[iOS] 19.1 Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    In-Game Name: Darkness275
    Device and Model: iPad Air 2
    Device Operating System: 11.4.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 19.1.0
    Game Mode: All. Primarily noticed in arena
    Description of the Issue: The more I play the game the more lag I begin to notice, particularly loading screens and menus. There will be delay, long loading times and then just an eventual game crash.
  • MitziboiMitziboi Member Posts: 46
    IGN: Mitziboi
    Device: iPhone 8
    iOS: 11.4.1
    Cell or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version: 19.1.0 and now 19.1.1

    Issue: Battery Drain, Unresponsive to touch (intermittent), device getting hot.
  • Bagoly87Bagoly87 Member Posts: 7
    IGN bagoly87
    Device iPhone SE
    iOS 11.4.1
    Cell or WiFi both
    Game version 19.1.1
    Game mode: everywhere
    Issue: battery drain too fast 15% after 2 fights. If I will choice character very slow loading face picture and scrolling ridiculous
  • InvokesInvokes Member Posts: 2
    Device iPhone 6plus
    iOS 11.4.1
    Cell or WiFi both
    Game version 19.1.1
    Game mode: everywhere
    Issue: battery drains fast. Over heating. Fights become less and less responsive. Laggy for fights, loading screens and response.
  • AEGONAEGON Member Posts: 9
    I am experiencing extensive heating and lag after like 10 min game play
    device : iphone 6
    ios version : ios 11.4.1
    game version : 19.1.1
    anyone else experiencing the same issue? did kabam just got us to believe the issues are gone ? is it really resolved?
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  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    edited August 2018
    Device iPhone 7

    Device Operating System: 11.4.1

    Mobile Carrier: No

    WiFi Only

    Game Version 19.10

    New content added Dungeons , expect your devices to fry . get the frozen pea while playing game
    Have reported and confirm that phone is still over heating , but there is no point reporting any issues

    because there is no response or reply from kabam

    overheating will reduces the life of your device and battery [/quote]



    Long loading between fights in arena , lag during AQ fights , network outages, and doing Quest a few missed parrys

    Could be due to device getting hot

    i am surprised by the issue impacting Brand new players, something removed from game

    thank you my SUMMONER APPRECIATION gift , it arrived very late

    I think patch 19.10 is picking up more bugs each day.

    Will update soon, but expect a few more issues before my next update

    Members play safe
  • JJ28277JJ28277 Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: JJ28277
    Device and Model: iPhone 8
    Device Operating System: 11.4.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 19.1.1
    Game Mode: Alliance Quest
    Description of the Issue: App just closed out and when I went back in I was at 50% health.
  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    Device: iPhone 8
    OS: iOS 11.4.1
    Game version: 19.1
    Signal: WiFi only
    Game Mode: Arena mostly
    Description: Phone gets very hot after about 8-10 rounds in arena. The game begins to lag, character interactions do strange things, and the game eventually crashes if I try to keep going.
    @Kabam Miike Are you all still aware that this issue is back for some with newer devices, seemingly iPhone 7 and newer, and apparently never fully disappeared for iPhones and iPads older than the 7?
  • Ajjohnsbb8Ajjohnsbb8 Member Posts: 191
    edited August 2018
    IGN StormHawk4
    Device IPad Mini 4
    Version iOS 11.4.1
    Cell Or Wi-Fi Both
    Game Version 19.1.0
    Game mode Event Quest (RTTL)
    Issue, Major Lag When Using Void, Wasp, And Ghost Rider
  • SantaGulkSantaGulk Member Posts: 72
    In-Game Name: DoesNameMatter
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: IOS 1.4.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 19.1.1
    Game Mode: Every mode
    Description of the Issue: I can play at most 15 mins each time. After around 15 mins, my phone starts burning and the lagging is too obvious to continue playing. I don't think the patching works.
  • Running_manRunning_man Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2018
    Device: iPhone 6
    Operating system: iOS 11.4.1
    Playing on WiFi and cellular
    Game version: 19.1.1
    Game is still causing overheating and lag in every mode of gameplay. When the game lags, controls no longer work the way they should. Parry doesn’t register, champs just stop moving. I don’t believe the latest updates have fixed anything.
  • AbarttoirAbarttoir Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2018
    IGN: Abarttoir
    Device: iPad Pro (ML0F2NF/A)
    OS: iOS 11.4.1
    Cell or Wifi: Exellent WiFi connection
    Game version: 19.1.1
    Game mode: Mostly while questing, especially during tough quests like Act 5 and Uncollected Enter the Cabal. Sometimes during Dungeons, AQ and War. And sometimes in menus before selecting a game mode, or during upgrading of a champ.
    Issues: All of a sudden controls become EXTEMELY laggy and unresponsive... For instance while charging Hyperions heavy attack, in stead I do a medium. Blocking or parry becomes an attempt to attack. It’s like fighting Thanos when his Choas Stone was up, a while back. This doesn’t appear incidentally but almost every time I’m near the end of a tough quest. A bit deeper in the map, after small amount of time. All out of the blue, and almost every time when you’re “to far in” to just start over. This costed me dozens of uncessery revives and 1500+ units (that I wouldn’t have spend if the controls where normal).

    For instance while most people could fight Red Skull and Adaptiod in this months Uncollected with Ronan, while performing a 5 hit combo, I could only land 1, 2 or 3 hits and Ronan just stopped with hitting or swipe back or block by himself... mid combo. All fights before the end boss of the stage went super smooth and when you’re finally attacking the boss you get this. It burned a lot of uncessery recourses and it’s really starting to annoy me. To put it lightly.

    Also sometimes in menus in between, things get selected while I ain’t pressing anything. Or while opening crystals or upgrading champs.

    For my internet connection I’m using a very stable 200 Mbit/s up- and download optical fibre connection with a modern premium router that’s placed a few feet away. Without any other routers in the neighbourhood interfering on the channel. Every other game I play goes without any issues. I have enough free space on my iPad and have closed all other apps, deleted almost every other App on my device, rebooted, reinstalled, etc. It’s not me, it’s 100% the game.
  • ImmortalHWImmortalHW Member Posts: 7
    GN: Booptie
    Device: iphone 6s
    IOS: 11.4.1
    Cell or Wifi: Both
    Game version 19.1.1
    Issue: Parrys are not catching like usual causing my champs to get hit in AQ, Events, all forms of gameplay. Also in stash objects are showing up not as they actually are(for example it will show I have a cosmic t4 catalyst and then I click over a tab and then back again and then it'll show the actual t1 alpha. So far no other issues to report with this update including no more over heating. I have switched back to Iphone to use for this account for better game play.
  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    I've posted on here before. I run an iPad mini 4 and suffer from a lot of the same problems other's have mentioned. The device gets hot and lag sets in.
    On thing I've noticed, maybe this will help others, I tend to play with the device plugged in and most of the time it's fine. Every once in a while the lag will be horrible and if I unplug the device the lag improves instantly.
    Kabam really needs to fix this issue, my device is plenty powerful enough. Like most people I'm sure the compensation wasn't near enough for all the resources we've had to use to overcome game problems and missed rewards.
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    tonyj007 wrote: »
    Device iPhone 7

    Device Operating System: 11.4.1

    Mobile Carrier: No

    WiFi Only

    Game Version 19.10

    New content added Dungeons , expect your devices to fry . get the frozen pea while playing game
    Have reported and confirm that phone is still over heating , but there is no point reporting any issues

    because there is no response or reply from kabam

    overheating will reduces the life of your device and battery



    Long loading between fights in arena , lag during AQ fights , network outages, and doing Quest a few missed parrys

    Could be due to device getting hot

    i am surprised by the issue impacting Brand new players, something removed from game

    thank you my SUMMONER APPRECIATION gift , it arrived very late

    I think patch 19.10 is picking up more bugs each day.

    Will update soon, but expect a few more issues before my next update

    Members play safe [/quote]


    The game is so unstable , constant network errors in all game modes, I have seen this is several youtube videos. It happens so often, it just part of the game now. Just too many bugs. its going to be a nightmare when new content is added to a unstable game (software)
  • FixxxFixxx Member Posts: 234
    Well a mod now has an 'answer' to the overheating, freezing, and crashing we in this thread are facing:

    That is a performance related issue, and one that we have been working on improving. So while there is no fix to address specifically devices heating up, we have worked on performance that should help with a number of performance issues.

    Source: 20.0 Discussion Thread

    They can't figure this out so they're just waiting for the new update and hoping this is the fix. We've been wasting our time here
  • Deejay16Deejay16 Member Posts: 10
    In-Game Name: Deejay16
    Device and Model: iPhone 6S
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.4.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both (Verizon)
    Game Version Installed: 19.1.1
    Game Mode: All

    - Chaining four light to a medium attack, the medium attack doesn't happen
    - Tapping the special attack button doesn't register
    - Dashing back doesn't go far enough to avoid the attacker (i.e. the attacker's dash attack goes farther then my dash back making it unavoidable)
  • ImmortalHWImmortalHW Member Posts: 7
    In-Game Name: Booptie
    Device and Model: iPhone 6S
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.4.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 20.0
    Game Mode: All

    - Chaining four light to a medium attack, the medium attack doesn't happen
    - Tapping the special attack button doesn't register
    - Starting to overheat again.
    - Dashing back doesn't go far enough to avoid the attacker (i.e. the attacker's dash attack goes farther then my dash back making it unavoidable)
    - When Specials do register they are getting blocked mid-combo or not when I press them causing me to die in uncollected which I'm sorry but as big as my account is and the money I've spent is unacceptable.
    - Dash back isn't working hardly at all
    - First level of uncollected has an unblockable node in which everyone gains unblockable, which while my dash back isn't working is just a money grab for revives. Who in their logical right mind puts out a patch, limited testing, brand new content, and gives unblockable node for each champ without knowing if the the dash back is functioning properly? Greedy people that's who. I code and I can tell you that we don't put something out without testing it first to avoid just this kind of thing. Quality over quantity. Put a node like this in the beginning of an event without testing it again and I, along with another 10 thousand people again, will leave the game just like they are doing in droves as I type. What in the hell happened to our beloved game?
    - @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Miike @Kabam Sophia This is not aimed at you guys because I'm well aware you do what you can and relay what input you can. I am a long time player and I've never EVER spent 5+ revives and 20+ potions in the first chapter of an event let alone the first part of the first chapter. It's an iPhone 6s so it's not outdated by any means. Always test the 6, 7, 8, and X series as well as the Samsung 6, 7, 8, and 9 series of their brands. Take care of the people that have been here and still hanging on because you're losing us, daily. Take heed. Unblockable node, first section ay? first ten seconds is all you get? Tell the Devs keep putting out garbage nodes like this, and I assure you it's a done deal. That node isn't fun and competitive, it's ridiculous to have on the very first section, and it's garbage when the dash back function on an $800 phone doesn't work. You guys at Kabam are better than this. I've seen you at your best.
  • IGN: Leumas1993
    Device: iPhone 6
    OS: iOS 11.4.1
    Cell or WiFi : Wifi and cell
    Game Version : 19.1
    Game mode : everything
    Issues: I am experiencing extreme heat like the last patch. Even when I open the game to the load screen, my phone is getting unbearably warm. I experience lag as wel.l. Went for a legends run, and my game completely froze for five minutes.
  • SirLokiPogiSirLokiPogi Member Posts: 3
    Update to previous post : The game has gotten worse. Game is crashing in arenas after 2-3 matches. Consistently. Then it crashed in Event Quest after 3-4 encounters. Fight started and the two are dashing to middle. I didn’t even see enemy yet and game crashed. Loaded back immediately and my Champion’s HP was half gone. Is this how it’s going to be in the foreseeable future?
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi all!

    Thank you for sharing your detailed reports. This information has been passed on as we continue to work to improve performance of The Contest. We understand that it's frustrating to experience lag and while there may not be one quick fix for all devices, we are continuing our efforts to investigate and look for ways to improve.
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