DOMINO is already one of the hardest champions to fight in mcoc. With her crit failure still going off randomly and her ability to break through your block, their is very few ways to defeat her without losing a lot of health. This said you now want to fix the one of the few ways we have to combat her. Why not fix her random crit failure or block break instead? Or buff one of the extremely useless old champs that have become redundant in the game and were terrible to begin with.
Yeah Kabam, why not fix that thing that is working is exactly as its stated in her description, or the other thing that never happened?
AA is immune to ability accuracy reduction. He is not immune to critical failure.
"Read his description before commenting" , AA causes abilities that aren't 100% chancr of being triggered.
Domino doesn't block break. She never did, is not an ability o her, or a bug. The problem is her first medium itself.
AA however also has masteries affecting him. His own abilities won't be reduced, but things like dexterity will trigger it.
Archangel ability doesn't say anything about his abilities always triggering. He doesn't have 1000% ability accuracy. He is just immune to ability accuracy reducion.
Just read his abilities. It has numbers on it, and those aren't all "100%". Critical hits for example have 45% or so of triggering bleeds. That can fail to trigger. If it fails, critical damage is triggered.
And again, Domino doesn't block break. Her medium is the problem. Is causing opponents to drop their block while trying to dodge mid hit. It will be fixed next update as it is stated on the patch notes
And no Domino never breaked blocks. There are plenty of threads about this already where tou can see that she is not. There is even a video on youtube explaining what happens
She isn't being buffed in any way. She is being FIXED. A fix that will prevent the opponent to drop block mid her medium.
It's more like a nerf than a buff. But of course I know it is rather a fix than a nerf.
That coming from someone that created a thread like this really doesn't cause any effect.
You gave an example or Redhulk. 2x things could happen: fail to trigger heat charge, or fail to trigger direct/physical damage from the heat charge itself.
I already fought a lot of Domino's and until now every critical failure had motives to trigger. So not random
Not sure why you keep jumping to the defense of Domino every thread.
We'll see after a test, what's been fixed and how much she's still broken.