Thanks Kabam
I just wanted to acknowledge the fact that you all took the time to come up with a unique way to give back to the player base. Sure... there will be a bunch of sour toads crying for more but that just comes with the territory. Lord knows you can’t please everyone.
Regardless, I feel appreciated so I just wanted to say “Thanks!”
And before people start the trolling, I’m an end game player that has cleared all available content and have a prestige over 7000. If these “rewards” can please me, they should please a wide range of summoners.
Regardless, I feel appreciated so I just wanted to say “Thanks!”
And before people start the trolling, I’m an end game player that has cleared all available content and have a prestige over 7000. If these “rewards” can please me, they should please a wide range of summoners.
Insightful. Thanks for such a riveting rebuttal.
Everyone flipping their lids right now should think long and hard on how addicted they are to feel as entitled as they do.
I went and did other things during the overheating issues. I had no drive to demolish my device over a game.
This is an overall package where everyone gets something out of.
Lower end players get (pretty damned) nice extras, high end players get seemingly less. But given their content, and the rewards they get elsewhere, this is an add-on. The fact that you played longer or more doesn’t entitle you to get more.
Ikm perfectly fine with this. Nothing would have been an option as well.
I have prestige over 8.3k (not sure why that matters, but OP shared his so it must be important) ... summoner appreciation seems... ok, but in response to the month of burning phones/inability to play/countless alliance revives & pots due to phone overheating/disconnects .... seems a bit meh.
I would hope that the Summoner Appreciation is separate from the issues we have been dealing with. I guess we'll see though.
I just didn’t want people to be like “you’re probably a new player so these rewards would seem nice” lol
This is the guy that made one of those we deserve rank down tickets threads. Enough said, no use arguing with him.
So awesome to call that out, we can move on now.
Haha got em.
As a matter of fact, that’s not accurate. If you read my post it said that RDTs would be a nice way to ease some of the frustrations that players were dealing with. It never said that we deserved them or that I demanded them. Not trying to argue. Just defending myself. @Irohr @RehctansBew
Also, the fact that Kabam is making us chose between questing, AW, AQ, and arena rewards is insulting considering most loyal Kabam players do everything.
I do agree that there are individual cases like yours where this package doesn’t cover all that you lost out on but Kabam can’t give everyone a huge compensation package because of a few people like yourself. They have to try to find a balance that will please the majority. Someone people will be overcompensated, some will be undercompensated. It’s just the way it is.
That’s a good one lol
Yeah, actually they can. The folks who would be overcompensated don't play that game very much anyways and wouldn't impact them that much anyways.
If it was just that, then I would be fine and would be some what happy.
However the mods has said this is also compensation aswell. So for me it should be a lot more. A month of overheating is not something which should be brush away with this minute compensation.
Overall thoughts - Kabam put more thought into this compensation situation than previous compensation situations but are still out of touch with the community.
Actually I agree with @Bapoi ,as I'm only remaining with 5 path of 5.4 to be an elders bane this rewards does helps..
Last year we got to choose the package we wanted?
Clearly you don’t arena or AW if you feel compensated, I lost a 2-3 weeks of AW and Arena do to issues. Only content left for me is LOL and I need those units from arena to get me through. So the pittance they’re giving out is barley enough to cover 1/3weeks lost rewards.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola