Occult lab



  • King363672King363672 Member Posts: 403 ★★★
    In all fairness, they announced that it would be very hard. That was pretty upfront. As for the increasing difficulty in these side quests, that's another debate. This time I can't really say much because there was a clear heads-up.

    Dude that's not fair . Next time they will say difficulty will be more
    Primmer79 wrote: »

    I know you say its another debate, but I do have to give them a hand that while its increasing, theyve added another level of difficulty overall. Semi-mid way point of "stop increasing the difficulty" and end game players asking for more content.

    Only end game players will be happy .I know they said it will be difficult but that does not mean that they will make it this difficult.
    In danger rooms they did the same thing listened to the end game players and increased difficulty.
    Did not thinked about the players who are semi skilled.
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  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Being a "scrub", this is my first time with all of these weird buffs, other than hearing YouTubers talk about them. Definitely makes it more strategic. But, yeah, I have plenty of 4-star champs, but not the skills necessarily to do the harder levels. No sweat. Just a game.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    If "being happy" means you have to get the best rewards, then yeah, maybe you won't be happy.

    If this game has shown one thing, its that it wants to make things more competitive overall while providing steps inbetween. Theres two models for this. Higher difficulty, and restricting entry with 2 or 3* champs. the rich get richer in this game because they can do the content. But there is always ways to catch up, and they quicken progression with each update.
  • FangmanglerFangmangler Member Posts: 77
    King363672 wrote: »
    Occult lab is so tough even at hard level and the buff is more troublesome.
    I am using team of 4 star rank 4 champ still not able to finish it .wasted my entry pass

    I had a team of 4 R4 L40 4 stars and a R2 L35 5 star so really you should either practise or don’t do it. It’s luck base anyways so it’s not gonna be easy.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,953 ★★★★★
    King363672 wrote: »

    Dude that's not fair . Next time they will say difficulty will be more
    Only end game players will be happy .I know they said it will be difficult but that does not mean that they will make it this difficult.
    In danger rooms they did the same thing listened to the end game players and increased difficulty.
    Did not thinked about the players who are semi skilled.

    It's fair in that my concern last month was the Uncanny Danger Rooms were significantly different from the regular Danger Rooms, and there was little indication as to what was entailed. Some disagree that there was little notice, fair enough. This time, they were pretty clear that it will be hard. As for it being harder next time, it may be, it may not. It's really up to what they want to put out. My concerns with these things are consistency, Rewards scaling, and accessibility. Any ear mark for cause to take notice usually has to do with the balance of those aspects.
  • G0311G0311 Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    never been a big fan of the lab I always have bad luck with rolls ended up having to buy the max rolls I did the Epic and had to use a revive and some health potion so I'm thinking should I try another epic ?or should I do when I pick one master everyday the Epic rewards aren't too great I got 1000 5 basic Crystal. Does anyone know if you can do epic twice and get a hundred percent rewards each time
  • axalon95axalon95 Member Posts: 15
    I think the difference in difficulty between Hard and Expert is substantial. I used my 2 entries on hard and expert. I was planning to do expert whole month as i am in dire need of t4b and t4cc. I was planning to avoid epic because the rewards are not that usedful to as of this moment and my 5* roster is not ver strong. So I entered expert 1st and was surprised with the number on nodes, PI and health pool the enemies had.
    expert (team rating requirement 30000).
    The average health the enemy has is somewhere between 60000-80000.
    Boss health is 150000 and upwards, I got void as the boss. I got some annoying defenders like void and juggernaut. Had to re-roll 4 times and used 1 revive at the end on void. This surprised me as the these were all 6* rank 2 defenders and boss was 6* rank 3 with and 8.5k attack, so 4-5 hits from the defenders and my champs were knocked out.
    Honestly, i was confused whether i had entered expert or epic.

    Then i entered hard difficulty (team rating requirement 20000)
    The average health of enemies was just 20000
    the boss health was 53000.
    This difficulty does not even have special active. It was extremely easy, no revives needed and no re-rolls needed.

    The difficulty is sure to vary from the enemies you get and the nodes they have. But you can see these 2 levels have huge gap in terms of health and attack.

    The team i used for both entries was
    blade void ghost- rider and medusa all 4* 5/50
    yondu 6* rank 1

    The hard difficulty crystal gave me 200 4* shards (decent for the time and effort it took)
    The expert difficulty crystal gave me 1500 fragments of skill t4cc (not worth the hassle)

    These opinions are according to me and the roster i used. I got lucky with some nodes and Ghost rider pulled a lot of weight, this might not be the case everytime. If I had a more stacked roster of 5*, i would definately do expert, but as i of now i am sticking to hard difficulty.
  • edited October 2018
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  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    Master was easy until I ran into an aspect of war Korg, I got halfway through Epic. Its so tough
  • G0311G0311 Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    zeezee57 wrote: »
    I ran master and I'm guessing there's some bugs going on. Fought a joe fixit with relatively easy nodes, 75k health. Used my 5/50 Medusa and hit him 97 times to do just over 20k damage. Went in next with IW Cap and dropped him in 27 hit, no sp2 used for those expecting a huge sp2 crit did the job. Cant make sense of it at all.

    I was pretty excited for this month but not so much for the rerun of Modoks labs just with even worse nodes then before. Sure it's doable with high enough champs but not that enjoyable.

    What did u get for Master? Can u rerun the same and get all the rewards
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    I just ran 2 Epics and HP on the 6 champs ranged from 130k - 150k. With the randomized nodes, it is quite the challenge. Big your big guns and be ready. I was able to finish both without any items and just 1 re-roll. Make sure to bring bleed/poison immune(s) so you don't have to waste re-rolls or hit someone like Abom.

    My Team:
    5/65 Blade
    3/45 GR
    3/45 Spark
    5/65 Void
    4/55 CM

    Solid advice. Also helps to bring a double immune champ for Biohazard.
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    Nah, this event is hard. The opponents are over powered even with a 5/65. Block damage in the thousands. The buffs are just ridiculous. Its not fun to me.
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    I hear people saying how easy it is. Yeah right, how many rerolls did you do and how many items did you use lol. I dont care how good you are, some of these nodes are ridiculous and you will die.Esp with opponents like mephisto at 35k PI and ridiculous nodes. Hope you have iceman. aura is in the thousands.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Rixob wrote: »
    Nah, this event is hard. The opponents are over powered even with a 5/65. Block damage in the thousands. The buffs are just ridiculous. Its not fun to me.

    When Kabam released their announcement about AQ Season 5 they said they designed Kingpin to reward players who intercept attacks. This seems like another step towards rewarding players who put the time in and practice their intercepting skills. LOL Red Hulk and LOL Star Lord are great places to practice intercepting with minimal energy costs, the same goes for arena once you've reached the infinite streak.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Rixob wrote: »
    I hear people saying how easy it is. Yeah right, how many rerolls did you do and how many items did you use lol. I dont care how good you are, some of these nodes are ridiculous and you will die.Esp with opponents like mephisto at 35k PI and ridiculous nodes. Hope you have iceman. aura is in the thousands.

    I brought all r5 and r4 5*. Always finished the boss with one champ left. Healed up once. Definitely not easy. But not as hard as some are saying. I probably would have had to revive once or twice if I came across that dorm in the other thread.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    Rixob wrote: »
    I hear people saying how easy it is. Yeah right, how many rerolls did you do and how many items did you use lol. I dont care how good you are, some of these nodes are ridiculous and you will die.Esp with opponents like mephisto at 35k PI and ridiculous nodes. Hope you have iceman. aura is in the thousands.

    I rerolled 1 time and used zero items in the 2 runs I did on epic.

    Having done all these "lab" style events in the past, I realize that certain combinations of champs and nodes can be near impossible.

    It pays to think about the team you bring and all the different potential situations you may be thrown into. I'm sure there will be a day where I get stuck with a terrible champ/node combo but that's just the way things go. It won't be like that every time.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,953 ★★★★★
    It's also important to remember that our Symbioid can do the Event as well. The idea is to Rank him and add enhancements.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    edited October 2018
    Shrimkins wrote: »
    Having done all these "lab" style events in the past, I realize that certain combinations of champs and nodes can be near impossible.

    It pays to think about the team you bring and all the different potential situations you may be thrown into. I'm sure there will be a day where I get stuck with a terrible champ/node combo but that's just the way things go. It won't be like that every time.

    Take notes kids, @Shrimkins just explained how to approach Epic occult labs
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    Shrimkins wrote: »

    I rerolled 1 time and used zero items in the 2 runs I did on epic.

    Having done all these "lab" style events in the past, I realize that certain combinations of champs and nodes can be near impossible.

    It pays to think about the team you bring and all the different potential situations you may be thrown into. I'm sure there will be a day where I get stuck with a terrible champ/node combo but that's just the way things go. It won't be like that every time.

    You may have gotten lucky. Everyones exp is different since the nodes are random. I finished but it was damn near impossible because of the nodes.
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    Primmer79 wrote: »

    I brought all r5 and r4 5*. Always finished the boss with one champ left. Healed up once. Definitely not easy. But not as hard as some are saying. I probably would have had to revive once or twice if I came across that dorm in the other thread.

    Thats the thing it isnt about skill with certain nodes. Prime example, node 1 start with 1 bar of power. Node 2 start with 2 bars of power. No rerolls left? Its over for you, instant s3.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Rixob wrote: »

    Thats the thing it isnt about skill with certain nodes. Prime example, node 1 start with 1 bar of power. Node 2 start with 2 bars of power. No rerolls left? Its over for you, instant s3.

    Bring iceman haha.

    snark aside, yeah thatd be a reroll. thats part of the strategy is not finding the easiest nodes but getting doable nodes.
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    Primmer79 wrote: »

    Bring iceman haha.

    snark aside, yeah thatd be a reroll. thats part of the strategy is not finding the easiest nodes but getting doable nodes.

    I did and i have the video lol ice armor didnt work
  • Ezra7676Ezra7676 Member Posts: 691 ★★
    It's tougher than I expected but I was ok with the rewards. I got 3600t4cc then 1kt4b from hard level. I'll probably do hard then master when I have a bunch of rerolls.

    2 guys in my ally are Elders Bane with 5/65 champs and had a lot of trouble with epic so not even going to try that with my one 4/55
  • TempterTempter Member Posts: 4
    Occult lab sucks
  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 762 ★★★★
    I love these labs... done epic everyday and got 6k t5b, about 12k t2a and loads of 5* shards...

    Takes about 20 minutes everyday to do twice and yes have to re roll a few times and used he odd revive here and there... but rewards are awesome.

    My view is make it harder, as long as rewards increase then harder the better
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