If the AI were actually intelligent, which champ would be the best defender?

Imagine ai that knows how to parry, intercept, dex, and chain into special attacks. Who would be the hardest to defeat?
I think it would be Quake. If the ai actually used her the way she is supposed to be used, she would literally be untouchable. She is probably the only character that can do continuous, unavoidable damage without having to touch or be near the opponent. The only champs that would have a chance would be hyperion (even then, he would struggle, as concussion would eventually cancel out his power gain), bw/av/domino/taskmaster (who all have built-in aa reduction or evade countering, without the need for buffs/debuffs), and champs with long heavy attacks (hype again, and howard the duck).
Other difficult defenders would be any power gainers like Hyp or Mordo.
I think it would be Quake. If the ai actually used her the way she is supposed to be used, she would literally be untouchable. She is probably the only character that can do continuous, unavoidable damage without having to touch or be near the opponent. The only champs that would have a chance would be hyperion (even then, he would struggle, as concussion would eventually cancel out his power gain), bw/av/domino/taskmaster (who all have built-in aa reduction or evade countering, without the need for buffs/debuffs), and champs with long heavy attacks (hype again, and howard the duck).
Other difficult defenders would be any power gainers like Hyp or Mordo.
As it is, you can tell the kind of AI you’re going up against in the first couple of seconds of the match and just stomp them pretty quickly with their counter.
Like earlier mentioned, Iceman would stop evade, and ice armor would remove stun. It would suck, but doable.
So the answer is: all of them
You’d have hyper aggressive Omega who’d never bait a special
Also I think a super passive Abomination that refused to do anything other than block could be funny too. Especially a random duped 5* abom r3 middle of nowhere and you ain’t got a poison immune cause why would you normally need one 😂
An interesting question would be: if a perfect zero-lag bot played both sides, and you ran a tournament where every champion fought every other champion (including a copy of itself) which champion would win the most fights?
Overall super intelligent ai would make fights dull, neither side would like to commit, much like if there was actual pvp.
At least super intelligent ai would be somewhat predictable. The worst ai for me is the ai on day 1 or 2 of aq. It's so stupid and passive it's totally unpredictable a lot of the time, rather choosing to stay back, blocking or just standing there. :
Every months we have ppl complaining how op is this new champ.
So, I agree with @AxeCopFire, any champs.