Why the hate for Civil Warrior?

Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
I wish he had perfect block proficiency but his power drain on Sp. 2 has really saved me a lot when I’m fighting a higher ranked champion in arena and his reach with his strong attack is great. Am I missing something here?

Why the hate for Civil Warrior? 274 votes

He’s properly rated - just an average champion.
BigPoppaCBONECaptain_KandiceDrZolaLeNoirFaineantHaji_SaabDarkstar4387vg2782PellucidumIl_CuocoHotCarlosMonkey17288DrenlinJwallace25fish8sixphillgreenLeediman39Vivek_786RikuremaGNASTYDean9300450 100 votes
You’re - right he’s much better than people give him credit for.
GroundedWisdomBadroseAakashJiNTarkanDark89PhoenixNoodes_TheVyrusAlex13369Foxhero007BapoiLibralonixbuttersNOOOOOOOOPEEEEEflygamerJuBgeSpiderCoolsJdub1250CassyDuke_SilverDESTROYALL11 64 votes
Meh - you’re overratinf him immensely. Many champions do what he does much better.
VoluntarisMattyloRagamugginGunnerSnakeEyes69ShrimkinsGolden_GuardianAlfa_PigeonMr_PlatypusTimone147Mayhemmum_m2MhykkeI_ForgotFallencircusAppleisgodMrLalowKossukosenIHSEANTeddersJones979 110 votes


  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    You’re - right he’s much better than people give him credit for.
    He has nice AAR with his armor buffs and when duped he can reduce special damage quite well(i think).
    You’re - right he’s much better than people give him credit for.
    He has a lot of Utility and also a very good design and plays very smoothly. Quite the underrated champion I must say
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    Meh - you’re overratinf him immensely. Many champions do what he does much better.
    He's pretty much a turd. Not sure why you would ever use him when vision is better at everything that he does.

    The only cool ability he has is heal block on heavy attacks.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Meh - you’re overratinf him immensely. Many champions do what he does much better.
    If he didn’t have so many armour buffs falling off him, making him near useless vs mystics in war he’s probably be utilised a bit more.

    Do love his design and animations though
  • fiddlefaddle99fiddlefaddle99 Member Posts: 20
    Civil Warrior is kinda underrated IMO. He does a lot of things fairly well but at the end of the day his damage is low and his utility fails to stack up to the top champions like Magik or even vision... which is why people don't like him. That being said, if you're fairly new to the game and you pull a 4* or 5* CW, rank him up! He's well worth R5 as a 4* (depending on your other options) and R3 as a 5*.
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    I have him as a r5 4* on an arena team with magik/guilly, have no problems with him. I think he's just fine. I would prefer the perfect block of my ww2 cap, but oh well.
  • RicemanRiceman Member Posts: 216
    He’s properly rated - just an average champion.
    If you don't have Guillotine or Void, Civil warrior can take down ROL wolverine.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    He’s properly rated - just an average champion.
    Sort of annoying for my Medusa because his armors reduce offensive aa but idk man... not to good not too bad
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    I actually like him. I find him fun too play as and really good power drain.
  • 玩玩玩家玩玩玩家 Member Posts: 441
    Yesterday I almost hit the "SELL" button.

    I have a 3* Civil Warrior MAXED OUT + DUPED, unfortunately he still losing fights.
  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    You’re - right he’s much better than people give him credit for.
    Yesterday I almost hit the "SELL" button.

    I have a 3* Civil Warrior MAXED OUT + DUPED, unfortunately he still losing fights.

    No offense here... but isn’t that more the player than the character?
    If duping is a criterium for winning something is off in your playstyle..

    I like him. He does well, the only problem is that his overall damage output could be higher. It’s not bad, it’s not good yet either though. Powercontrol and healblock make up some of what he’s lacking in damage, but now t enough.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    Shrimkins wrote: »
    Not sure why you would ever use him when vision is better at everything that he does.

    Um. Because you don't have Vision?

    You play the champs you have, not the ones you want.

    Civil Warrior is a very good defender; with better block proficiency and armour than Vision.

    Also, CW's specials actually deal damage (which Vision's SP1/2 don't - they inflict a Power Burn); so if you get blocked there's at least some effect; or if there's a Flare or Power Shield node active, CW's Special damage is boosted, but Visions Power Burn damage (which is all that his SP1 and SP2 inflict) aren't affected.

    I'm not arguing with the fact that Vision is a better champ overall (and there are others), but that doesn't make CW useless by any means. Would you rather have Hulkbuster? Vulture? Punisher 2099? Original Iron Man? There's far worse tech champs than Civil Warrior. Definitely mid-level.
  • 玩玩玩家玩玩玩家 Member Posts: 441

    No keep him selling champs is a bad idea

    I keep him to wait for another DUPING
  • 玩玩玩家玩玩玩家 Member Posts: 441
    Bapoi wrote: »

    No offense here... but isn’t that more the player than the character?
    If duping is a criterium for winning something is off in your playstyle..

    I like him. He does well, the only problem is that his overall damage output could be higher. It’s not bad, it’s not good yet either though. Powercontrol and healblock make up some of what he’s lacking in damage, but now t enough.

    Maybe someone create a video tutorial "How to make full use of CIVIL WARRIOR ", but anyway i will keep him to earn DUPING ISO.
  • MayhemMayhem Member Posts: 91
    Meh - you’re overratinf him immensely. Many champions do what he does much better.
    He was my 2nd 4 star. A basic champ at best. There are so many other options that it makes him not worth it. I love his fighting style. It's one of the best in the game IMO. I just think that his block proficiency is garbage and should be upped. His L1 is just barely better than Spider Gwen unless duped. His L2 can save you but doesn't drain that much compared to others. His heal block on heavy and refreshing on specials is great. I'd love to see him get the bump and have a LC/Rulk revamp. More damage based on permanent armor or something like that. Maybe a shield throw with stun would be cool. Just something more than what he has now.
  • issamaf80issamaf80 Member Posts: 1,472 ★★★
    You’re - right he’s much better than people give him credit for.

    Um. Because you don't have Vision?

    You play the champs you have, not the ones you want.

    Civil Warrior is a very good defender; with better block proficiency and armour than Vision.

    Also, CW's specials actually deal damage (which Vision's SP1/2 don't - they inflict a Power Burn); so if you get blocked there's at least some effect; or if there's a Flare or Power Shield node active, CW's Special damage is boosted, but Visions Power Burn damage (which is all that his SP1 and SP2 inflict) aren't affected.

    I'm not arguing with the fact that Vision is a better champ overall (and there are others), but that doesn't make CW useless by any means. Would you rather have Hulkbuster? Vulture? Punisher 2099? Original Iron Man? There's far worse tech champs than Civil Warrior. Definitely mid-level.

    I'm sorry to tell you but Punisher 2099 Is Actually Good
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  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    IMO he should have perfect block like 40%, and when awakened with max sig he can have a flat +50% increase in perfect block when his opponent is affected by Buffs or he is affected by Debuffs (he is a Steve Rogers inside an Iron Man suit)
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    Meh - you’re overratinf him immensely. Many champions do what he does much better.

    Um. Because you don't have Vision?

    You play the champs you have, not the ones you want.

    Civil Warrior is a very good defender; with better block proficiency and armour than Vision.

    Also, CW's specials actually deal damage (which Vision's SP1/2 don't - they inflict a Power Burn); so if you get blocked there's at least some effect; or if there's a Flare or Power Shield node active, CW's Special damage is boosted, but Visions Power Burn damage (which is all that his SP1 and SP2 inflict) aren't affected.

    I'm not arguing with the fact that Vision is a better champ overall (and there are others), but that doesn't make CW useless by any means. Would you rather have Hulkbuster? Vulture? Punisher 2099? Original Iron Man? There's far worse tech champs than Civil Warrior. Definitely mid-level.

    By your logic carnage is good if he's the only champ you have. We don't play this game in a vacuum. The only way to determine how good a champ may, or may not be is to compare them to other champs.

    When literally every redeeming quality CW has is surpassed by vision... It's hard to say he's an average champ.

  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    edited August 2018
    Shrimkins wrote: »
    When literally every redeeming quality CW has is surpassed by vision... It's hard to say he's an average champ.

    Let's not get into an unnecessary argument when actually I'm mostly agreeing with you: Vision is definitely better than Civil Warrior.

    But Vision is not average - he's always been a high-end tech champ because of his awesome power control ability. I'm just arguing that not being as good as someone who's really good doesn't make you "pretty much a turd".

    Civil Warrior is stronger defensively than Vision; it's as simple as that. That's what he does better. Don't forget his Armour stacks give him protection against all offensive abilities; not just bleed and poison. Four stacks from an SP1 gives him 60% resistance to being affected by Power Burn, Incinerate, Frostbite, Degeneration, Armour Break - everything.

    Situations and opponents matter, too. Like I said, if your opponent is on a Flare node or Power Shield, you'd be way better off with Civil Warrior. If your opponent is a big overpowered Sentinel, you'll be better off with CW in what will be a long fight (neither does great damage); as Vision will struggle against Sentinel's increasing Power Burn Resistance whilst CW can build up a strong resistance (even 100%) to Sentinel's Shocks, Incinerates and Armour Breaks by stacking his Passive Armour.

    What about Infinity Thanos? Totally immune to Power Burn; but at least CW could armour up.

    And then there's IMIW, who has resistance to Power Burn. More champs are appearing with Power Burn/Drain Resistance; and this hurts Vision more than it hurts CW.

    And no, I wouldn't argue Carnage is a good champ any more than I'd argue Civil Warrior is a great champ - he's not - but he's better than you give him credit for, that's all I'm saying. Plus, his five-star version doesn't cost you 500 dollars.
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★

    Let's not get into an unnecessary argument when actually I'm mostly agreeing with you: Vision is definitely better than Civil Warrior.

    But Vision is not average - he's always been a high-end tech champ because of his awesome power control ability. I'm just arguing that not being as good as someone who's really good doesn't make you "pretty much a turd".

    Civil Warrior is stronger defensively than Vision; it's as simple as that. That's what he does better. Don't forget his Armour stacks give him protection against all offensive abilities; not just bleed and poison. Four stacks from an SP1 gives him 60% resistance to being affected by Power Burn, Incinerate, Frostbite, Degeneration, Armour Break - everything.

    Situations and opponents matter, too. Like I said, if your opponent is on a Flare node or Power Shield, you'd be way better off with Civil Warrior. If your opponent is a big overpowered Sentinel, you'll be better off with CW in what will be a long fight (neither does great damage); as Vision will struggle against Sentinel's increasing Power Burn Resistance whilst CW can build up a strong resistance (even 100%) to Sentinel's Shocks, Incinerates and Armour Breaks by stacking his Passive Armour.

    What about Infinity Thanos? Totally immune to Power Burn; but at least CW could armour up.

    And then there's IMIW, who has resistance to Power Burn. More champs are appearing with Power Burn/Drain Resistance; and this hurts Vision more than it hurts CW.

    And no, I wouldn't argue Carnage is a good champ any more than I'd argue Civil Warrior is a great champ - he's not - but he's better than you give him credit for, that's all I'm saying. Plus, his five-star version doesn't cost you 500 dollars.

    Love this post
  • flygamerflygamer Member Posts: 345 ★★
    You’re - right he’s much better than people give him credit for.
    He was my best tech champ for a while and always liked him. I think he gets hate cuz when you play against him the AI just spams Sp1, so he is easy to beat, but helped me a lot in mid difficult levels.
  • BriceMiesterBriceMiester Member Posts: 282
    Meh - you’re overratinf him immensely. Many champions do what he does much better.
    Rogue can Power DRAIN on spec 2
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  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    You’re - right he’s much better than people give him credit for.
    He has a nice base kit but his numbers need to be tuned up.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    2018? Is that you?

    Can you get back here? 2020 sucks. And I want to invest big into Hand Sanitiser.
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