Danger Room bosses
These Danger Room bosses are way to powerful. The Sentinel especially has been the worst. I've had to burn thru all my iso and catalysts upgrading champions and use all my potions and revives among units for more just to get thru them. The all heros rooms on Sunday was the most fair day. Please tone these bosses down some so that it can still be a fun and worthwhile event for everyone.
Cyclops and X23 were doing plenty of damage
Yeah, that’s what worked. After that, I went into AQ and mocked those loser sentinels, as I had faced and defeated their God. Who is only a 2*, as it turns out.
I assume they will see the metrics on alliance scores in the event, and realize today was a bit off. Lol.
Just hit him down as much with one before he reaches 100 analysis, then take the sp3. Rinse wash repeat 5x and he’s definitely gonna go down faster than soloing him at max analysis.
I think you have to rinse after you wash, otherwise all your things will just be soapy. And if you rinse wash repeat 5 times it's gonna be even worse.
I basically played him like normal. He would hit 100 charges before I even had 20 hits. 5-hit combo, bait his SP1, evade it all, repeat. Avoid SP2 at all costs after 100 charges.
Even then, I needed 2 champs to beat him on the Epic level.
Still have yet to use items/units on these challenges.
Don't care if Sentinel already completed analysis... still can dext his special.
But.. yeah.. so long boring fight.
All you need is "Git gud." and that paragraph will cover all the common rebuttals whenever someone has an issue with difficulty.
The sentinel has been the "hardest" but he's not that bad.
I don't consider myself to be super skilled, just about average.
I only completed act 5 2 days ago