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Monthy Quest - Why is Heroic Exploration Required



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    BfndBfnd Posts: 1
    Agree. It's just an unnecessary burden. Game has plenty to do to keep up. We don't need the added workload.
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    Absolutely agree. It is an absolute annoyance having to auto play the Heroic just to unlock Master. Having to buy energy refills just to finish Heroic so you can buy even more to play Master. That's what is unfortunate.
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    Hemin1805Hemin1805 Posts: 1
    Yeah due this bordem I don't even play heroic, it is really frustrating. If some from kabam team listening to us then please help.
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    RoaringSorcererRoaringSorcerer Posts: 1
    I can't agree more. Exploring heroic for unlocking master mode is too hectic.
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    RaganatorRaganator Posts: 2,527 ★★★★★
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    2StarKing2StarKing Posts: 855 ★★★
    Yes make Master immediately available. Keep requirement to do Heroic for Legend Runs.
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    No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Posts: 471 ★★
    2StarKing wrote: »
    Yes make Master immediately available. Keep requirement to do Heroic for Legend Runs.

    Even the idea of having to do heroic for legends is really really dumb. There is nothing legendary with 1-2 hit killing your way through heroic. Just limit it to master. but of course it has nothing to do with common sense, it's about selling energy refills, masteries, and advanced questing bundles/boosts.
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    RehctansBewRehctansBew Posts: 442 ★★★
    The energy cost is what makes them the money, they know it, Hence why they add in extra events like Webslinger and the spidey events. Anything that makes you spend units makes them money.
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    HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Posts: 550 ★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    The solution is to make heroic as difficult as master and double the difficulty of master mode. Of course increase rewards accordingly.

    Kabam there is not excuse, master mode aint master. You need to make master mode as hard as 5.2.4 and double the rewards.

    Or maybe add another level after Master
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    HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Posts: 550 ★★
    For those complaining that it isn't challenging enough to do Heroic, you could just do it with lesser champs.
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    explorershaneexplorershane Posts: 34
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    SchanchezSchanchez Posts: 4
    I don't wanna play heroic...wanna go for master directly....
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    SirnoobSirnoob Posts: 952 ★★★
    Now this is something i can get behind hell even if kabam wanted people to still do it for legend reasons they could just have it set so if u unlock early u get disqualified from legend times
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    ArtttonArttton Posts: 59
    Topic of the year buddy,

    Pls kabam consider this, heroic is boring as hell at some lvl at the game.
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    CapWW2CapWW2 Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    edited July 2017
    So much disrespect to the legend mutamatt. His point is very valid. The game is perfect i dont have problems on iphone. You are having problems? Stop being cheap and buy a iphone 7. @JazzyJeff1981.

    It should be optional to play whatever difficulty you want. But @Kabam Miike make this stuff triple the difficulty for X3 the rewards please. Heck make it 5 times the difficulty and adjust rewards accordingly. Do healblock for the whole quest also so people cannot use potions, then you can make up the revenue.
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    rwhackrwhack Posts: 1,057 ★★★
    this idea needs to have legs
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    Neroa65Neroa65 Posts: 302 ★★
    I agree with the OP. Aside from being able to play master without having to play heroic, the master difficulty itself isn't exactly difficult these days. I would suggest adding another difficulty like maybe legendary or something but only level 50 players upwards would have access to it or something like that or increasing the difficulty and rewards for the master mode quest.

    Aside from that, even while heroic is a walk in the park, the rewards from it are worth it imo. It simply shouldn't be a requirement for access to Master Mode.
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    JabbawokkyJabbawokky Posts: 139
    Nothing legendary about buying a title. People complain about things but fail to realize you help create the problem. As long as people are spending an arm and a leg to complete everything, expect more of the same thing. Take the webslinger event for example. Its supposed to be harder than bautista but the only hard part is a stun immunity node on every stark spidey which ensures you alot of people will spend to complete it. The players never let kabam down. Stop paying to finish every single event and kabam will really consider changes. You have a month to finish but rush to finish in 2 days.....thats near insanity on your part but brilliance on the part of Kabam.
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    JabbawokkyJabbawokky Posts: 139
    Plus you have to consider the fact that Heroic is very easy for alot of people, but it is at the same time difficult for alot of people. You have just as many people under level 50 as people above it. Making everything harder is not fair to those. Everyone doesnt have a roster full of 5/5 and 4/5 champs
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    Jabbawokky wrote: »
    Plus you have to consider the fact that Heroic is very easy for alot of people, but it is at the same time difficult for alot of people. You have just as many people under level 50 as people above it. Making everything harder is not fair to those. Everyone doesnt have a roster full of 5/5 and 4/5 champs

    I'm not saying anything about the difficulty, only that exploration should not be required in order to unlock the harder difficulty. There is no requirement to finish easy, or normal prior to taking on her heroic, so there should not be a requirement for heroic to be explored before master is open.

    In my opinion, the difficulty is tuned perfectly.
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    CapWW2CapWW2 Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    We should have a legend difficulty after master with rewards accordingly
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    ✊ bump ✊ need this
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    Jobi_ManJobi_Man Posts: 16
    Just remove the key and the requirement.
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    ctp1223ctp1223 Posts: 290
    Nothing else should be changed besides the requirement to do heroic before master. That is all.
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    MagicBentonMagicBenton Posts: 287 ★★★
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    Ramllok71Ramllok71 Posts: 2
    I agree! Let me do masters first... Then the other levels if I want and have time!
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    Superman69Superman69 Posts: 534 ★★★
    Agreed. Master should be unlocked by default. Or at most, change the key from exploration to completion reward.
    Or for Summoners who have already done a previous master difficulty and have any master's title, have it unlocked from before. Or give the uncollected a GRAND-MASTER key that unlocks all master difficulties.

    Even for legends run, heroic shouldn't count anymore. If you say it's not fair to the players who had to do both, remember when time attack first came ? It required players to do ALL the difficulties of the quest, from beginner to Master, so the current one isn't fair to those players too.
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    CoobzCoobz Posts: 1
    Couldn't agree more, and i'm only level 39.
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