MD Refund Discussion [Merged Threads]



  • fabbassfabbass Member Posts: 39
    I spent units but got only loyalty back. What a shame, they clearly dont care, and dont wanna do it right!
  • CoachLedCoachLed Member Posts: 355 ★★
    I’m interested to see the breakdown of the refunds. I had 2/5 in MD and got 120,000 loyalty. An alliance mate had 4/5 in MD and got 600,000 loyalty and 3,000 units. Do those extra 2 levels really cost that much or did I get screwed?
  • fabbassfabbass Member Posts: 39
    CoachLed wrote: »
    I’m interested to see the breakdown of the refunds. I had 2/5 in MD and got 120,000 loyalty. An alliance mate had 4/5 in MD and got 600,000 loyalty and 3,000 units. Do those extra 2 levels really cost that much or did I get screwed?

    I also had MD 4/5 and got only 600k loyalty (no units), even spending untis to get MD to 4/5. They clearly screwed up this.
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    I dont remember how i got my Cores but it doesn't matter, 90 units and 0 loyalty for three Levels is day light robbery.
  • Logan_wpn_11Logan_wpn_11 Member Posts: 30
    So do you just roll the dice on some ppl to give units to ?? I received 120k of loyalty lol wtf is that? 0 units. This must be a bug. Im not accepting this, please fix.
  • Darkrider05Darkrider05 Member Posts: 288 ★★★
    I also got only loyalty no units refunded
  • YlyusYlyus Member Posts: 21
    I got nothing...was md 3/5, spent units and loyalty to get there....nothing returned whatsoever
  • SassyMastySassyMasty Member Posts: 314
    Is anyone else having the problem where their mastery points are gone? I had 3 levels of MD removed and I didn't receive any mastery points in return. Did they go into the ether?
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    SassyMasty wrote: »
    Is anyone else having the problem where their mastery points are gone? I had 3 levels of MD removed and I didn't receive any mastery points in return. Did they go into the ether?

    You are meant to see 3 points available to use, mine did not get put on anything else I did that myself
  • AlexJrSousa16AlexJrSousa16 Member Posts: 16
    Poxa Kabam assim você me atrapalha no crescimento do jogo. Eu não recebi as unidades que gastei com a dispersão não. Ajuda aí né, eu quero meu reembolso correto conforme eu gastei. Enquanto vocês não resolver meu problema, vou ficar vindo aqui. Isso é muito injusto, vocês só beneficiam certas contas é outras vocês não tá nem aí. Cadê a justiça nesse jogo ?1pb9d74xqdje.png
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★
    ditCdave wrote: »
    You should have given us mastery reset credits. Do you not realize how many years it took to collect those cores. Not only that you increased the core printing for MD. LVL5 requires 80. Really. Just another way to screw the little people. So hate this game.
    Bye forever

    MD5 was 80 cores before any MD changes.
  • BpenixBpenix Member Posts: 0
    I was at 5/5 prior to the change and my refund barely covered me to return to 4/5 MD. Can someone correct the refund so that I can choose what to do with my masteries.
  • rahatsadiqrahatsadiq Member Posts: 2
    I had spent 4k units on MD and today I just got 90 units and 0 loyalty. Can you please clear what is this what strategy do you have kabam for refund.
  • ICE_ICE_BABYICE_ICE_BABY Member Posts: 218
    SEND A TICKET TO KABam, not here
  • xxgonzoxxxxgonzoxx Member Posts: 83
    Yeah !wheres the units!
  • ChineseChampion868ChineseChampion868 Member Posts: 113
    I put two ranks into mystic dispersion before I got a refund. However when I got refunded I only got the loyalty and no units. I think I got about 130,000 loyalty. Kabam plz fix this and make it a full refund wit loyalty and units.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,944 ★★★★★
    Just read the announcement. Or other threads on this that were already created ...
    You got 120k loyalty, which means you got what you spent. You aren't suppose to get units
  • KattohSKattohS Member Posts: 717 ★★
    I got over 3k units and 56k loyalty.

    Guy in my alliance got over 1 mil loyalty but only 190 units.
  • CptMuffinCptMuffin Member Posts: 85
    So, a buddy in my alliance had Mystic Dispersion at rank 4, his refund was 30 units. Thats it. No loyalty, just 30 units. For 75 mystic cores.

    I on the other hand had it at rank 5 and my refund was 1,032,000 loyalty and 810 units.

    Others in my alliance also had wildly different refunds for the same rank of Mystic Dispersion. Some received 240,00 loyalty for rank 4 while others received 600,000 loyalty also for rank 4. My compensation after I did the math was for 1 mystic core (156 cores, only 155 to max MD) too many but others seem to have been hosed on theirs. What's going on?
  • Chadpool1Chadpool1 Member Posts: 348
    It says there’s a refund for units but no units refunded. Granted it’s been some time since I did this and can’t remember what I spent on it so not sure if they got it right or not
  • NirocharlieNirocharlie Member Posts: 54
    Got 120k loyalty back for MD refund. Had it up to lvl4, meaning the refund doesn’t even come close as a full refund. Especially as I have spent units on a few cores at least a few times.
  • TheeWolverineTheeWolverine Member Posts: 78
    Ok so they paid out Mystic D, and I didn't get what I paid for it. I paid units only for lvl 2 and 3 cause wasn't in a alliance to earn loyalty. So what do they do? They give me 450 units and 160,000 loyalty! That's total BS. This proves they have no clue how to research what people spend or that they too lazy too. Hope that you are gonna just respend it on MD again. Well guess what Kabam not gonna cause it's not worth it anymore.
  • Harbinger195Harbinger195 Member Posts: 139
    So can anybody please explain to me how the refund works. I know I have spend well over 2k units on buying the cores to get my MD up to level 4 but I got loyalty back instead.

    I would not really mind but from what I can see some people are getting the units back but there does not seem to be any clarity on what is exactly going on?
  • TheeWolverineTheeWolverine Member Posts: 78
    So sick of this **** and this company. And the BS answers they are/or will give for what happened.
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★
    Chadpool1 wrote: »
    It says there’s a refund for units but no units refunded. Granted it’s been some time since I did this and can’t remember what I spent on it so not sure if they got it right or not

    Hard to complain if you don’t know if there’s an issue.
  • IsItthoughIsItthough Member Posts: 254 ★★
    @Kabam Miike Why weren't we refunded the Carb cores and Stony Cores that were needed to open MD? I now have 800 units in a mastery I will not use. If you were removing it all it should have been locked completely, the whole idea was to allow summoners the chance to use other masteries but now I have to buy those cores to open one.
  • HiggssHiggss Member Posts: 5
    Wow you got completely screwed I got this and was still short 104k loyalty umq0fuli6kd7.png
  • atbatmatt10atbatmatt10 Member Posts: 8
    This how much I got for MD4: fz5gbaz8yn5d.jpg

    This how much my alliance mate got for MD4:

    Please explain lol
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    edited September 2018
    I got something like 250k loyalty and around 3500 units for having unlocked all 5 ranks.

    I haven't done the math, but it looks about right. I know I got tired of slowly acquiring them all via loyalty, so I said screw it and spent over 3k units to buy the remaining.
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★
    This how much I got for MD4: fz5gbaz8yn5d.jpg

    This how much my alliance mate got for MD4:

    Please explain lol

    You realize that you could have obtained cores through units and/or loyalty, right? So there is no one refund template, which is why you could have unlocked the same level of MD and received different refunds.
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