Use generic 5* gem on 5/65 stark Spider-Man?

Just finished act 5. I currently have 4 awakening gems. I have mutant,cosmic,science and a generic. I do not have Star lord,blade,voodoo or any champion that it top tier that isn’t awoken besides stark. So do I hold to see if I get someone like voodoo,starlord etc? I’m not sure I hear a lot of conflicting opinions on using my generic on stark. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks community!
Use generic 5* gem on 5/65 stark Spider-Man? 66 votes
Sparky is one of those champs that doesn’t rely heavily on his signature ability although it does benefit him if he has it. But if you are looking to get through LOL you might as well use all the help you can get. If you are only looking to do one path then you might not need it but if you are looking to do more than one path you definitely won’t regret it. And plus he is your only r5 5* so not like you’re going to stop using him.
I tested him against ROL WS at 3/45 unduped, 3/45 sig 60, and 4/55 sig 60. Didn't bring in any synergies, stayed above 50% for all 3 fights to get the full crit benefit from the signature ability, and stayed between 8-10 poise charges.
3/45 unduped: 196 hits
3/45 sig 60: 160 hits
4/55 sig 60: 118 hits
In short, going from unduped to sig 60 made almost just as much of an impact as going from 3/45 to 4/55. I think the difference it makes between unduped and duped will be amplified even more at 5/65 and even more so in longer fights like LOL.
If you are looking to 100%, use it without reservation as you will get another one when you finish it.
I am guessing you have so many gems because you have already done 1 path. so I say use it, especially if you plan on finishing LOL
Are you running a path in LOL regardless of whether he is duped? If "Yes," don't use the gem because you will get a 5* awakening gem crystal and if you get a tech than you know who you can use it on. If "No," then ask yourself will it really be useful for him to be duped in the content you run (I'm assuming mainly AW). Do you currently lose your Starky in AW, or use potions and revives to keep him alive? If not then why use the gem? If you don't typically have him alive at the end or you typically use potions on him then by all means use a gem as it will finish fights faster with less time to screw up. If you are planning to 100% LOL then go ahead and use the gem as you will get another.
I am all for our alliance getting better! However, no point in using a gem on Spidey if you don't need to. If you are planning on LOL then you might as well as you will want all the extra damage you can get.