Please explain the black widow/quake/Hawkeye syngergy

As many are aware this will be extremely important for the new web slinger challenge.
If you run quake, black widow and Hawkeye together, the synergies add 2x lots of 15% to black widows signature ability.
Assuming you have her at 99 sig, you get
Plus 15% more if the opponent is a science champ which I'll assume for this exercise.
Could you explain how this works? Is it;
70x1.15x1.15x1.15 = 106.46
70x1.15 + 70x0.15 + 70x0.15 = 101.5
70 + 15 + 15 + 15 = 115
Or do we get 4 "dice rolls" of 70, 15, 15, 15
Which one is it? It's confusing because any of the first 3 means Spiderman should never evade against BW with this team in place. Is that correct?
As many are aware this will be extremely important for the new web slinger challenge.
If you run quake, black widow and Hawkeye together, the synergies add 2x lots of 15% to black widows signature ability.
Assuming you have her at 99 sig, you get
Plus 15% more if the opponent is a science champ which I'll assume for this exercise.
Could you explain how this works? Is it;
70x1.15x1.15x1.15 = 106.46
70x1.15 + 70x0.15 + 70x0.15 = 101.5
70 + 15 + 15 + 15 = 115
Or do we get 4 "dice rolls" of 70, 15, 15, 15
Which one is it? It's confusing because any of the first 3 means Spiderman should never evade against BW with this team in place. Is that correct?
Either way the question stands and is still completely valid.
So what's the max?
BW's signature ability accuracy is already 100% her potency is 70/85% which is what is boosted so the HE synergy won't affect it.
I know You were thinking of bw, it seems she might be bugged out right now.
Quake and Hawkeye - +15% AA for all champions
Quake and BW - +15% to AA and Buff duration for Quake and BW only
Add to that BW sig 99 having 69.99% AA reduction, plus 15% against science.
How does the HE synergy not affect it?
I was under the impression it was just a flat 15% for each one. Been trying some fights with the team and haven't procced anything yet? Need some mod to figure this out lol
don't hold your breath...
Yeah because I have only recently gotten a sig 99 BW and quake. Haven't had a hunch of time to say this for sure.
The 15% increase is not added to it is a % increase on the existing % e.g.
I could believe that. But with science class bonus wouldn't that get her to 100%?
with Science and Mutant base stats, but I think they impact it differently as I have also seen spidey evade BW when she has Quake and HE in toe
Even if I calulate the Quake and HE increase % off the Base 69.99% it is still over 100%
That's what I want to believe
@Noobeeus There is also the potency from the Q BW synergy which is the one at play for BWs SA.
Can you elaborate on the whole "BW subtlety is also affected by this if you don't already have it at sig 99"? I'm not following that.
That was written when BW still had 100% at SA99, so if you were below SA99 the potency portion of the syngery would boost her SA.
So if you're fighting a spiderman, you get 85x1.15 for the potency synergy which is 97.75%?
Still good enough I guess!
So since the cap is now at ~70% then why wouldn't these boost it to old SA99?
The synergy is multiplicative (70x1.15) and the SA ability is additive/flat (70+15). Modifiers work off the base value. 70x1.15+15=95.5.
If you want 100% need a 5* Quake for the extra 15% synergy. And even then it would be 70x1.3=91 unless you were up against science 70x1.3+15=106
Got you! Thanks. Well you could bring a 4* and 3* quake right? Don't need a 5* lol. It's good to know you can get her above 100 in that situation!
Very useful info you've provided.
My mistake, 3* quake doesn't have the synergy. So only the 4* and 5*.
I guess I'll live with 95% for BW lol