Game ceiling for veteran players

Just like me, I believe others thousands players had reach the ceiling of champions evolution in the game. We finish act 5, one path on LOL and participate in alliances in gold 1/plat 3 into AW season.
That´s the limit of the game, 1 or 2 5* R5 and 3-5 5* R4. Finish LOL 100% it is not possible without the rigth champs and a lot of units, and the flow of T2A is ridiculous, just 15k fragments per month plus the random rewards of AW season.
So, after reach those limits we can´t level up any champion during a long, long time. But Kabam keep the game with a great roster of champions and once you get a new one, you don´t get the resources to level up above R3.
What´s the motivation to keep playing? AQ, Uncollected, Arena, AW? The hardcore gamers has a legitimate chance to keep increase e level up their rosters above the ceiling, but they represent less than 0.5% of the game base of players.
Kabam must increase the flow of rank up materials, not just T1A, Gold, but primarly the rank up materials to level up 5* heroes to R4. We have a bunch of 5* heroes and they keep coming, but is frustating because we can´t level up. They promise that AQ Season 5 would be the source of T2A, but kabam plans look´s like the Coyote´s plans to catch Road Runner.
That´s the limit of the game, 1 or 2 5* R5 and 3-5 5* R4. Finish LOL 100% it is not possible without the rigth champs and a lot of units, and the flow of T2A is ridiculous, just 15k fragments per month plus the random rewards of AW season.
So, after reach those limits we can´t level up any champion during a long, long time. But Kabam keep the game with a great roster of champions and once you get a new one, you don´t get the resources to level up above R3.
What´s the motivation to keep playing? AQ, Uncollected, Arena, AW? The hardcore gamers has a legitimate chance to keep increase e level up their rosters above the ceiling, but they represent less than 0.5% of the game base of players.
Kabam must increase the flow of rank up materials, not just T1A, Gold, but primarly the rank up materials to level up 5* heroes to R4. We have a bunch of 5* heroes and they keep coming, but is frustating because we can´t level up. They promise that AQ Season 5 would be the source of T2A, but kabam plans look´s like the Coyote´s plans to catch Road Runner.
It is hard for me to see a ceiling in this game when I feel like I am laying on the floor trying to see what's on the dinner table. Heh.
One day I was like you and the ceiling came faster, keep playing hard and less than a year you reach that
Yep, RDT is necessary because the rank up materials is scarce, otherwise they wouldn´t be
Right on. Love this game, prolly too much, and I'm getting better. I wonder if I will ever have the young person's reflexes to truly master this game, but honestly that's 100 percent OK with me.
That´s a sad statement, we keep playing because we like the game, the friends on the alliance, just let the game go it´s not the best decision.
I don´t wanna be the top 1 player, that´s not a synonymous of best player in this game, just the one who spend more cash
Sum all that shards (AW, EQ, Glory store, random picks) and in 4 months (or less) you have another 5r4 champ, with the changes of prizes in AQ, maybe the time can be reduced to 3 months or less.
We all love to rank a 5r4 monthly, but that's not going to happen in the short time.
Thats another point, but bad luck can´t be solved...most of us are in the same situation
But right now, the game is boring to me sadly.
I brute force many quests against my capacity and roster to win rewards (in early days of this game) by grinding units here and there and ended up ranking some characters which i don't want to level up because of expiring t2a due to limited inventory level set-up by kabam
I took mordo and symbiotic spidey up because of unavailability of good champs and expiring of t2a...
Now i don't play arena anymore and part of an alliance where no one cares what you do, so high end rewards are less likely to come by and monthly quests doesn't offer much so my champs are stuck on same level as they were exactly 4-5 months ago.
Though there's no quest that can't be done by my current roster but still i like to take some new characters up in order to make things easier and less costly.
Act6 isn't in the news because kabam busy in making monthly quests...
Only hope is act6 or some celebrity challenge where rewards should be improved according to current scenerio
10 days ago, I started a new account and, surprise, the lagging is almost gone. So it seems like having less things in your account and not having 5 stars actually improves the performance of the game at the moment. I am starting to sense some lagging though, as I just finished Thanos. But not as bad as the main account.
In my opinion, starting over is the best option in your situation. The game is more addictive when you start and now you know how to make better choices (like unlocking masteries first). Sure, it's a shame you dedicated 4 years to the other account, but what is the point if you cannot play hard content anymore?
Having a second account also puts a stop to the idea of spending in the game, as now that you have two accounts you see the futility of it. I keep seeing offers for beginners in my veteran account, and useless offers in my beginner account. So in the end, you have no reasons to spend money on them.
If you don’t get lucky pulls, then aren’t you in the same boat but with a less advanced roster?
Yes, but it is still better than when I started 4 years ago. The Gwenpool goes to the movies event gave me 5 four stars and I duped one of them. That roster is more than enough to do 100% acts 1, 2 and 3. (Should work on act 4, but I need to rank them up and tier 2 catalysts are not as easy to get as 4 years ago).
Also, with the pool of champions these days, it is easier to do the content.
For Act 4 I will need a more specialized roster, but it's been only 10 days. The key here is that the more you advance, the worse the performance is going to get. So we'll see how far I can get until the game becomes annoying again.
I have been trying my secondary device, a high end android phone, the lagging is there, but seems to be less than in iPad.
I don't know, I think the ceiling is there on level 60. Playing the game beyond that is just personal taste. Acts 4 and 5 were design for people that just couldn't get enough challenges (and Act 6 will be designed the same way for sure). Just look at the design change between acts 3 and 4. Act 3 requires 2 energies per tile, but the quests are shorter than Act 2. Act 4 takes 3 energies and the quests are longer and with ridiculous debuffs. It wasn't meant to be done fast or easy. I don't think playing this game beyond level 60 is a must. Everything gets repetitive and not many people will do acts 4, 5 and 6 for the challenge of it. Most of them will do it to not stay behind. If it stops being fun, then you should consider if it is still worth it.
This is my personal opinion, I am sure many won't agree.
RDT's aren't needed because you cant get T2A. They are adding more T2A to AQ now as well. They are making them easier to form and get.
but more should be added to solo modes.
uncolleceted EQ for example.
being part of a good alliance should not be madatory to gain the resources to rank up champions.
but after completing Act 5 to gain resources you need to be in a good alliance.....
In the world of MMOs, there is a sliding scale of players: the mains, and the alts. Some players like to focus on one (or a few) strong characters that they've made the most progress on and want to keep stacking more progress on, and some prefer to start new characters over and over again (some players, of course, are in the middle). Both are considered valid ways to play the game. Also, in general the existence of both types of players is not generally considered a failing of the game, but usually an inevitability of a game balanced between the two desires.