Which Mystic characters will Mystic Dispersion still help?

bamabbbamabb Member Posts: 17
The new Mystic Dispersion has me a little confused. I use Mephisto, Morningstar, Dormammu in AW and Scarlet Witch as an offensive champ. So is Scarlet Witch now the only one who will benefit much from MD? I know GR and Magik will still benefit but I don't have them. Trying to decide if I should reinvest in MD. I had it up to 5.


    Doctor strange
  • CaramesCarames Member Posts: 284 ★★
    I haven't noticed any difference since the change. It sounds like it wouldn't benefit war defenders as much, but offensively and for questing, it's basically the same, imo.
  • MayhemMayhem Member Posts: 91
    Really the only thing that changed was for war defenders like @Carames said.
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    All the mystic...characters? That have...the...mystic...class?
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    All the mystic...characters? That have...the...mystic...class?

    Do you mean all of the mystic champs in the mystic class. Or do you mean *ALL* of the mystic champs in the mystic class?

    Because maybe there's some mystic champs in the mystic class that aren't in the...

    ...yeah I didn't really understand the question either.
  • PbishopPbishop Member Posts: 143
    edited September 2018
    I wouldn’t spend a dime unless you use SW,GR,Magik,Dormammu as offensive champs
  • CrushtestCrushtest Member, Content Creators Posts: 322 Content Creator
    nothing changed in offence.
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    dkatryl wrote: »
    All the mystic...characters? That have...the...mystic...class?

    Do you mean all of the mystic champs in the mystic class. Or do you mean *ALL* of the mystic champs in the mystic class?

    Because maybe there's some mystic champs in the mystic class that aren't in the...

    ...yeah I didn't really understand the question either.

    Yeah, it benefits mystics so, idk what the OP was asking really, nothing is different on offense
  • bamabbbamabb Member Posts: 17
    Yea I guess I didn’t ask the question correctly. Mephisto, Morningstar, and Dormammu I have really only used on AW defense. I don’t have Magic, Ghost Rider, Dr Strange, ect.. So did the change to MD pretty much make my Mystics (Morningstar, Mephisto, Dormammu) useless? Therefore no reason to put MD back? I do have Scarlet witch, but not sure if it’s worth putting MD back just for her.
  • BeginthEndBeginthEnd Member Posts: 334
    Please see rank down ticket post and click yes. Anyone that actually had 5 points in Mystic dispersion, I cant imagine anyone would disagree. Please vote yes or hit like on comment.
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    i run MS for war offense almost exclusively so the MD changes had no effect, really happy to FINALLY see that change implemented.
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    All that changed was defense. This is something that was broken and should have been changed a long time ago. If you are using it for offense it’s still one of the better masteries imo. Offensively all mystic champs benefit from it.
  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Hurt Voodoo's special 2.. that's the biggest thing I noticed
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