Cyber Monday question
I see the MCOC community was disappointed in the Black Friday offers. This is my first time seeing the offers. Are the Cyber Monday offers only cash based or are there unit offers as well. I’d love to spend my units on Awakening gems or max signature stones or maybe class specific tier 4 catalysts but not for generic catalysts.
RichtheMan reviewed them last year and covered the cash offers and the unit cache offers. He starts with the cash offers; skip to 7:40 to get to the unit offers.
The offer was broken into 3 parts. Buying the first would make the second available. Buying the second would make the third available. The cost was 1000 units, 3000 units, and 5000 units, respectively.
If you bought all 3, your 9000 units would buy you:
2000x 4* Shards
50x 4* Signature Stone Crystals
15,000x 5* Shards
20x 5* Signature Stone Crystals
6x T4 Basic Catalysts
50x T4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystals
1x T4 Class Catalyst Crystal
2x T2 Alpha Catalysts
That's 2016
It's not the 2017 unit offers. 2017 had 1k then 4k then 10k offer. Total 15k units.
Whoops! My bad. You're right.
Yeah that was the Black Friday offer, although they didn't really promote it as such except for sending an alert out. There's a screencap over in the Black Friday merged thread.
LOL, that is not going to happen so don't be dissapointed when the deal is coming to live. We still haven't gotten class specific 5* awekening gem deals only the crystal, so 6* awekening gem deals are def not around the corner.
Yes we have gotten a 5* specific class gem this year. It was a "choose your class cache" cash deal.
Do you have a screen shot of that? I don't remember any deals with class specific 5* awakening gem. Of course it doesn't mean I am right. lol
it was not a specific class it was random but about 30 £ cheaper than last years awakening deal I know because I purchased it pulled skill and awakened my 5* blade
We definitely have not. We've had random class and that's it
We did get 5 star awakening gem crystal. I think it was about a month ago.