LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
DOMINO is already one of the hardest champions to fight in mcoc. With her crit failure still going off randomly and her ability to break through your block, their is very few ways to defeat her without losing a lot of health. This said you now want to fix the one of the few ways we have to combat her. Why not fix her random crit failure or block break instead? Or buff one of the extremely useless old champs that have become redundant in the game and were terrible to begin with.


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  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,518 ★★★★★
    LiamS1990 wrote: »
    DOMINO is already one of the hardest champions to fight in mcoc. With her crit failure still going off randomly and her ability to break through your block, their is very few ways to defeat her without losing a lot of health. This said you now want to fix the one of the few ways we have to combat her. Why not fix her random crit failure or block break instead? Or buff one of the extremely useless old champs that have become redundant in the game and were terrible to begin with.
    U need to read whatbit fix he Said the motoed we use wuld stil works but im hav my conside of it stile gone works
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    People complain about something that doesn't exist, and not they are complaining of a fix for it ...
  • AxeCopFireAxeCopFire Member Posts: 1,115 ★★★
    LiamS1990 wrote: »
    Why not fix her random crit failure or block break instead?

    Yeah Kabam, why not fix that thing that is working is exactly as its stated in her description, or the other thing that never happened?
  • NamelezNamelez Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    Good god calm down OP their fixing her
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    @axecopfire it is not stated in her description at all about her block break. Critical failure is supposed to happen when an ability fails to trigger. AA IS IMMUNE TO ABILITY REDUCTION. Critical failure still triggers constantly. Other champs that don't have any ability triggers and you have dexterity turned off critical failure still triggers. This is a bug. If you have domino read her description before commenting
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    edited September 2018
    LiamS1990 wrote: »
    @axecopfire it is not stated in her description at all about her block break. Critical failure is supposed to happen when an ability fails to trigger. AA IS IMMUNE TO ABILITY REDUCTION. Critical failure still triggers constantly. Other champs that don't have any ability triggers and you have dexterity turned off critical failure still triggers. This is a bug. If you have domino read her description before commenting

    AA is immune to ability accuracy reduction. He is not immune to critical failure.
    "Read his description before commenting" , AA causes abilities that aren't 100% chancr of being triggered.
    Domino doesn't block break. She never did, is not an ability o her, or a bug. The problem is her first medium itself.
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    Archangel abilitys should always trigger and never fail as he can't have his ability accuracy reduced. Critical failure only triggers when an ability fails to trigger
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    Also domino can break block from the final medium attack on the second part of the attack. Then drop in another combo
  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    LiamS1990 wrote: »
    Archangel abilitys should always trigger and never fail as he can't have his ability accuracy reduced. Critical failure only triggers when an ability fails to trigger

    AA however also has masteries affecting him. His own abilities won't be reduced, but things like dexterity will trigger it.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Well guess you can't read properly even after taking screenshots ...
    Archangel ability doesn't say anything about his abilities always triggering. He doesn't have 1000% ability accuracy. He is just immune to ability accuracy reducion.
    Just read his abilities. It has numbers on it, and those aren't all "100%". Critical hits for example have 45% or so of triggering bleeds. That can fail to trigger. If it fails, critical damage is triggered.

    And again, Domino doesn't block break. Her medium is the problem. Is causing opponents to drop their block while trying to dodge mid hit. It will be fixed next update as it is stated on the patch notes
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    It still triggers with dexterity mastery attached. Domino is broken just face it and she still breaks your block randomly if you take a full combo at the final medium. I can read and I'm not saying that AA is immune to crit failure. I'm saying that crit failure is still triggering randomly. Take your own advice before commenting please
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    What "random" means to you? Attacking her? Maybe crits failing to apply bleeds?
    And no Domino never breaked blocks. There are plenty of threads about this already where tou can see that she is not. There is even a video on youtube explaining what happens
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    Domino is a great champ and really fun to play with. I just think she should have the problems she has got at the moment fixed before she is buffed
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    Critical failure is still random how can it trigger jumping back with the dexterity mastery turned off when you shallow evade?
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    It also keeps triggering using other champs that don't apply debuffs? Please explain as you are a domino expert
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    LiamS1990 wrote: »
    Domino is a great champ and really fun to play with. I just think she should have the problems she has got at the moment fixed before she is buffed

    She isn't being buffed in any way. She is being FIXED. A fix that will prevent the opponent to drop block mid her medium.
    It's more like a nerf than a buff. But of course I know it is rather a fix than a nerf.
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    I just recorded a video with all my masteries turned off using unduped RHulk and straight off after an intercept I'm getting critical failure from my attacks. I have no masteries on. My champ isn't triggering any abilitys like heat charges because I am not taking damage or using my specials. Can you please explain why this is happening. Ps. Tried to show the video but the forums won't allow me to post it. Try it for yourself
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    If my ability is failing what ability is that? My punch ability from landing a hit? Just stupid if you ask me. I have 0 masteries on using a champ that I can control my abilitys on and it's happening from a punch mid combo? She is broken. Once you have tried it yourself please message back
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    @will-o-wisp have you tried it for yourself and seen that I'm right now. Your usually quick to comment but have not responded. Don't worry we are all wrong sometimes mate
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Not sure what you're taling about ... I just said multiple times what you didn't understand the first time. Still don't know what's happening?
    That coming from someone that created a thread like this really doesn't cause any effect.
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    Try for yourself, remove all your masteries and use a champ that isn't going to place any debuffs or has any buffs. When your attacking critical failure still happens for no reason. It's random and the champion needs to be fixed
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Because critical failure doesn't include only buffs and debuffs ... It says ABILITIES.

    You gave an example or Redhulk. 2x things could happen: fail to trigger heat charge, or fail to trigger direct/physical damage from the heat charge itself.
    I already fought a lot of Domino's and until now every critical failure had motives to trigger. So not random
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,518 ★★★★★
    if it vision then it wuld be the pover burn
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    If you had read the post above how can a heat charge happen from an unduped hulk as his ability only triggers when taking damage or using an sp1.
  • krauserhuntkrauserhunt Member Posts: 365 ★★
    Not sure what you're taling about ... I just said multiple times what you didn't understand the first time. Still don't know what's happening?
    That coming from someone that created a thread like this really doesn't cause any effect.

    Not sure why you keep jumping to the defense of Domino every thread.

    We'll see after a test, what's been fixed and how much she's still broken.
  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    It still triggers when no abilitys are triggering that is the point in trying to get across. I have used numerous champs and it is just triggering from normal attacks that are not using abilitys
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