Uncanny danger room rewards [Merged Threads] [Under Investigation]



  • CeresCPHCeresCPH Member Posts: 69

    Just completed Epic uncanned quest. It seems possible to rerun the room and collect the awards multiple times. I don’t mind the practice vs Emma Frost, but is it considered to be unfair use of a known issue?

  • CeresCPHCeresCPH Member Posts: 69
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    You can enter more than once and you actually need to to get maximum points in the event.
  • BadkingBadking Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2018
    @kabam miike
    Mine not fixed yet.. Its showing 30k milestone and mine score is 15k
    So what we can do about that..
    And it's shame every new events have problems and buggs...
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Not an exploit. You can run it until you run out of tickets. 4 times if you did all epic danger rooms and hit the alliance milestones
  • CeresCPHCeresCPH Member Posts: 69
    Perfect! Pretty confusing!

    I dont mind to use the energy for some Emma Frost practice and getting 5* shards and t2a fragments too.
  • LelahelLelahel Member Posts: 2
    Same, even if I find stupid to wast energy without rewards, i want the t2a milestone in the event, and so I just try to add some point doing a second master .... point didnt add up ....
  • BlessiiingBlessiiing Member Posts: 7
    I did a beginner and normal run this morning and i still haven't received anything points...
  • oakoak Member Posts: 43

    @Kabam Miike was this a visual bug?
    Today I did epic room again and got the rewards
  • MAN_AGER1MAN_AGER1 Member Posts: 30
    So my day has gone from bad to worse. I spent more units on defeating Uncanny Epic Emma and received nothing in rewards. Kabam please help
  • MAN_AGER1MAN_AGER1 Member Posts: 30
    My in game name is MAN AGER
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    edited September 2018
    After seeing the issue with Uncanny Rooms I waited to run additional runs to see what Kabam would do. When they said it was fixed I figured I would give it another go.

    Well, Heroic shows 0/1 so I could still collect rewards (ran 2 times, received rewards both times)

    But on Master it shows 1/1 (ran 2 times, NO REWARDS the 2nd time)

    I even waited until after they said it was "fixed" before running Master the 2nd time. Well, obviously it isn't "fixed". What shall happen now?
  • Batcoop425Batcoop425 Member Posts: 0
    I've had issues with this as well. From not getting milestone rewards(yes I've opened and closed my game, restarted the app, and shut down the phone.
    I'm not getting the chapter exploration/completion rewards...
    So since i used almost all of my potions and revives for the epic mode. Im not happy about not getting the rewards .

    So for me, just receiving tickets back. Isn't a proper fix. The energy used, potions, and the tickets. As well just send everyone all the milestone rewards.

  • ElojoElojo Member Posts: 15
    When will we be receiving missing rewards and solo event rewards?
  • SnurrisSnurris Member Posts: 440 ★★★
    Don’t have so much time today to play uncanny DR.
    Can I save up on the passes and run more times next week or will the passes not used today expire?
    Can’t seem to find info on this. Thx
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    edited September 2018
    Im one of the ones that ran master and epic when it was broke, I just did another master run and got nothing, did one of the easy rooms i hadn't done and got everything, then went back and did another master and it rewarded me that time and added points.
    Could it be because I ran a room where im not affected by the bug before going back to master and it made one of my broken rooms with 100% on it work?

  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    edited September 2018
    I've done enough runs for over 30k but it only shows 24k points will you also be giving us the milestone rewards we should have reached but didn't get unlocked because the points bug?
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    Yes you can keep them.
  • jvellusjvellus Member Posts: 21
    I ran a epic room this morning after waiting on the fix and still am not seeing the rewards. It was blank. I opened a ticket with support but figured I place it here as well to be seen and investigated
  • jvellusjvellus Member Posts: 21
  • LordPiyush24LordPiyush24 Member Posts: 32
    what about danger room completion milestones and our energy refills?
  • CosapieCosapie Member Posts: 3
    the only room i get rewards in the second time, was master. I've done it 4 times, and got 4 times the rewards.
    it was the only difficulty not marked as "100% done"
    i tried also the epic one a second time, and no rewards and no points in the event.
    it seems you've done a great job again ...
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    Hey All,

    As many of you have noticed, the fix is now in place. Sorry for the late reply on this, but I was looking for more details that I could share on how we're going to fix this for users that were Affected.

    If you had not entered a Danger Room, you can now do so safely. This bug will no longer affect you at all.

    If you were one of the Summoners that was affected by the bug, unfortunately this bug fix will not fix the issue for you, and you will not be able to earn any more Rewards from multiple completions of an Uncanny Danger Room that you had already entered. For those affected, we will be manually granting you all of the rewards that you missed out on from Danger Rooms you had completed, but did not receive rewards for. This grant will happen later this week.

    You are welcome to keep playing, and we will be sure to grant you rewards for any completion that you do not receive rewards for. On the other hand, you can also wait until next week's Uncanny Danger rooms, as they won't be affected by this issue.

    We are very sorry for the confusion and inconvenience that was caused by this error, and are going to make sure that we get you all the rewards that you would have earned. Thank you all for your patience!

  • SateszSatesz Member Posts: 49
    Player1994 wrote: »
    Hey All,

    As many of you have noticed, the fix is now in place. Sorry for the late reply on this, but I was looking for more details that I could share on how we're going to fix this for users that were Affected.

    If you had not entered a Danger Room, you can now do so safely. This bug will no longer affect you at all.

    If you were one of the Summoners that was affected by the bug, unfortunately this bug fix will not fix the issue for you, and you will not be able to earn any more Rewards from multiple completions of an Uncanny Danger Room that you had already entered. For those affected, we will be manually granting you all of the rewards that you missed out on from Danger Rooms you had completed, but did not receive rewards for. This grant will happen later this week.

    You are welcome to keep playing, and we will be sure to grant you rewards for any completion that you do not receive rewards for. On the other hand, you can also wait until next week's Uncanny Danger rooms, as they won't be affected by this issue.

    We are very sorry for the confusion and inconvenience that was caused by this error, and are going to make sure that we get you all the rewards that you would have earned. Thank you all for your patience!


    I just did 3 runs in epic, and from the 2nd and 3rd time I DID GET NOTHING (no rewards, no points). I said screw it, and tried 4th time, and I got the rewards AND the points as well. The fix isn´t working for all.
  • Cryptic_CobraCryptic_Cobra Member Posts: 532 ★★★
    I waited (like you said to kabam) to do my second runs through the uncanny rooms. You gave us the ok, saying that you fixed them and we could get rewards now. Well ya that’s bs, thanks for lying to me 739khcaj6npo.png
  • BrutalFatalityBrutalFatality Member Posts: 20
    I’m still not receiving any more milestone points for repeated runs. I’ve lost track on what difficulties I’ve ran more than once and I’m pretty upset about not being able to receive the final milestone for the Uncanny Completion solo event. I have put in a ticket about the issue nearly 17 hours ago without a response. I can only hope that the player base is appreciated and taken care of appropriately.
  • Cryptic_CobraCryptic_Cobra Member Posts: 532 ★★★
    Still broken, just ran a uncanny room 30 min ago and didn’t get solo points or completion rewards. Thanks for lying kabam, it’s still broken
  • PrinceEldarionPrinceEldarion Member Posts: 80

    I just did 3 runs in epic, and from the 2nd and 3rd time I DID GET NOTHING (no rewards, no points). I said screw it, and tried 4th time, and I got the rewards AND the points as well. The fix isn´t working for all.[/quote]

    same exact thing happened to me. Not getting rewards on 2nd and 3rd run but getting them on 4th

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