will struggle against Sentinel's increasing Power Burn Resistance whilst CW can build up a strong resistance (even 100%) to Sentinel's Shocks, Incinerates and Armour Breaks by stacking his Passive Armour.
What about Infinity Thanos? Totally immune to Power Burn; but at least CW could armour up.
And then there's IMIW, who has resistance to Power Burn. More champs are appearing with Power Burn/Drain Resistance; and this hurts Vision more than it hurts CW.
And no, I wouldn't argue Carnage is a good champ any more than I'd argue Civil Warrior is a great champ - he's not - but he's better than you give him credit for, that's all I'm saying. Plus, his five-star version doesn't cost you 500 dollars.
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Can you get back here? 2020 sucks. And I want to invest big into Hand Sanitiser.