Ocult Labs reroll issue same as Modoks Lab [Under Investigation]

The reroll when leaving the ocult lab screen returns to the original one.
I just wasted around 5 reroll items and a revive to end up with the first set of buffs.
I just wasted around 5 reroll items and a revive to end up with the first set of buffs.
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
Here’s the proof.
After 7 months, it's still not fixed. We demand compensation.
Champs with passive damage like Domino, Dorm, etc require very specific champs to kill. Even more so, they require the right set of nodes, especially with 4 or more. Certain combinations of nodes basically make some fights impossible. Given that re-roll dice are limited, each re-roll is precious. I left the room and couldn't get anywhere near as favorable re-roll with my remaining dice.
Please fix this and consider removing champs that can decimate five 4/55+ champs without landing a single hit.
Thanks for this information. We are currently looking into this issue and will let you know when we have any updates on its status.
In fact, as you use items, it should Automatically move the next upcoming items from Stash into normal Inventory.
Thank you for answering and for looking into it!
We hope it gets resolved soon.
Please try and look into returning some of the items lost when encountering this bug
Thanks again!
I used another reroll after I died of course and got even worse buffs!!!
It was the same stuff last time with labs too if I remember correctly!
Yeah I know. But if they're not gonna do anything about it even though it's their fault and they know it than I might as well vent here. They might ban me from the forum but whatever. It's not like there's a point to this forum anyway if the devs not listening to the community so just F it!
Android, Galaxy S7.
Months coming to an end and honestly it’s a little demoralizing.
You didn’t fix it the first set of labs.
You aren’t fixin it now.
So when they return (we hope you improve them if they do), should we assume this would still be an issue ?
Before starting the fight screenshot the first set of buffs.
Reroll the randomizer.
Leave the Occult Lab. Go to AQ or exit the game.
Go back, the fight buffs are restored to the first set.
@Kabam Miike
@Kabam Wolf
@Kabam Vydious
I don't think it will be fixed any time soon so... next time a similar event will pop-up the bug will be there.
This was an issue with MODOK and remains an issue today. It appears to have been put on the “looking into” list nearly 3 weeks ago.
I continue to see the issue recur with Labs. Honestly, it isn’t an issue without the fact that the game restarts itself on iOS if you have to look away for even a short period of time (e.g., take a phone call, go to chat), which is a fairly common occurrence. I believe that was cited as an iOS issue when it first popped up, but if that could be fixed instead it would be great.
Could we just get an acknowledgment that this isn’t an intended Labs feature? How about some information about why it is so tough to fix? If it can’t be fixed this run, that’s a fair answer too.
For most of the systemic bugs that crop up, I don’t think any reasonable player expects immediate resolution. However, just a little give and take and dialogue helps a lot.
Dr. Zola
1. Fix this issue ASAP
2. Send out , say 100,000 gold to reimburse the community for wasted resources on re-rolls.