Upcoming Changes to Mystic Dispersion and Dexterity - Discussion Thread

We're just announced some changes to Mystic Dispersion and Dexterity that are coming your way early next month! Take a look at the announcement, read through the FAQ, and ask any questions that you might have here.
We're just announced some changes to Mystic Dispersion and Dexterity that are coming your way early next month! Take a look at the announcement, read through the FAQ, and ask any questions that you might have here.
This discussion has been closed.
What were you trying to address with these changes?
The biggest issue we're attempting to address is feeling like there's no way to play around Mystic Dispersion in difficult Alliance Wars fights. We still want it to trigger, but to for you to feel like you have more control over when it does trigger.
Can you explain the changes to Mystic Dispersion?
Mystic Dispersion now only triggers when a Buff's Duration Fully Expires, or when the Buff is Nullified. This includes any “nullify like” ability, including Stagger, Fate Seal (when removing Prior Buffs), Counterspell, etc., and even Armor Break if it removes an Armor Up Buff (but not an Armor Up passive). Basically when a Champion removes or consumes their own Buff with one of their own abilities, it won’t set off Mystic Dispersion. It's intended to be a fairly minor change as one of our goals is to change Mystic Dispersion and Dexterity as little as possible.
Can you explain the change to Dexterity?
A successful Dexterity will still trigger a Precision Buff that lasts until your next hit, however now when it's removed by landing that hit, it's replaced by one with a short duration. This duration will increase based on what level of Dexterity you have. The buff will also no longer refresh after multiple Dexterity Evades are done in a row without removing the Buff (by landing a hit, getting nullified, etc).
Does this mean that Dexterity will no longer trigger Mystic Dispersion?
No. The expiration of the Precision Buff’s duration will still trigger Mystic Dispersion, but the changes to Dexterity will help you control how often you trigger it much more than before, and won’t turn Dexterity into a Mystic Dispersion fueling machine.
Is the Precision Buff from Dexterity now a Passive Effect?
No. It is still an active buff that can be nullified and can interact with other abilities.
If my Champion consumes their own Buff, will it trigger Mystic Dispersion? For example, when Medusa consumes 3 Fury Buffs to Auto-Block.
No. This will not trigger Mystic Dispersion, as the Buff is neither expiring, nor being nullified. One exception to this rule (at this time) is Rogue. We’re currently testing a fix for this that we hope to have released in our next build, but she should not trigger Mystic Dispersion on the Buffs that she copies.
Why didn’t you just remove the Precision Buff from Dexterity?
This is something we considered, but we want to maintain the relationship of 2 of the most popular masteries (Dexterity and Parry) being tied to a Buff and a Debuff.
I haven’t purchased Rank 1/2/3/4/5 of Mystic Dispersion yet, but I have some Mastery Cores in my inventory, will they be refunded as well?
Yes. The refund for Mystic Dispersion will be based on how many Mystic Mastery Cores you have purchased, and not on the level of Mystic Dispersion that you have unlocked.
Has the team considered Rank Down Tickets for this change?
We have discussed the possibility of Rank Down Tickets, and have not decided for or against them. We're not going to give them out for this change independently of seeing how it actually affects these Champions. While we didn't see any significant/noticeable drops in performance in the Beta, we're going to keep an eye on this now that it will be out in the wild.
Magik's SP3 Nullifies buffs on the Opponent, so will still fuel Mystic Dispersion.
I want to be 100% sure before I commit to an answer. Just want to let you know that we are not ignoring this question while we answer others, and will answer this as soon as we get confirmation!
Got my confirmation! Voodoo will still trigger Mystic Dispersion for himself by converting Loas. That is indeed a form of Nullification, and the Loas are Buffs.
I feel as though I should be compensated with the ability to rank down champions that are of less use to me now that you guys made an unnecessary change that hinders their abilities for in game play...
Yes indeed! It's a buff in all respects, anything that interacts with buffs interacts with it.
Would it be possible for some values? I get that it might be a quite specific question, so no worries if not. How much would a max sig Hyperion extend the precision buff?
Failing that, how long does the precision buff now last. And I can work it out myself! Cheers.
Wow that's actually pretty awesome! I can't wait to play with this with my Hyperion.
Yes, we will be refunding all Mystic cores that have been purchased, regardless of whether or not you are using all of the Ranks at this time or not.
Me too! I have a rank 4 high sig 5*, and I might put some more points into dexterity if this extends the crit buff. In my mind I’ve just got a picture of dexterity lasting the entire combo! His crit rate will be through the roof!
I used a 5* generic awakening gem and 5* signature stones on Dormammu 15 days before the MD/Dexterity beta testing was announced. Had I known the approved MD/Dexterity nerf was being considered, I would not have chosen to use these rare in-game resources on Dormammu:
How u guys going to refund the 150 bucks that I spent on md...???
Yes, but this is no easy task, and one that we're being very careful with and taking our time to ensure that we do this correctly. It includes combing through mountains of Data that go waaaaaaaay back, and not something that you'll be able to reach out to our Support team or anybody else to do for you.
If you bought the Mastery Cores with Units, will be refunding the Units that you used to make those purchases.
You'll get the units back
Ah ok... Sounds very difficult. I will await the surprise return of either loyalty or units... personally I'm hoping I spent units cause I have plenty of loyalty now.