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i got banned !!



  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    i could be a very good day for me who didn't cheated .. but after seeing banned. .i cannot appreciate what kabam did...
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    Hazem wrote: »
    kabam doesn't ban anyone, they ban players after they see everything he has done, they don't ban immediately, it takes time...and ur time is over ;)

    Yes,,Exactly,,they r banning based on accomplishment ,, if i have accomplished beyond their expectation,,they have banned us.

  • HazemHazem Member Posts: 243
    Actually after what kabam did, I'm starting to like em
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    Me too,,if they haven't carelessly banned me...i really appreciate they banned all the faulters,,liars,,cheaters,,hackers,,scambags...but i m not such thing,,i m pretty sure of it
  • Oesername123Oesername123 Member Posts: 253 ★★★
    This is so satisfying to read. Thank you Kabam.
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    They didn't have any proof so they r not telling us BIG_WHY ???
  • HazemHazem Member Posts: 243
    Only thing I'm sad about, they didn't block banned users so **** threads like this would never exist
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    Hazem mate,,if ur account would have get banned,,i could be u inplace of me,,then u would know my situation..i really appreciate,,what u r trying to do...but i will not give UP !!!
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    KABAM please help me,,i know u r reading all this...but not answering...please
  • HazemHazem Member Posts: 243
    i wouldn't get banned cuz i never cheated...unlike u
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    Wow,,thats a strong accusation...what proof do u has...or kabam has...banned means cheaters...just WOW.
    just exactly like under trial means criminal
  • Uncle_Fatty_247Uncle_Fatty_247 Member Posts: 352 ★★
    waytohell wrote: »
    Hazem wrote: »
    kabam doesn't ban anyone, they ban players after they see everything he has done, they don't ban immediately, it takes time...and ur time is over ;)

    Yes,,Exactly,,they r banning based on accomplishment ,, if i have accomplished beyond their expectation,,they have banned us.

    So every player that completed any of the higher difficulty content is gonna get banned, based on your theory.... :confused:

    But seriously dude, give it a rest, posting your pleas of innocence in this forum will get you no where. It honestly was funny at first seeing all these players claiming they did nothing wrong, but now it's getting kinda sad, starting to feel sorry for you guys, a little.

    You obviously violated something in the TOS; maybe you didn't use a mod, I don't know, only you know the real truth, but you or someone using your account broke a rule and now you're paying the price.

    Accept it for what it is and move on...or you're going to emotionally wreck yourself...not healthy, especially over a mobile game.
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    Exactly !!!
  • HazemHazem Member Posts: 243
    The proof was said...u completed LOL 100% with r2 5* starlord..even noobs know that's not possible
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    u r a noob believe it is impossible,,seatin can complete web-slinger with 3*...say he is a cheater too...he is just damn very good player...that's all.
  • Uncle_Fatty_247Uncle_Fatty_247 Member Posts: 352 ★★
    Did you just compare Web Slinger to exploring LoL?

  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    i just make a point.
  • Oesername123Oesername123 Member Posts: 253 ★★★
    edited July 2017
    My suggestion is to move on and get a life. No, I'm serious. This tantrum is pretty sad.
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    Did you just compare Web Slinger to exploring LoL?


    Was going to say the same thing
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    kabam doesn't have screenshot or video as a proof that i completed LOL using mod..they have seen my account,,my current status...and think me cheater and banned me...is it fair
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    i have used around 10000 units to complete it...i cannot rest at peace knowing my units,,my efforts,,my everythinng got wasted based on a silly guess kabam did.
  • HazemHazem Member Posts: 243
    firstly, u never said u spent 10k units till now so it's a lie obviously, secondly it's funny how u lie, lie and lie till u believe that lie urself
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    Wow,,i didn't just told specific,,i said earlier tons of revives and potion...clearly,,u haven't read that properly.
  • beaupoembeaupoem Member Posts: 443
    i'm guessing from people's reactions to comparing web-slinger vs. LOL, that LOL is MUCH more difficult and that you haven't actually done LOL yourself (me neither, but i don't cheat).
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    again due to the fact,,that u has small imagination,,surely u didn't thinked of ton=10000units...
  • HazemHazem Member Posts: 243
    dude, if u use r3 5* sl it takes 6000+ units with the attack synergy team...u didn't even use that team and u finished it with a r2 5*, just try to make a better lie
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    when i compared,,i just give a point that if the player is godly skilled,,he can do even toughest battles efficiently.
  • HazemHazem Member Posts: 243
  • waytohellwaytohell Member Posts: 100
    Hazem,,u r telling so surely that u completed LO...i haven't told which team i used in LOL yet...i told team used on web-slinger...my LOL team was,,cb+im+ca+utron+sl
  • HazemHazem Member Posts: 243
    That's not the attack team synergy noob! PLUS, u did it 100% and no way in hell u can do that with that team and only 10k units
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